The Real News Awards

Donald Trump has created a new thing called the Fake News Awards. This just may be Donald’s most noble act. His notion that the mainstream media produces fake news for the American people to consume is something. From where I sit Donald Trump has plenty of faults. I do my best to stay out of politics. The majority of politics is the Hegelian Dialectic personified to me (aka both sides are wrong). However I can certainly get behind this particular Donald agenda. To fight back against mainstream media for lying to the American people is truly making America great again. This is not an endorsement for Donald the man. The Father can do the judging on that.
Disappointingly in true Trump fashion the #FakeNewsAwards were all about himself. Which is a shame because there are plenty of other fake news nominees deserving of Fake News Awards. You can probably think of a few.
I thought it would be a great idea to borrow Donald’s idea. However instead of fake news I am going in a different direction. I am creating the REAL NEWS AWARDS honoring outstanding and truthful content from the past year. The point is to highlight news that neither mainstream media nor mainstream church are not telling you – but they should be.
I tried to pick topics that personally I never heard of before. When that wasn’t available I picked content that I thought brings significant value to the table. One final note. These winners just happen to be some of my favorite content producers on the Internet. I openly admit bias here! I only picked one video from each content producer. There are eight winners this year. Without further adieu I present to you the Real News Awards!
8) Lea DiNonno – The Truth About Disney
I get a happy feeling anytime anyone trashes Disney. Once you know the truth about Disney then you will too. Until then you will find that statement appalling. That is normal and part of waking up. When I watch Lea DiNonno destroy Disney in this video I see a female warrior in the spirit. Like something out of Gladiator or the movie 300. Swiftness and precision. I feel she would give a great speech. In fact I would like to nominate Lea DiNonno to give a speech at a future Women’s March. What an education those in attendance would get on that day! Her husband James does a great job of creating videos as well. Together their ministry is making a difference. Disney being wicked isn’t new. Some of the things she says in this video are. Thanks for bringing us real news on Disney Lea.
7) Raymond Carrington – The Friendship
Raymond is one of my favorite Christian content producers on YouTube. Raymond creates videos often reporting on Christian dreams and visions he recieves. He has a great personality and sense of humor as well. This video wins the award because it discusses the friendship with Jesus which Raymond weighs heavily across many of his videos. I think that is a strong message that you don’t hear very often in the mainstream. This particular video takes a while to set the scene but once Raymond gets going you will see why it belongs here. Also see his videos concerning this topic such as A Conversation Amongst Friends and I Created Man to Have a Friendship with Him Father God and Mankind Spitting on God and Jesus.
6) William Schnoebelen – Dark Portals into Your Home
Bill Schnoebelen is the person responsible for waking me up. This is a man who used to be a Warlock and a Satanist high priest. He knows more about the occult than anyone on the internet in my opinion. We only know what he knows because he came to Christ. If you want to read about his journey then pick up a copy of Lucifer Dethroned. I would describe Bill’s delivery as scholarly. There are plenty of his videos scattered across YouTube. Most of his genius content is older so you have some homework to do if you are not familiar with him. I picked this video because Bill has things to say about televisions, phones and computers that not many folks think about. Food for thought at worst. Brilliance and a call to action at best.
5) Richie From Boston – Planned Parenthood and the Church of Satan
I enjoy the Richie From Boston YouTube channel. Richie creates a LOT of content. It is a lot to sift through. I can’t say I agree with every take the man has. That’s okay. The bottom line is Richie makes me think about stuff I would have never thought about. For that reason alone he brings a lot of value to the table. His delivery reminds me of a local you might find in dive bar on a Saturday night. I don’t mind that at all though. It makes him more personable and more real. Point blank Richie’s content is riveting. I feel his video on Planned Parenthood partnering with the Church of Satan should have been front page news. Sadly it wasn’t. But it does win a Real News Award from me.
4) Steven Bancarz – Ye Are Gods
I actually dedicated an entire post to Steven Bancarz concerning this video last year Psalm 82 and John 10 Ye Are Gods Explained. Steve has a fresh take on a topic that often leads many astray into the New Age.
3) The Black Child – Charlie Sheen
The Black Child may be the most popular truther that I follow. The man has talent. He seems to have insight into Freemason rituals that quite simply most of us do not have. He has the ability to back mask music and find gold in those reversed lyrics. His favorite topics include the Illuminati, MK Ultra, the gay mafia, etc. He’s not really in the mold of a Christian preacher (most of the other content creators I follow are in that mold). Regardless Black Child creates incredibly informative videos. One that specifically comes to mind this previous year is Charlie Sheen being accused as a pedophile by actor Corey Feldman. Corey himself has re-tweeted The Black Child’s video concerning this. I would say that adds some weight.
In my opinion you will never see a greater example of fake news than how the media handles the Charlie Sheen pedophile accusation. This story should be the modern day O.J. Simpson trial. It should be that huge of a deal. Try googling “Charlie Sheen pedophile”. You will find a few sparse mainstream media stories covering this. You will also find they are not digging to discover if it is true or not. They want this to remain hidden if it is true.
I have no idea if Charlie Sheen is a pedophile monster. Don’t you think someone out there in the mainstream media should be digging to find out though?
2) Jonathan Kleck – Wreck It Ralph
Jonathan is a personal favorite. This is a man who breaks more news about the enemy than almost anyone. The “double you” concept. The dead sheep. The vesica pisces. Giant altars with female anatomy. The apocalypse printed on U.S. currency. These are just a handful of topics I have come to know through Jonathan. The exclamation point is the fascinating coincidences that happen to this man. Johnny describes those coincidences as supernatural. I am on board with that. See his video about Wreck It Ralph for a taste of what I am talking about.
1) Now You See TV – Hidden History of Native Americans
Now You See TV (NYSTV) is a great YouTube channel with quite a variety of content. Often their videos are in radio show format. Some of the hosts include Jon Pounders, John Wall and Jacob Grant. Other prominent guests include David Carrico, Rob Skiba, William Schnoebelen, and Zen Garcia to name a few. I would describe Now You See TV as an all star cast of truthers that deliver Christian oriented powerhouse videos. One thing to note about Now You See TV is the videos tend to be long. Great for binge watching on a rainy day. They have many tremendous videos but perhaps my favorite video specifically this year was Hidden History of Native Americans. When you see how much the Native Americans living in North America have in common with Ancient Hebrews you are going to be shocked to your core. This was something I have never even heard of before. For this reason the NYSTV Native American video takes home my Real News Award blue ribbon best of show.
Congratulations and thank you this year’s winners. You are providing the human race with real news. I want to point out that all of this year’s winners have brilliant older content that deserves your attention. Their content is more entertaining than anything found on Netflix or Cable TV. So please do explore their older content. There you will find knowledge more valuable than any college has to offer.