26 Feb

How To Beat Sin?

Stay Focused on the Kingdom

I’m not going to lie. Lately I have been trying to take on the largest demons in my closet. I am speaking of those strong sins that don’t seem to ever go away. In scripture it is written you should be able to overcome all sin. But how? How to beat sin? Maybe it was just easier in the ancient days to be righteous. But for whatever reason in our life and times this can be a real struggle. It can be harder than Romans 6 or Matthew 5 make it sound to conquer sin.

Because of this I am constantly seeking that consistent state of mind that guards me against any and all temptation thrown my way. Sometimes I can find this righteous zone but it can be incredibly challenging to stay in this zone for good. You know what I am talking about if you are trying to accomplish this. And if you are not trying to accomplish this may I ask what are you waiting for?

Very recently I have had some success with this mentality for how to beat sin more often. It can be summed up in one sentence …

Stay focused on the Kingdom.

Did you know that Jesus mentioned the kingdom 100+ times in the New Testament? I would say Jesus was focusing on the Kingdom in his preaching. Maybe we should follow suit. Have you heard the scripture “put on the full armor of God” mentioned in Ephesians 6? I speak now of the helmet of salvation. Consider the Kingdom is the logical dwelling place for those saved. Also consider the definition of salvation is “preservation or deliverance from harm, ruin, or loss”. The two concepts are not far removed.

I encourage you to constantly remind yourself how incredible the Kingdom is for Jesus to mention it 100+ times. Remind yourself of it again and again. As humans we walk on the earth immersed in this world. Our minds try to justify and scheme a way to “convert” this world into heaven in my opinion. But we know who runs this world. Jesus told us who runs this world in John 15:19 and John 16:11. No matter what we try to do this world will not be that glorious Kingdom that we desire. I feel like I am writing this for myself as much as you – but so be it lol.

Look beyond the here and now to overcome here and now. When you can’t stand your crummy job and you want to sprint through the exit door never to return again stay focused on the Kingdom. When you are frustrated with being alone often because you don’t even know anyone saved stay focused on the Kingdom. When you see a political social media post from a friend that has you ready to unleash fire and fury stay focused on the Kingdom. Be citizens of the Kingdom before you approach the gate.

Everything rots here. Everything dies here. Everything beautiful here will age into ugly some day here. In the Kingdom not so!

P.S. If you get attacked in your dreams for this kind of thinking you are not alone. It means you are doing it right. From personal experience the demons hate this line of thinking and they don’t appreciate you acknowledging it one bit. Do not be surprised at all if you experience some “hostile” dreams because of your focus on the Kingdom. I experience this often.

04 Feb

The Save A Celebrity Campaign

Save A Celebrity

Recently I noticed the Christian scholar Johathan Kleck coming to the defense of lead singer Bono (Paul David Hewson) from the super popular band U2. Jonathan has been highlighting intriguing findings in U2 music videos and interviews. He is pointing out evidence that this music artist is essentially a Born Again Christian. Jonathan has gone so far as to say Bono knows what he knows. That is a strong testimony considering he delivers some of the deepest Christian knowledge found on the internet in my opinion.

This got me thinking about my first few weeks as a Born Again Christian. It wasn’t all that long ago. During this time I was praying for many celebrities actually. I just felt they needed it. I was frustrated more of them do not know scripture. I have a testimony to share about this. I have never shared this with anyone. I share it with you now. Two words. Britney Spears.

At the time I was praying that Britney Spears would quote scripture. A random simple prayer but very direct. A few days later this happened …


Britney Spears quoted scripture.

Needless to say I thought this was the coolest thing ever. Somewhere along the way I stopped praying for dear Britney. Recent content shared by Jonathan sparked a reminder to pray for celebrities. Then I got to thinking. What if I adopted one celebrity to pray for daily? Wait. I have a better idea. What if we all adopted a celebrity to pray for daily?

A movement is born.

I present to you a brand new movement. The goal? To turn celebrities into smarter Christians. Is Hollywood too wicked for you? Finally you can take action.

I hereby create the #SaveACelebrity campaign. Herein defined are the rules …

1) You pick a celebrity to sponsor. Pick one. The beauty of this campaign is multiple people are going to be praying for the same celebrity with laser sharp focus. This is going to get results.

2) Pray for your sponsored celebrity daily to essentially learn scripture better. We can all learn scripture better. This prayer is ideal.

3) There is no end date to this campaign. It doesn’t end. It takes 5 seconds a day. Keep at it.

4) Use the #SaveACelebrity tag to help spread the word. Mention it on social media. Create content on YouTube, your blog, your Facebook, Twitter, etc. Make sure you read rule #5 though.

5) This rule is important. Any content you create concerning this movement is to be polite and kind and very respectful. Expect fierce resistance. Expect “I don’t need to get saved” etc. You should know based on your choice of celebrity to sponsor the truth about this.

You don’t convert Hollywood without a challenge. However from you there is no need for drama. Just keep praying with laser focus for your sponsored famous person daily. That is the only action required.

6) How to learn scripture better? I suggest starting with the New Testament of the King James Version. Start with Matthew Mark Luke and John and Acts. Then I suggest the prophets in the Old Testament. Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel and Daniel should be next. Then I prefer alternating between Old Testament and New Testament (Genesis then Romans then Exodus then 1 Corinthians for example). There are other ways. If you don’t like my method find one that works for you 😀

7) Pro tip. You can buy an audio CD version of the Bible on eBay for like $10. Simply search for “king james version audio bible”. I also suggest downloading the free software called e-sword to look up the true meanings of the words in the Bible. This way you can see the origin of the word in Hebrew which often you are not told about.

8) In one sentence I want to see more celebrities and influencers know scripture.

A little more on why I feel this campaign is necessary. Did you participate in the Book It Program as a child? Essentially the Book It Program has kids read books. Then kids write book reports. Then you could turn in the book reports to get a free personal pizza from Pizza Hut as I remember it. Something like this.

Who else used to read the first page, the middle page, and the last page and then try to do a book report? Of course this didn’t work! You have to read and understand the whole book to do a book report.

In essence too many people are reading the first page, the middle page, and the last page. There are 783,137 words in the King James Version Bible! We have famous people who think they know what the book says without reading it. And then passionately commenting on it falsely to many fans. This has got to change people.

If I needed confirmation to post this article I just got it. I like the tv show Fixer Upper. A Fixer Upper episode just came on featuring Tim Tebow. Pretty much the first person you might think of if someone asked “hey which celebrity would you say knows scripture”? That is confirmation enough for me to post this. I am far from the most popular website on the internet. But you are here and you have read this. So I hope you participate! Time’s Up indeed.

Last thing. Hey Britney. I got you babe.

22 Jan

The Real News Awards

Hidden History Native Americans

Donald Trump has created a new thing called the Fake News Awards. This just may be Donald’s most noble act. His notion that the mainstream media produces fake news for the American people to consume is something. From where I sit Donald Trump has plenty of faults. I do my best to stay out of politics. The majority of politics is the Hegelian Dialectic personified to me (aka both sides are wrong). However I can certainly get behind this particular Donald agenda. To fight back against mainstream media for lying to the American people is truly making America great again. This is not an endorsement for Donald the man. The Father can do the judging on that.

Disappointingly in true Trump fashion the #FakeNewsAwards were all about himself. Which is a shame because there are plenty of other fake news nominees deserving of Fake News Awards. You can probably think of a few.

I thought it would be a great idea to borrow Donald’s idea. However instead of fake news I am going in a different direction. I am creating the REAL NEWS AWARDS honoring outstanding and truthful content from the past year. The point is to highlight news that neither mainstream media nor mainstream church are not telling you – but they should be.

I tried to pick topics that personally I never heard of before. When that wasn’t available I picked content that I thought brings significant value to the table. One final note. These winners just happen to be some of my favorite content producers on the Internet. I openly admit bias here! I only picked one video from each content producer. There are eight winners this year. Without further adieu I present to you the Real News Awards!

8) Lea DiNonno – The Truth About Disney

I get a happy feeling anytime anyone trashes Disney. Once you know the truth about Disney then you will too. Until then you will find that statement appalling. That is normal and part of waking up. When I watch Lea DiNonno destroy Disney in this video I see a female warrior in the spirit. Like something out of Gladiator or the movie 300. Swiftness and precision. I feel she would give a great speech. In fact I would like to nominate Lea DiNonno to give a speech at a future Women’s March. What an education those in attendance would get on that day! Her husband James does a great job of creating videos as well. Together their ministry is making a difference. Disney being wicked isn’t new. Some of the things she says in this video are. Thanks for bringing us real news on Disney Lea.

7) Raymond Carrington – The Friendship

Raymond is one of my favorite Christian content producers on YouTube. Raymond creates videos often reporting on Christian dreams and visions he recieves. He has a great personality and sense of humor as well. This video wins the award because it discusses the friendship with Jesus which Raymond weighs heavily across many of his videos. I think that is a strong message that you don’t hear very often in the mainstream. This particular video takes a while to set the scene but once Raymond gets going you will see why it belongs here. Also see his videos concerning this topic such as A Conversation Amongst Friends and I Created Man to Have a Friendship with Him Father God and Mankind Spitting on God and Jesus.

6) William Schnoebelen – Dark Portals into Your Home

Bill Schnoebelen is the person responsible for waking me up. This is a man who used to be a Warlock and a Satanist high priest. He knows more about the occult than anyone on the internet in my opinion. We only know what he knows because he came to Christ. If you want to read about his journey then pick up a copy of Lucifer Dethroned. I would describe Bill’s delivery as scholarly. There are plenty of his videos scattered across YouTube. Most of his genius content is older so you have some homework to do if you are not familiar with him. I picked this video because Bill has things to say about televisions, phones and computers that not many folks think about. Food for thought at worst. Brilliance and a call to action at best.

5) Richie From Boston – Planned Parenthood and the Church of Satan

I enjoy the Richie From Boston YouTube channel. Richie creates a LOT of content. It is a lot to sift through. I can’t say I agree with every take the man has. That’s okay. The bottom line is Richie makes me think about stuff I would have never thought about. For that reason alone he brings a lot of value to the table. His delivery reminds me of a local you might find in dive bar on a Saturday night. I don’t mind that at all though. It makes him more personable and more real. Point blank Richie’s content is riveting. I feel his video on Planned Parenthood partnering with the Church of Satan should have been front page news. Sadly it wasn’t. But it does win a Real News Award from me.

4) Steven Bancarz – Ye Are Gods

I actually dedicated an entire post to Steven Bancarz concerning this video last year Psalm 82 and John 10 Ye Are Gods Explained. Steve has a fresh take on a topic that often leads many astray into the New Age.

3) The Black Child – Charlie Sheen

The Black Child may be the most popular truther that I follow. The man has talent. He seems to have insight into Freemason rituals that quite simply most of us do not have. He has the ability to back mask music and find gold in those reversed lyrics. His favorite topics include the Illuminati, MK Ultra, the gay mafia, etc. He’s not really in the mold of a Christian preacher (most of the other content creators I follow are in that mold). Regardless Black Child creates incredibly informative videos. One that specifically comes to mind this previous year is Charlie Sheen being accused as a pedophile by actor Corey Feldman. Corey himself has re-tweeted The Black Child’s video concerning this. I would say that adds some weight.

In my opinion you will never see a greater example of fake news than how the media handles the Charlie Sheen pedophile accusation. This story should be the modern day O.J. Simpson trial. It should be that huge of a deal. Try googling “Charlie Sheen pedophile”. You will find a few sparse mainstream media stories covering this. You will also find they are not digging to discover if it is true or not. They want this to remain hidden if it is true.

I have no idea if Charlie Sheen is a pedophile monster. Don’t you think someone out there in the mainstream media should be digging to find out though?

2) Jonathan Kleck – Wreck It Ralph

Jonathan is a personal favorite. This is a man who breaks more news about the enemy than almost anyone. The “double you” concept. The dead sheep. The vesica pisces. Giant altars with female anatomy. The apocalypse printed on U.S. currency. These are just a handful of topics I have come to know through Jonathan. The exclamation point is the fascinating coincidences that happen to this man. Johnny describes those coincidences as supernatural. I am on board with that. See his video about Wreck It Ralph for a taste of what I am talking about.

1) Now You See TV – Hidden History of Native Americans

Now You See TV (NYSTV) is a great YouTube channel with quite a variety of content. Often their videos are in radio show format. Some of the hosts include Jon Pounders, John Wall and Jacob Grant. Other prominent guests include David Carrico, Rob Skiba, William Schnoebelen, and Zen Garcia to name a few. I would describe Now You See TV as an all star cast of truthers that deliver Christian oriented powerhouse videos. One thing to note about Now You See TV is the videos tend to be long. Great for binge watching on a rainy day. They have many tremendous videos but perhaps my favorite video specifically this year was Hidden History of Native Americans. When you see how much the Native Americans living in North America have in common with Ancient Hebrews you are going to be shocked to your core. This was something I have never even heard of before. For this reason the NYSTV Native American video takes home my Real News Award blue ribbon best of show.

Congratulations and thank you this year’s winners. You are providing the human race with real news. I want to point out that all of this year’s winners have brilliant older content that deserves your attention. Their content is more entertaining than anything found on Netflix or Cable TV. So please do explore their older content. There you will find knowledge more valuable than any college has to offer.

01 Jan

Christian Jedis

Star Wars Christian Jedis

Something strange is happening to the super heroes you and your kids know and love. In previous posts I have highlighted a conspiracy that Hollywood is converting its super heroes into ancient gods as of late. If they weren’t already ancient gods to begin with. Thor and Loki are clearly from the Norse pantheon. Aquaman is inspired from the Greek pantheon. And then we have the ancient Babylonian pantheon. We have Batman whom I am convinced Hollywood is converting into Nimrod. There is Wonder Woman whose “real name” Diana is inspired by the Roman goddess. She is now being marketed as Ishtar. Finally Superman has taken on Tammuz characteristics recently.

Some of this is has been happening for decades. However I am seeing an accelerated conversion of super heroes into ancient pagan gods. That in itself is quite a fascinating conspiracy as the ancient pagan gods are direct competition to Christianity. If you just understand that last sentence you are smarter than most Christians walking around on the planet.

Now new Star Wars movies are being made. Spoiler alert if you have not seen them yet. However you can get by and understand this post without seeing them. I will see to that. Now we proceed.

Something strange is happening to Star Wars and I’m going to tell you all about it in this post. Perhaps this was planned from the beginning by George Lucas the Star Wars creator. I can’t be sure. However it is definitely apparent to me now. I want to bring up this scene from the original Star Wars film from 1977 to set the tone …

The Star Wars movie itself defines “the force” as a religion. I do want to take this opportunity to point out that the force is mentioned in the Bible …

Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain. – Daniel 11:37-39 KJV

I just wanted to point out that the Bible is aware of the “God of forces” and the “religion of the force”. Now you know.

Now there is a popular saying in Star Wars that I want to talk about. That saying is “restore balance to the force”. Star Wars creator George Lucas was asked what that saying means once upon a time. Did he mean an equal amount of lightness and darkness? Or did he mean something else? Many fans incorrectly assume this balance refers to an equal mix of both light and dark side users. However, as George explains in the introductory documentary for the VHS version A New Hope (Special Edition) this is not the case …

Which brings us up to the films 4, 5, and 6, in which Anakin’s offspring redeem him and allow him to fulfill the prophecy where he brings balance to the Force by doing away with the Sith and getting rid of evil in the universe – George Lucas from Star Wars A New Hope the Special Edition VHS

Breaking news. Things have changed with The Last Jedi. The original concept of “balance of the force” is no longer. Dismiss what George said in the past. Balance now means a balance between light and dark and that is a big deal. The answer is inscribed on the floor of the Ahch-To temple. There you will find this mosaic on the floor …

Prime Jedi

This mosaic is adequately named “Ying Yang 4 by Seth Engstrom” in the real world. Don’t believe me? Google it.

Let us now talk about the yin and yang since it is carved on the Jedi temple floor. It means equal light and dark. It is the same symbolism found in black and white checkered floors. It is the same symbolism “as above so below”. Luke basically quotes it when discussing the evil below the island he lives on with Rey. All of these are hammering home a 50 / 50 balance of good and evil.

Make no mistake. There is only one side this concept benefits. Equality benefits the “dark side”. Let me explain.

You probably do not realize this but equality between light and darkness is a significant attack on Christianity. There is a history that pre-dates man in the Bible. It is not popular in American culture. Specifically I am talking about Revelation 12. That book describes the recruitment of the fallen angels. In that book 1/3 of the angels were recruited by Lucifer. That would be 33%. At this time I want to point out that Freemasonry worships the number 33. I’m sure that is only a coincidence. So by the Bible the “balance” between light and darkness in the universe would be 66.6% vs 33.3% at the most. Very lopsided. Not even close to 50 / 50.

Now this is important. If Revelation 12 is a true and accurate history that occurred before the creation of man then yin and yang is garbage and your checkered floors are a lie. But wait there’s more. Consider these things about Star Wars …

What powers a light saber? crystals

Can a jedi / sith move inanimate objects using the force? Yes. Also known as magic.

Can a jedi talk to a dead Obi-Wan? What about a dead Yoda? Yes. They converse with familiar spirits.

What do you call a dead Obi-Wan talking to you? Or a dead Yoda? Familiar spirits.

Apparently Luke can now transport his spirit to another location using his mind. What is that practice called? astral projection

When Rey is talking to Kylo Ren using just their minds what is that called? telepathy

What is pantheism? A doctrine that equates God with the forces and laws of the universe.

Ladies and gentlemen I am here to tell you there is a religion that practices all these things. It is the New Age. The New Age is the religion of real world witches and warlocks. That may shock you. No one ever just comes out and tells you what real witches and warlocks do. I tell you. They are New Agers. They are not Christians.

Hollywood (or perhaps more astutely Disney) has converted Jedi Luke into a warlock. I want to describe what a Christian Jedi would look like to the contrary. A Christian Jedi knows what evil is because they read the correct book. That book would be the KJV Bible. A Christian Jedi sure doesn’t practice evil 50% of the time. Instead your training consists of pushing the boundaries of just how good you can be (where “good” is defined in the book). You will be far removed from 50% evil if you are doing things the correct way. Likely you fall short. However you are constantly pushing your “ceiling of good”.

That is what a Christian Jedi would look like to me. They are out there. I hope you are one of them. In direct contrast the new Star Wars is witch and warlock training. One path is how to get saved. The other is how not to get saved. I hope I have adequately summarized this for you.

16 Dec

Christianity 301

Christianity 301

We continue with Christianity 301. This is a series of educational posts to get you up to speed on Christian concepts that you really should understand but the world has let you down in tremendous fashion. And so I have done my best to step in and address concepts that I wish every Christian knew.

If I were to sum up all of this information provided in Christianity 101, Christianity 201 and Christianity 301 it is this. Truth does not come easy. You must dig. These posts I have provided are general Christian concepts I wish I was taught as a child. Instead I learned it much later and I only learned it by relentless digging.

This is heavy duty stuff. Red pill material. Holidays will be ruined for you. Some things from your childhood will be trashed. Be brave …

You are convinced meat eaters are wicked people.

I am still trying to figure out how vegetarians and vegans can be at peace with nature and not lecture the lions, the sharks, the wolves, etc. There are predators in nature. You live in a fallen world where no man no woman no animal and no plant escape an eventual flesh death sentence. Animals eat other animals here. This is the law of the land. If you want to be a vegetarian go for it. But when you start condemning meat eaters as second class citizens it is blatantly apparent you are the one who does not understand how nature works.

You were taught to love yourself. You have the Christ Consciousness.

This is common New Age thinking. I mentioned Matthew 22:34-40 KJV in my post Christianity 101. The enemy must truly despise this verse. It is attacked so often. It astounds me that those with the “Christ Consciousness” don’t know nor follow most things Christ said. You would think someone possessing the thoughts of Christ would know what the man said. Not so. Beware of hypocrites. Steven Bancarz is a good example of a New Ager who has come to Christ. See his videos on YouTube.

You thought Disney has your best intentions in mind.

This one is a hard pill to swallow for Christians. Face this one when you are ready. Here comes the truth so brace yourself.

Disney is built on magic and witches and wizards and warlocks. The whole enchilada is condemned by scripture. Because you have been brainwashed to love witches and warlocks since childhood it may take time to come to grips with this. I was as guilty as the next person. To those with ears let them hear …


You don’t know what actual witches and warlocks do.

Four words. Wheel of the Year. Browse google images for “Wheel of the Year”. This is the witch and warlock holiday schedule. This is huge knowledge. Do you recognize any of their holiday seasons? That is just the tip of the iceberg. If you are a Christian and you know the ways of real witches and warlocks you will learn so much about the world around you. It is one of the most valuable insights you can have in the world today. For example …

Let me describe for you a mild witch. They love Halloween and Santa Claus and Easter. Often found in a yoga class. They may consider themselves superior to meat eaters. They use profanity (it is called “cursing” for a reason). Their music and entertainment is rife with profanity and vulgar comedy (they take in curses). They may endorse drug use / smoking / alcohol (alcohol is called “spirits” for a reason). Attracted to horoscopes and zodiac signs. Tattoos are likely. Feminism and LGBT viewpoints are likely. Big fans of Disney. They don’t know jack about the King James Bible.

Is it a problem that I just described a typical American woman? You tell me.

Higher up the witch food chain. Sky clad (desire to be seen naked). Meditation / opening the third eye / chakra stuff (channeling fallen angel beings). Astral projection (leaving your body to “travel” elsewhere). Spells, rituals, enchantments and sacrifices. Goddess worship in many forms. Pantheism (god is all things). God is rock. God is tree. God is me. Self love. Claiming of the Christ Consciousness. Self godhood. Still don’t know jack about the King James Bible.

Is it a problem that I just described the typical Hollywood celebrity? You tell me.

You were taught America is a Christian nation.

Until you understand what real witches and warlocks practice you don’t really understand the world around you. Let me give you a fundamental example. What do the names the week mean? How about the names of the months? Can you even conceptualize how deep this rabbit hole goes? Once you understand paganism, ancient babylon, the Thelema, the Wheel of the Year, Wicca, Freemasonry etc you will have a clue. At that moment whoa momma the world begins to look a lot different.

In two short sentences here is what is happening in America today. You were pitched patriotism. Instead you got witchcraft.

Look to some of the largest symbols of Americana. The Statue of Liberty, the Washington Monument, the Pentagon, the Congressional Medal of Honor, Columbia, Christmas, Easter, and Halloween. All of these American as apple pie. I am telling you the apple pie has poison in it. None of the stuff I just listed is Christian at its core. You may not believe me right now. I invite you to dig. I have written about most of these things on this website.

Surely your local church knows these things.

If your church is preaching these things you deserve the biggest apology ever from me. I happily apologize to you and your super stellar church. In fact I would love attending your service. Furthermore I am jealous that I do not have a truthful church like this around me. Just try finding a church that doesn’t celebrate Christmas and Easter.

You don’t know what the prophets said or predicted.

This is one of the mistakes the Pharisees made (Jewish teachers) when Jesus walked the earth (amongst other things). They didn’t realize their own scriptures predicted Christ (and in which fashion). Do not make the same mistake. Know your scripture. Old Testament and New Testament.
The prophets will also obviously teach you about things to come!

You don’t know the conversation that happened in the Garden of Eden.

Read Genesis 3 over and over because it keeps repeating itself over and over. I want to take this opportunity to mention a free software called e-sword. With e-sword you can hover over words from the Bible (the KJV+ tab in the software) to see their true Hebrew meanings. Very useful. Don’t trust what everyone “claims the Bible says”. Download e-sword and do some digging!

You watch TV programs but you never considered you are being programmed.

If you find any television programs that happen to promote cursing, vulgarity, drugs, alcohol, violence, LGBT, blasphemy, adultery, feminism or magic just let me know. I am being highly sarcastic. Most TV shows and movies and popular music promote these things. Take note how many commercials mention the word “magic”. The witch and warlock ways are being promoted to you on a grandiose scale. Most do not know this. Even the TV shows that make me laugh have a tendency to make me cringe in the same episode. And you will cringe too once you understand magic is a request to a fallen angel to do something supernatural for you.

You didn’t know Christians have power.

Please read 1 Corinthians 12 to understand the supernatural gifts given by the Holy Spirit. If your church is preaching 1 Corinthians 12 it is better than most.

You don’t know how to defeat the enemy.

You get saved.

This is the only win here. People ask “how do you fight the Illuminati”? The answer is you get saved. Then you teach others how to do it. Consider this. Fallen angels have had thousands of years to set traps for you. You have a few decades to figure this out. This is your life. What is the purpose of life? I have just told you.

No one told you how to get saved.

Look to scripture. Read Luke 9 , John 3 , John 10 , Acts 2 , Colossians 3 and Revelation 3 of the KJV to name a few. Think R and R. Not rest and relaxation! Repent and Resist. Repent for everything you can recall being a sin in your life (to Jesus or the Father is my personal style). Resist the sins that plague you.

I have seen testimony of some freed from all sin instantly. This is super if that happens to you. For me it was not so. I am still battling some large sins (specifically in the lust category). I am happy to report progress across the board in general. Some I have totally kicked. How well can you do this?

Get a taste for repent and resist …

1) Try not cursing for a week.
2) Practice not getting angry.
3) Pick a good time to read scripture daily.

There are many more things. Read your Bible and this website to find more!

In Closing

Thank you for checking out Christianity 301. Most of this stuff is factual. Why are these facts not told to you in public school or college or churches? If we have to dig for truth then I can only reach one of two conclusions. Either we are mis-educated on purpose or we are educated by fools. I am not sure which.

Remember this article the next time you hear “we need more funding for education”. I just gave you more education than any Christian school on the planet in less than 2000 words. And I did it for free. I hope these things make you think. I hope you dig.