Pagan Things

This is a post for Christians to understand pagan things. If you have ever asked yourself “what are pagan things?” or “what is paganism?” then this post is for you. I will refer to scripture whenever I can. The King James Bible (KJV) doesn’t use the word “pagan”. The word used around the time of the writing of the KJV is “heathen”. The word heathen is found 140+ times in the KJV Bible. It means a “foreign nation, also a troop of animals, or a flight of locusts”. You don’t want to be a troop of animals or a flight of locusts! You want to be a righteous people. I do have a very real fear. I fear that over thousands of years paganism has become so entrenched in your life that you cannot recognize nor identify it. You have a few decades to figure it out before you die. That is quite a challenge. Perhaps I can help you out right here right now!
It is my opinion that knowing what is pagan (the same as knowing what is heathen) will make you one of the smartest people on the earth. Smarter than 99%. Why? Because there are tremendous forces trying to convince you that the Messiah and Yahweh and the Holy Ghost want pagan worship. This has been going on for thousands of years. Literally there are powerful fallen angels tasked with convincing you paganism is the way. I will do my best to convince you otherwise in this post.
You will be shown the truth as best I can. I will be clear. Yahweh and the Messiah and the Holy Ghost are NOT heathens. NOR are they pagans. You may have to adjust your ways accordingly. Understand this reality. Lucifer has the benefit of thousands of years to prepare deception for you. You have a few decades (a much shorter window) to solve the deception and come to the truth. May the Holy Ghost help me write to convey the message of truth.
I suggest you pick up a King James Version Bible or download e-sword. Below I explain pagan things to you. I quote scripture where I can. This is a work in progress. I will add more to it. I cannot waste a day. It gets posted now …
American Days of the Week – Most of the American days of the week are named after pagan Norse gods. Especially Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. This fact should be enough to strike the fear of Lord God into you. If you live in America you live in a land where your days are named after pagan Norse gods. That last sentence basically makes my point for writing this blog post for you. Also see my post Thursday is Thor’s Day.
The Force – You didn’t know that it is a real life thing for real life witches to depart each other with the phrase “the force be with you”? I didn’t either until I read this article. It sure does change how I feel about Star Wars.
Sun worship – The Bible puts forth a calendar and significant events based on the moon. The sun is inferior biblically. So of course sun worship / solstice holidays are in direct violation to biblical teachings. It is pointed out in Ezekiel 8:16 quite clearly.
Astrology, Horoscopes, Zodiac Signs – Astrology is taught by the fallen angels to humans in the Book of Enoch. It is a practice made popular by Semiramis in Babylon. It is possibly considered worshiping the second heaven (see my explanation about Astral Projection in this post). You will find it almost anywhere you find paganism. Refer to Daniel 2:27, Daniel 4:7, Isaiah 47:13-14 to name a few.
Pyramids – There are entire books dedicated to this topic. I just scratch the surface. Do your own homework on this. You will find occult rituals where sitting in pyramids is a healing power or even a fountain of youth. That is a really bad idea. You are inviting fallen angels to possess you if you do such things. Demons have healing powers. I do not doubt that the demons can bring back youth. Read Mark 13:22. The dragon heals the beast’s mortal head wound in Revelation 13. It is very common theory that the Pyramids at Giza were used to initiate adepts into the “mystery religions”. In English that means the pyramids are pagan churches. Do your own homework as you will learn much about the pyramids and the occult. One thing is for sure. The Bible warns us about Egypt and their pagan ways over and over again. Just read Exodus.
Yin and Yang – The Yin and Yang is a representation that the God of Abraham’s kingdom is equal and juxtaposed to the kingdom of Satan and the fallen angels really and truly. And really and truly it is 1000% false. There is only one side that a 50 / 50 split in power would benefit. That would be the side of Satan. The power of the God of Abraham’s kingdom is infinitely stronger than Satan’s kingdom. That be said Satan has significant power (which is something most people don’t want to admit but he does). Satan was an original angel of the highest magnitude the seraphim. The Yin and Yang is still false. See Exodus 7:12 for a quick example of why Yin and Yang is false. Also the War in Heaven Revelation 12:7-9 clearly indicates Yin and Yang is not true.
Groves and Asherah Poles – I just wrote about this at length in my Statue of Liberty is an Asherah Pole post. Basically the Kings of Israel are judged by whether they erect groves which are altars to pagan gods in the woods.
Tree of Life Diagrams – Whenever you see a complex Tree of Life diagram you are seeing fallen angel doctrine. Run in the other direction. The Tree of Life is not displayed or explained as a complex diagram in the KJV Bible. Any complex diagram of the Tree of Life is pagan and meant to confuse. It is meant to “add esoteric meaning” where there is none. And if there is any esoteric meaning it is doctrine of the fallen angels to lead you away from Christ.
Astral Projection – This is a scary topic. Astral projection is the occult practice of leaving your body to travel to other places. Consider this scripture that is 2 Corinthians 12:2-4. I speak of the second heaven as the “astral plane”. Also consider that Satan is referred to as the prince of the power of the air in Ephesians 2:2. I think of the earth as the first heaven, the air and the atmosphere and outer space as the second heaven aka the “astral plane”, and beyond that the third heaven which is the Kingdom of God. Astral projection is “touring the demon spirit realm”. It is a terrifying place. Read William Schnoebelen – Lucifer Dethroned or Chris LaSala to understand.
Sigils – Sigils are “an inscribed or painted symbol considered to have magical power”. Sigils are used to summon demons. Think of a sigil as a personal symbol for a particular demon. I certainly would not study or stare at them. You may want to look a few up briefly. Just so you can identify a sigil if you ever see one. Ironically I now think of how the musician Prince wanted to be known as a symbol. A sigil can be considered a particular demon’s “name” which is quite ironic when it comes to Prince. It is my opinion that sigils are portals used to invite demons into this dimension from the spirit realm. Do not play around with them. Dangerous stuff. Far from Christian.
Osiris, Isis, Horus, Anubis, Thoth, Set, etc. This is the ancient pagan Egyptian god / goddess pantheon. Relied on heavily by Aleister Crowley to create his Thelema religion. Indeed he wrote the Book of Thoth which is an explanation of tarot card readings (divination). The Thelema religion is something promoted by Kanye West and Katy Perry today. I am sure there are many more celebrities that promote the Thelema. You need no more proof than Ezekiel 30:13 how the God of Abraham feels about the Egyptian pagan god pantheon.
Skulls – You will find skulls in pagan rituals all over the place. There is something called skull gazing which staring into the eye sockets of a skull to perform divination which is condemned in the Bible inDeuteronomy 18:9-12. Skulls can be real human skulls or animal skulls or crystal skulls for example. Obviously the skull is representative of the Harvard Skull and Bones secret society of which many know this society because of President George W. Bush and former Secretary of State John Kerry. Very much a part of Halloween and Dia De Los Muertos which are ancient pagan holidays celebrated long before Christianity ever came onto the scene.
Nimrod, Semiramis / Ishtar, Tammuz – This is the core of the Babylonian god / goddess pantheon. Let me teach you about a deadly snare. Many will say Jesus was inspired by Tammuz. That cannot be. First and foremost Jesus pre-dates Tammuz by his own words in Luke 10:18. Why? Because Satan was cast out long before Tammuz came on the scene. So to call Jesus the same as Tammuz is to call Jesus a liar. Jesus was ruling in the third heaven long before Tammuz was born in Babylon. It is Lucifer who copied Jesus in his deceptive plans through the centuries thus giving us Tammuz. Be very aware of this snare.
Secondly Tammuz is vilified in the Bible as seen in Ezekiel 8:14-15. This is not to say that Ishtar mother and Tammuz child have not infiltrated many giant churches (in particular one that has its own city called the Vatican). See my posts Batman is a Freemason and Statue of Liberty to learn some more things about Nimrod and Ishtar. Do much research on these three on the internet. Be warned yet again. By his own words Jesus pre-dates Tammuz. NOT the other way around. This is a deadly pagan snare that will trap you.
Meditation – You will find meditation in the Bible. However it is not the same meditation becoming popular today from Hinduism / yoga. The Meditation of the Bible is meant to focus on a particular scripture. Meditation in Hinduism / Buddhism / Taoism is one of two things. It is to “clear the mind” which primes an individual for demon possession. Alternatively in Hinduism meditation is to focus on a geometric shape aka “sacred geometry”. This sacred geometry is a demon portal. Very similar to a sigil. Soooo if you are staring at sacred geometry then the demon portal is in your mind. The occult purpose is to allow demons into your body. That is the purpose. Do not meditate as the Hindus do. It is not Christian. You have been warned.
Halloween, Easter and Christmas – This may be the most shocking explanation to you if this is your first time learning of this. You will find much about holidays in the United States being pagan in origin. Sad news. This country is not Christian. Do much studying on this topic. I will give you a few facts about the pagan holidays in America. Halloween is one of the two major Church of Satan holidays. So are birthdays by the way. Easter was purposefully set to NOT fall on the day the Christ was crucified which is passover. Easter was created by Constantine in 325 AD at the Council of Nicea. This exerpt is from the official Council of Nicea transcripts of a direct quote from Constantine …
“And truly, in the first place, it seems to everyone a most unworthy thing that we should follow the customs of the Jews in the celebration of this most holy solemnity, who, polluted wretches! having stained their hands with a nefarious crime, are justly blinded in their minds. It is fit, therefore, that rejecting the practice of this people, we should perpetuate to all future ages the celebration of this rite, in a more legitimate order, which we have kept from the first day of our “Lord’s” passion even to the present times. Let us then have nothing in common with the most hostile rabble of the Jews.” – Constantine, Council of Nicea, pg. 52.
Jesus and the apostles were all Jews. From this quote you tell me if Constantine liked Jesus and the Jews. Constantine is also responsible for the December 25th Christmas date. Meanwhile December 25th is a traditional pagan holiday celebrating the birth of ancient pagan gods Baal, Sol Invictus, Horus, Osiris, Attis, Mithra, Heracles, Dionysus, Tammuz, and Adonis. All of these pagan gods celebrate birthdays on December 25th. Take note that day is very close to the winter solstice (sun worship once again). Do not forget the deadly snare as I explained before! If you do your homework on these things you will be told ancient pagan gods are older than Jesus. Not so. Jesus pre-dates all of them by his own words in Luke 10:18. To witness Satan being cast down is to declare the Messiah older than any of these fallen angel pagan gods that claim to be “inspiration for the Jesus story”. On the contrary. Lucifer had thousands of years to “mimic” the Jesus story to shake our faith. The Messiah is not a liar. Do not be deceived by pagan god sympathizers!
Child Sacrifice – Forbidden in the Bible. Commonly referred to as “giving your seed unto Molech” (Leviticus 20) or “pass through the fire to Molech” (2 Kings 23:10 and Jeremiah 32:35). Think about how we do child sacrifice today. Contemplate what an abortion is. Abortion is offering up your child to Molech. Not by fire but just as wicked. Child sacrifice is still big business today. Abortion is an ancient pagan concept.
I have much more to add. It could not wait. This will get you started on identifying pagan things!