Kids Shows and Witchcraft

I have little kids in my family. They love TV. What kids don’t love cartoons? I have been noticing a ton of witchcraft in kids television shows. I specifically want to address the topic of witchcraft. Good news normal parents of the world. Today you are going to learn what magic and witchcraft is. By the end of this post you should be able to identify it on a basic level. This needs to be analyzed for the benefit of both kids and parents and me! By the way cartoons have been corrupt for a while. Now that I have discernment abilities I can go back and watch old school cartoons and see things that make me cringe from old cartoons just as well. Why do I cringe? Because I realize I was being brainwashed to love witchcraft. It stops now.
Can you come to grips with cartoons and cartoon networks and cartoon creators not being Christian? Not only come to grips but become aware. I am going to show not tell. Sometimes you have to read things you don’t want to. If you are particularly bold then read the Basics of Magick by K. Amber. Just like the title says – you will find the basics of magic within that book of course. Most of you will not be bold enough to read it so I am not going to link to it. I will tell you about it. Here are some of the symbols and practices found in the Basics of Magick book …
- earth, water, fire, and air
- pentacles, cups, wands, and swords
- hobgoblins, leprechauns, dwarfs, nymphs, genies, fairies, and elves
- mermaids, tritons, and sirens
- yin and yang, feminine and masculine, moon and sun
- chakras, meditation, hatha yoga, raja yoga, mantra yoga, kundalini yoga
- yellow square, silver crescent, red triangle, blue circle, black oval
- clairvoyance, auras, ESP, psychic healing, telepathy, telekinesis
- scrying, astrology, tarot reading, numerology
- summoning spirits to do the will of the magician
These are just some of the basics of witchcraft. I got it straight from the book. Every time I write an article I site resources to support my claims.
Now let us discuss television shows and movies. This doesn’t just apply to kids! Most people will say watching witchcraft TV shows is perfectly fine and perfectly innocent. I have a short parable for most people …
There was a young lady in a relationship with a violent boyfriend. After years of physical and emotional abuse the young woman built up the courage to leave the relationship. It wasn’t long before she found the man of her dreams! Her new man was handsome, caring, thoughtful, and a joy to be around. He was a gentleman if there ever was one. Her life is perfect – except for one thing. The young lady constantly goes through scrapbooks of her time spent with the violent boyfriend. She enjoys viewing these scrapbooks often. How do you think her new man feels about it?
I admit its not the most Christian parable you have ever heard lol but in this parable the young lady is all of us. The violent boyfriend is Satan. The gentleman is Jesus. The scrapbooks are any TV shows endorsed by the fallen angels. These would include TV shows promoting magic and witchcraft, cursing, horror films, pornography, and over-the-top violence to name a few. If you think Jesus feels good about you watching witchcraft television shows think again.
I use the phrase fallen angels often in my posts. Did you know that the fallen angels taught mankind magic? If you believe the Book of Enoch contains truth then consider this excerpt from it …
And Azazel taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals 〈of the earth〉 and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. 2. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjaza taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, Armaros the resolving of enchantments, Baraqijal (taught) astrology, Kokabel the constellations, Ezeqeel the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiel the signs of the earth, Shamsiêl the signs of the sun, and Sariel the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven – Chapter VIII – The Book of Enoch
Magic and enchantments are the same thing. Let me explain magic to you in one sentence so that you understand now and forever …
Magic is prayer answered by a fallen angel.
There it is. As simple as it gets. When you cast a spell you are requesting the help of a fallen angel. When you get a reading from a psychic you are seeking advice from fallen angels. When you meditate you are rolling out the red carpet for fallen angels to possess you. Why do you think the Hindus and the Buddhists and the Taoists all meditate to achieve enlightenment? Why is meditation the necessary step? Do you think nothing happens when these monks meditate? Of course something happens! You channel fallen angels via witchcraft techniques. I am sure they give you powers like an X-Men. Have you not seen the power of witchcraft on this earth? Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, Maleficent, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, The Little Mermaid, Frozen? They sure do have the power to make money on this planet. They also have the power to influence tremendously. These shows are trying to convince you to accept witchcraft. Seriously! How do you think Disney built an empire? They literally built an empire powered by witches. This is a hard paragraph to accept. I fully expect most of you to reject this. Never forget you read this paragraph though. Some day you may realize I am telling you the truth. I hope it is some day soon.
On to the show. This is what I am good at. These are some of the popular kids television shows that I am aware of that promote magic and witchcraft. I am sure there are more than this. There are many. If you are a Christian that should strike some urgency into you to look into this. I am going to help you understand right now …
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The show is called Friendship is Magic! Beyond that …
“The show follows a studious unicorn pony named Twilight Sparkle as her mentor Princess Celestia guides her to learn about friendship in the town of Ponyville. Twilight becomes close friends with five other ponies: Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. Each represents a different facet of friendship, and Twilight discovers herself to be a key part of the magical artifacts known as the ‘Elements of Harmony’. The ponies travel on adventures and help others around Equestria while working out problems that arise in their own friendships.” – My Little Pony Wikipedia Page
“Elementals” is mentioned 32 times in the book The Basics of Magick by K Amber. Elementals are often considered nature spirits. Fairies, dwarfs, elves, mermaids, hobgoblins, leprechauns etc are elementals for example. I interpret elementals as fallen angels by the way. You can make up your own mind about it.
The Fairly OddParents
This show is about fairies which are elementals as I just described. In case you have any doubt that this show is not about fairies.
Also it is not lost on me that the OddParents is a similar word to the Odd Fellows which is a fraternity that has much in common with the Freemasons. You can do your own research on the Odd Fellows if you like.
The creator of The Fairly OddParents is Butch Hartman. He is great friends with Seth MacFarlane whom created Family Guy in real life. In fact Dr. Elmer Hartman on Family Guy is named after Butch Hartman. From the minds that brought you filth like Family Guy for adults comes Fairly OddParents for children! Here are some of the names of the episodes for this show. They include Fairy Idol, Hex Games, Mind Over Magic, That Old Black Magic, The Masked Magician, Which Witch is Which, Dadbra-Cadabra, Abra-Catastrophe. Let me just use one of these as an example to show you what you are dealing with. Abra-Catastrophe is a longer episode considered a movie. It is time for you to learn about the word abrahadabra. If you think this is innocent prepare to be shocked. Enjoy some Thelema religion brought to you by Aleister Crowley whom is the self-proclaimed Beast 666.
“The literacy series takes place in a colorful world resembling that of inside a fairytale, in which the central characters reside. The show revolves around young troll Wally Trollman, who uses his magic stick to turn words into physical objects or occurrences, along with his pet dragon Norville and other friends. The duo occasionally runs into trouble, mostly caused by Bobgoblin. A young troll uses his magic stick.” – Wallykazam Wikipedia Page. Just wow.
Elena of Avalor
“Teen princess Elena Castillo Flores has saved her magical kingdom of Avalor from an evil sorceress and must now learn to rule as its crown princess. Elena’s adventures will lead her to understand that her new role requires thoughtfulness, resilience and compassion, the traits of all truly great leaders. Since she is only physically 16 years old (although she spent another 41 years conscious inside the Amulet of Avalor, actually making her 57), she must follow the guidance of a Grand Council composed of her grandparents, older cousin Chancellor Esteban and a new friend, Naomi Turner. Elena also looks to her younger sister Isabel, her friends, wizard Mateo and Royal Guard lieutenant Gabe, a spirit animal named Zuzo, and a trio of magical flying creatures called Jaquins for guidance and support.” – Elena of Avalor Wikipedia
Grand Council you say? Sure does sound a lot like the Grand Lodge of Freemasonry. Five minutes later I found the medal grandfather Francisco wears on his uniform. I googled “freemason medals”. It is a Knights of Malta medal he wears on his chest. It is a symbol of very high rank in Freemasonry. Google “knights of malta medal freemasonry” and you will find many examples. I will show you. Do you see the Knights of Malta Medal on Francisco’s uniform?
If you did then good. You see what I see. But did you see it on his guitar?!
Little Charmers
Just wow. View the Little Charmers wikipedia page. There is so much magic on that wikipedia page it makes my head hurt. I can’t even stay on that page too long. The magic is in your face and children that watch this are absorbing it up. The creator of this abomination is Jennifer Dodge and Irene Weibel.
Star vs the Forces of Evil
“Star Butterfly is a magical princess from the dimension of Mewni. On her 14th birthday, she receives the family heirloom wand. After she accidentally sets fire to her castle, her parents decide that a safer option is to send her to Earth as a foreign exchange student. She befriends Marco Diaz and lives with his family while attending Echo Creek Academy. Star and Marco must deal with everyday school life while protecting Star’s wand from falling into the hands of Ludo, a villain from Mewni who commands an army of monsters. Star and the folks from Mewni are able to travel across dimensions using ‘dimensional scissors’ that can open portals.” – Star vs the Forces of Evil Wikipedia
This may be the most evil show of all. The creator of this abomination of abominations is Daron Nefcy. Even my friends who “don’t know magic isn’t Christian” won’t let their kids watch this show. Star has demon horns for goodness sakes. This post may never end if I began breaking down this show. This image from this cartoon that I have posted above is just so perfect in symbolizing witchcraft. Let me be very clear. The New Age is candy coated witchcraft. The New Age in one sentence is “a people who think they are ‘good’ whom in fact learn all they know from fallen angels”. Just like Azazel teaching humans enchantments in the Book of Enoch. It is still happening thousands of years later. Understand the hypocrisy of the image I chose for Star vs the Forces of Evil. There is a giant rainbow. The rainbow was the promise to Noah in the Book of Genesis from the KJV Bible. The promise was to never rain down a terrible flood to kill us all off again. Why was there an extinction level event flood in the first place? Because people were practicing witchcraft amongst other abominations! Please see my post He Wants His Rainbow Back for more information on the rainbow conspiracy.
I now present you Stephen Dollins. Stephen is a former devil worshiper now a brother in Christ whom will explain to you fascinating things about Pokemon and witchcraft better than I can …
I am sure there are many more cases of witchcraft in kids television shows. I bet you can think of some that I haven’t even brought up. I bet you can think of some “teenage” or “adult” tv shows that are just as bad or even worse! I am frustrated that parents who claim to be Christian don’t know what witchcraft is. I am concerned they have no idea that witchcraft is actually the opposite religion to Christianity. I hope you now know much more now.
I leave you with this quote …
“They will make evil cute” – Stephen Dollins