16 Apr

What Did Constantine Do?

Today we are going to learn about a man from ancient history named Constantine. What did Constantine do? A lot. Constantine was a Roman Emperor from 306 to 337 AD. This is a man who certainly changed the world to this day. You are no doubt familiar with his work. Maybe you are not sharp on your Roman Emperor history but if you live in the United States you are most certainly familiar with his work. We need to discuss it.

He is known as “Constantine the Great” and also “Saint Constantine”. You have quite the reputation when you get to be called “the Great” or “Saint” in your name. That must be cool. He is called “the Great” or “Saint” mostly because of his conversion to Christianity and his ushering in of the Edict of Milan

The Edict of Milan (Italian: Editto di Milano, Latin: Edictum Mediolanense) was the February 313 AD agreement to treat Christians benevolently within the Roman Empire.[1] Western Roman Emperor Constantine I, and Licinius, who controlled the Balkans, met in Milan and among other things, agreed to change policies towards Christians[1] following the Edict of Toleration by Galerius issued two years earlier in Serdica. The Edict of Milan gave Christianity a legal status, but did not make Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire until Emperor Theodosius I did so in 380 AD. – Edict of Milan Wikipedia Page

Understand that before the Edict of Milan there were Roman Emperors like Nero, Domitian, Trajan, Decius and Valerian who all persecuted Christians to varying degrees. There are some details in this Wikipedia page entitled Anti-Christian Policies in the Roman Empire. Some of these persecutions included imprisonment, torture, feeding Christians to lions and lighting them on fire like human torches. The year 300 AD was not a safe time to walk around the streets of Rome preaching the good news of Jesus. It was Constantine who put in policy to protect the Christians from physical harm. But at what cost? Good question.

Prior to Constantine things were more “authentic”. What things could those be? Well first and foremost it must be noted that Jesus and the apostles were Jews. They celebrated Jewish feast days tracked by the Hebrew Calendar (which is different than the Julian Calendar you are used to in the United States). The ancient Jewish feast days are outlined in the scripture of the Old Testament. Major feasts include Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Feast of the First Fruits, the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost), the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Booths (Tabernacles or Ingathering). These are outlined in Leviticus 23. Have you ever wondered what holidays Jesus celebrated? He celebrated the ones in this paragraph. Today most Christians celebrate one or two of them – kind of. Have a look at what the Hebrew feast calendar schedule looks like for 2017 …

Passover: April 11-12, 2017
Feast of Unleavened Breads: April 12-19, 2017
Feast of First Fruits: April 15-16, 2017
Feast of Weeks / Pentecost: June 3-4, 2017
Feast of Trumpets: September 21-22, 2017
Day of Atonement: September 30 – October 1, 2017
Feast of Tabernacles: October 5-12, 2017

Are these holidays not very familiar to you? How can that be? How in the world does Christianity which “follows Jesus” not celebrate the same holidays that Jesus and the apostles celebrated? Excellent question. I will answer it for you. The short answer, in one word, is “Constantine”. Constantine the Great? Perhaps not.

One of the most crucial meetings of the last 2000+ years happened way back in 325 AD. About 1700 years ago was held the Council of Nicea. This is the birth of the Easter holiday as we know it today and it basically established the standard for Christmas and Halloween as well. The man behind this meeting was indeed Constantine. It was called to hammer out details of the divinity of Christ as well as establish the date of holidays. From the Council of Nicea comes this quote from Emperor Constantine concerning the Jewish people …

“And truly, in the first place, it seems to everyone a most unworthy thing that we should follow the customs of the Jews in the celebration of this most holy solemnity, who, polluted wretches! having stained their hands with a nefarious crime, are justly blinded in their minds. It is fit, therefore, that rejecting the practice of this people, we should perpetuate to all future ages the celebration of this rite, in a more legitimate order, which we have kept from the first day of our “Lord’s” passion even to the present times. Let us then have nothing in common with the most hostile rabble of the Jews.” – Constantine, Council of Nicea, Page 52

There you have it. Straight from the horse’s mouth. I have written about this quote before in my post Pagan Things. It needed to be written about again. This is truly how the ancient feast days of the God of Abraham were killed off by men to the modern Christian. To review it happened like so. Constantine didn’t like the Jews. He made up new holidays instead. Or did he?

Christians are not killed for sport by lions today or burned alive like human torches because of Constantine. In return all of the major Christian holidays align with the Pagan / Wiccan / Luciferian / Witch / Warlock holiday calendar instead of the ancient feast days of the Lord of Hosts. That is the end result of the Council of Nicea. However I question the whole “Christian tolerance” thing that supposedly Constantine brought about. Try to be a Christian who honors the ancient feast days of the Old Testament AND honors the New Testament. Challenge the modern church on Easter and Christmas and Halloween. See if you come close to getting fed to the lions or being burned alive. Why do you think my website is anonymous? I know what the Witches Wheel of the Year looks like. I am talking about the “official” holiday schedule of real life witches and warlocks. Google images of “witches wheel of the year” if you do not believe me. You will find pictures that look a lot like this …

Witches Wheel of the Year

Now maybe you want to be a witch or a warlock. Fine then. Do what thou wilt. Some of us don’t want to. This is me showing you the real holiday calendar of witches. This is you looking at it. Now you tell me if you celebrate the warlock holidays. Not me tell you. You tell me!

Before we move on I need to point this out because it drives me nuts when I hear people say “Jesus is the reason for the season”. Christmas and Easter and Halloween are much older than the years when Jesus walked the earth. Thousands of years older! Constantine new this. He “compromised” the killing of Christians by merging Christian holidays with Witchcraft holidays. Plus he hated the Jews. That is kind of a problem when the God of Abraham is Jewish and Jesus is Jewish and the apostles are Jewish. These things are a big deal.

Surely some of you are shouting Colossians 2:16. Ok then. I doubt the author of Colossians 2:16 knew that some day the holiday schedule would be entirely handed over to the witches. But I guess you can claim Colossians 2:16. I showed you the official witch holiday calendar. What more need I do?

I end on this thought. Constantine is not your god. If you are a Christian it is Christ you should be listening to. You are not a “Constantinian” or a “Constantiner”. Most people only know the corrupt Christianity this man put in place 1700 years ago. Few have the guts to correct it or even try. We live in a sad state of affairs.

22 Mar

Beauty and the Beast – LGBT

Beauty and the Beast

A tale as old as time. It is time to analyze Beauty and the Beast! Now available as a new blockbuster movie starring Emma Watson. So much controversy is surrounding this movie. Christians are furious about the gay kiss scene with some character named Le Fou and I am over here like Leviticus 20:16 …

If a woman approaches an animal to have sexual relations with it, kill both the woman and the animal. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. – Leviticus 20:16 NIV

A tale as old as time, right? It sure is. Old as Moses. This movie is making bestiality appealing to children. It is also mocking Leviticus. More mocking of Leviticus with this gay kiss scene buzz …

If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. – Leviticus 20:13

This author won’t be one to mock Leviticus. Perhaps you are the kind. Many are “Christians” who wish the Old Testament would go away. Have it your way …

And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. – Romans 1:27 KJV

Romans 1 is New Testament. You can’t escape this. You can only lie to yourself.

However today I am going to solve a great mystery for you. Riddle me this. How do you love your LGBT brothers and sisters yet condemn their agenda with grace? I know how. Read on for an explanation seldom heard – but first we talk about sun worship. You need to understand there are multiple evil things happening in this film.

We cover sun worship briefly before we talk LGBT. Have you ever taken a hard look at the lyrics to the Beauty and the Beast theme song? Read the lyrics to the theme song Beauty and the Beast. Did you find any lyrics worshiping the sun? That isn’t good. I bet you never even realized that the Beauty and the Beast theme song is about worshiping the sun!

So what! Who cares about a song that likes the sun! Lol well sun worship is a serious offense to your Creator. It has been outlawed for thousands of years. Did you know that? If you did then kudos to you. If you didn’t then ask yourself a question. Whom hid this important knowledge from you for thousands of years? …

And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD’S house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.

Then he said unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? Is it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here? – Ezekiel 8:16-17 KJV

As you can see it was written clear as day in Ezekiel 8. Now did you know this Beauty and the Beast movie with Emma Watson was released on the Spring Equinox weekend of 3/17/2017? Did you know that the Spring Equinox is a major pagan sun worship holiday? New movies are released on Fridays. I am sure Disney would have loved to release this film on 3/20/2017 (the actual Spring Equinox). More proof this is sun worship. Now you know.

Now that I have covered the abominations of bestiality and sun worship let us dive into the LGBT agenda. I am going to explain why LGBT should not be celebrated. You may disagree with my explanation. You have that right. But hey at least I explain it! It traces back to the ancient concept of demons. I will explain in detail.

Start with the life of Jesus. Did you know Jesus had to deal with demons all the time? He called them “unclean spirits” and he taught us all about them. Jesus cast out devils from inside of people. It was considered one of his miracles. Actually he did this many times!

But now my memory is foggy dear reader. I am having a hard time remembering when the human race “was cured of the demons”. Can you gently remind me what year the demons went away? You surely know the answer. It never happened. The demons are still here. Boy are they ever.

So Jesus cast devils out from inside people. What for? To show us miracles. To strengthen our belief he is the Messiah. But also to teach us how demons operate. A teaching tool. Clear as day he said unclean spirits live in us …

When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.

Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth [it] empty, swept, and garnished.

Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last [state] of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation. – Matthew 12:43-45 KJV

Now a deception. People think having a demon inside of you means you look like the Exorcist. False! This is a lie. I am here to tell you there are BILLIONS of demons and some are very subtle. They train you to love sin. They say things like “LGBT is the lifestyle for you” in your mind. They come in all flavors. Some big. Some small. Some just annoy you. Some ruin your life. And you can have way more than one. Mary Magdelene had seven alone!

And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils – Luke 8:2

Homosexuality, drinking, drugs, swearing, pornography, smoking, violence, lying, blasphemy, adultery, anger, etc. Choose your vice du jour. We all have a vice to battle.

Want to attract demons like a giant magnet? Sin a lot without forgiveness. Real talk. Demons can even make you sick. Here is a fact. I am far from being a health nut. I have had 2 colds in the last 4 years. I used to catch 5 colds a year. Think about that.

Are you intrigued? Want to prove what I say is true or false? Try these steps …

Step 1 Sincerely pray to Jesus the Messiah asking for forgiveness.
Step 2 Begin to resist sin in your life. You will notch a few easy wins. Other sins will take much longer (from my own experience).
Step 3 Start reading that Bible (KJV or NIV versions) to learn what in the world is going on. Step 4 Repeat repeat repeat. ***

*** – When the demons start showing up in your dreams you are doing it right. Be brave.

I have dreams where I punch demons in the face like a super hero. For 8 hours a night I am running around like an X-Men. See if you can trigger the same result.

By the way. Those steps I told you about? That is how to become born again.

I know this is a long post but I put born again instructions in it. Sorry for helping you get to paradise forever. We still need to talk about one more thing. We need to address generational curses. What about the transgenders! They are borne that way! No demon did this to them! Well, actually big demons can pass down through generational curses. I am talking about Baal, Belial, Molech, Leviathan, Jezebel, Mammon, or even Satan himself. You will read about them in the Bible. For a generational curse to occur your ancestor did something that truly angered the Creator. Freemasonry or witchcraft or blood sacrifice or abortion or bearing children outside of marriage or bestiality are prime candidates. If you are going to draw the wrath of the Creator it can affect your descendants.

This is how transgender happens. I don’t even have to be a jerk about it. Your great great great great grandpap was a warlock. Hello transgender baby 4 generations later. Your great great grandma was a witch? Gay child two generations later. People will say “no way animals are gay too”. Like you have never met a jerk animal. Good luck proving that wrong. Buena suerte.

There you have it. As a Christian I don’t hate LGBT brothers and sisters. I don’t celebrate what demons did to them either. Yet with the buzz about this gay kiss scene that is exactly what Disney is doing. They celebrate demons.

Wait until you see what posts are coming next. This is the first post in a series of posts I am calling Dark Disney. Maybe when I put in front of your face facts that Disney is putting black magic spells into films for your children you will believe me. Allow me a grace period if you aren’t convinced yet. Allow me a few posts to prove it.

Do you think I have nothing more to say about Disney?

19 Mar

Lex Luthor Illuminati Agenda

Lex Luthor Illuminati

This is my last post on the Superman vs Batman movie for a while. It took me four posts to cover this movie in full. It isn’t my fault they put so much occult imagery into this film that needs explained. We still need to talk about Lex Luthor in this movie. What is Lex’s deal in Batman vs Superman? First he gives a speech about Prometheus being honorable and misunderstood at his gala (Lucifer is often compared to Prometheus). He blows up the entire Senate to take out Senator Finch whom disagrees with him on Kryptonite policy (ends justify the means). He lectures Superman on the God of Abraham claiming God “cannot be all powerful and all good” (ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil). Lex call’s Superman’s mother a witch to Superman’s face (very aware of witchcraft). He also tells Superman “and now God bends to my will” (self god mentality). Can you connect the dots? What “religion” am I describing in the parenthesis examples?

There is indeed a religion where the God of Abraham is the bad guy and Lucifer is a hero to mankind. You may commonly know these people “the Illuminati” or “the elite”. These are the Luciferians. In this movie Lex Luthor is showing us what Illuminati believe. Basically there is more truth in this “fictional” movie than anyone would ever want to believe. That is why I write many posts about it!

Are you familiar with Jonathan Kleck and his videos? If so then no doubt you will notice two very strange things happening in this movie Batman vs Superman. The first is that Lex Luthor cuts himself to combine his DNA with alien DNA to create a new creature called Doomsday around 1:19:26 in the movie. Cutting yourself is an Old Testament ancient occult ritual thing to do. This very much reminds me of the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18. In this movie the modified DNA monster Doomsday will destroy Superman and Metropolis (New York City).  Mr. Kleck warns us many times about a new race of beings rising up in Lucifer’s image on the earth.  By the way when Lex cuts himself in this film is at 1 + 19 + 26 = 46 which Jonathan explains to us is a significant number when combining DNA.  To me this movie is hammering home what Jonathan has been preaching. Read your Bibles ladies and gentlemen. I suggest the KJV version.

Not only did these things remind me of Jonathan Kleck but the scene where Lex Luthor discusses his father’s painting is fascinating. Lex Luthor is convinced the painting of angels coming down from heaven in his father’s office should be flipped upside down. He wants the painting flipped because “devils don’t come from hell beneath us, no, no, they come from the sky” around 33:33 into the movie ironically (33 a very significant number in Freemasonry) …

Lex Luthor Painting - Angels Demons

There is truth to this. It was Lucifer whom was cast down to the earth for his iniquity thus becoming the Satan we are familiar with today (read Ezekiel in the Bible). To be cast down Satan originally came from the sky – and so Lex is right on this. However there is duel meaning. Flipping the painting upside down can represent the God of Abraham and Jesus torment Lex as devils would. To Lex the God of Abraham and Jesus are the enemy. This is the reality for the Luciferian. This reminds me of Jonathan Kleck very much because he often preaches flipping things upside down / backwards to find the truth. Lex reinforces this by requesting the painting be flipped upside down. In the end, Lex gets his way. The painting the police find is upside down …

Lex Luthor Painting Upside Down

Learn to identify what it means to be a Luciferian and you will be able to spot Illuminati agenda.  For example – Lucifer as the good guy (similar to the Prometheus myth), becoming your own god / self god, ends justify the means, there is no good and evil, pagan things, sun worship etc are all red flags. Know them by their fruits.

15 Mar

Superman is Tammuz

Superman as Tammuz

Have you ever heard of an ancient Babylonian god named Tammuz? If you are familiar with Nimrod from the Bible then perhaps you have. Tammuz is the son of Nimrod and Semiramis. If you have been reading my posts about the Batman vs Superman movie then you will find some interesting connections I have made to ancient Babylon. I have discussed Nimrod and Semiramis at length. It just wouldn’t be a pagan party without the son of Semiramis. That would be Tammuz! Can you guess who represents Tammuz in this movie? If you guessed Superman then you are correct. This post will explain further occult meaning in this movie.

Several things about Superman are interesting in this film. It is common knowledge that Superman is meant to be Jewish. I like to think of the traditional Superman as the Messiah figure that the Jewish people were “expecting”. The Jewish people in the time of Jesus expected the Messiah to come flying onto the scene with super strength and x-ray vision basically to punch the Romans in the face. One of the big reasons the Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah was because Jesus preached a message of peace. Consider the following scripture to make my point on this. When Jesus was asked by the Pharisees if the Jews should pay taxes to Caesar they wanted a resounding “NO”. The answer Jesus gave the Pharisees was quite the opposite. Render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar and render unto God what belongs to God (Matthew 22:16-22). Jesus gave the message of peace instead of advocating war with the Romans. Indeed Superman was more the Messiah that the Pharisees were expecting.

It is really interesting to consider that in this movie Batman has several connections to Nimrod and Wonder Woman has several connections to Ishtar. Now what of Tammuz? It was not hard to find some Superman to Tammuz connections.

There is a scene in this movie where Superman saves a girl from a burning house on Dia De Los Muertos. Now today Dia De Los Muertos is celebrated on Halloween around or near October 31st – but not originally. Originally the Dia De Los Muertos was celebrated in the beginning of summer. What Hebrew month falls in June – July when the beginning of summer falls? Also known as the summer solstice? The “Hebrew” month of Tammuz. Even though a month is named Tammuz in the Hebrew calendar it is actually a Babylonian name. The Jewish calendar has been tainted to some degree by time spent by the Jewish people in captive in Babylon. So that is one general hint to Tammuz.

The second obvious connection is Superman’s death in this movie. More specifically the funeral. Spoiler alert. A villian named Doomsday kills Superman at the end of this movie. There is an elaborate funeral for Superman. Tammuz is mentioned once in the Bible. It is for the mourning of Tammuz …

Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord’s house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.

Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations than these. – Ezekiel 8:14-15

Did you know that to honor the death of Tammuz there is an elaborate funeral that last six days? The the death of Superman is elaborate in this movie. It could easily be a six day event. Have a brief look at this quote from the Tammuz Wikipedia page …

Beginning with the summer solstice came a time of mourning in the Ancient Near East, as in the Aegean: the Babylonians marked the decline in daylight hours and the onset of killing summer heat and drought with a six-day “funeral” for the god. – Tammuz Wikipedia Page

I am sure everyone is truly shocked that a six day funeral holiday for an ancient Babylonian pagan god coincides with the summer solstice. Read Ezekiel 8:16 or Jeremiah 8:2 or Deuteronomy 17:3 to understand what the bible says about sun worship. Think sun salutation in yoga. Or the monstrance used by the Catholic pope. It is good to become aware of sun worship so that you can avoid it.

Finally we see that upon Superman’s death in this movie is a subtle symbol. There appears a cross in the ashes as Superman has tasted death. It has to be a Christian cross, right? Now Superman is Jesus? Not so. The symbol of the cross was also associated with Tammuz in ancient Babylon. This can be a snare. Many people make the assumption that Tammuz pre-dates Jesus and thus Jesus is imitating Tammuz or that Jesus is a reincarnation of Tammuz. I won’t deny that some churches very much blur that line but I want you to remember something. Jesus beheld Satan being cast down like lightning. I explain this in my post called Pagan Things. The point is per the words of Jesus himself that the Messiah pre-dates Tammuz. Yet it cannot be denied that a symbol of Tammuz was the cross. That point is fair enough and it is represented in this movie in this screenshot …

Superman Cross

What do I think is going on here? Well, Lucifer has been watering down the message of the life of christ for centuries. If Lucifer can put into place pagan gods to mimic or water down the life of Jesus through the generations then he will do so. Do not be fooled into believing Tammuz was the inspiration for Jesus. That is my take on this false doctrine.

Perhaps I still have not presented enough to make the Superman to Tammuz connection. Fair enough. Here is more. In this movie the name of Batman’s mother is Martha. What are the odds? Superman’s mother is also named Martha. Here is an ancient Babylonian fun fact. Did you know that Nimrod married his own mother which was Semiramis? Semiramis is also the mother of Tammuz. And so Nimrod’s mother and Tammuz’s mother share the same name. Truly shocking. And now we are told that Superman and Batman’s mother share the same name. All signs point to Babylon – especially combining these observations with my Wonder Woman post and my Batman post.

12 Mar

Wonder Woman is Ishtar

Wonder Woman

This is a sequel to my Batman is a Freemason post. It wasn’t my idea to turn Batman into a Freemason. Perhaps producer Christopher Nolan did this. More astutely Lucifer did this. I went so far as to draw comparisons of Batman to Nimrod. Now I will take it to another level. That is because Wonder Woman is also in this film. If you have seen Batman vs Superman you may ask yourself why is Wonder Woman even in this movie? The comic book people might tell you “this is about the Justice League”. That is a fine explanation by them but when you watch this movie you realize she is basically unnecessary to the plot. I am here to tell you that she is necessary to the occult plot. That is the real reason she is in this movie. I will show you why in this post.

I am on the record claiming that Batman is being represented as Nimrod in this film. Reason being Wayne Tower can draw parallels to the Tower of Babel of which Nimrod was inspired to build the Tower of Babel in the ancient days. Reason being Bruce Wayne traces his lineage back to the origin saying “(the Waynes) were hunters”. Mind you, not much is said about Nimrod in the Bible, but the Tower of Babel and him being a great hunter are two things pointed out in Genesis …

And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.

He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord.

And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. – Genesis 10:8-10 KJV

Interestingly enough concerning Genesis 10:10 the NIV Bible translation uses “Babylon” instead of “Babel”. Babel and Babylon are literally the same ancient city (at least biblically across versions). Recall that I just wrote about Babylon and Ishtar extensively in my Statue of Liberty is an Asherah Pole post. We have striking similarities to Ishtar when discussing Wonder Woman. In this movie Batman vs Superman Bruce Wayne is trying to find out who this Wonder Woman is. He discovers she is centuries of years old. That sounds like a useful effort by Bruce Wayne. Let us pick up where he left off. Let us “trace back” the true origins of Wonder Woman so you can see what is going on. All of these coincidences are being orchestrated by someone or something. I hope that I can make that obvious for you. A good place to start is the Wonder Woman Wikipedia page …

Wonder Woman was created by the American psychologist and writer William Moulton Marston, with his wife and co-creator Elizabeth Holloway Marston, and artist H. G. Peter. Their cohabitant, Olive Byrne, is credited as being Marston’s inspiration for the character’s physical appearance. Marston drew a great deal of inspiration from early feminists, and especially from birth control pioneer Margaret Sanger. The character first appeared in All Star Comics #8 in December 1941 and first cover-dated on Sensation Comics #1, January 1942. The Wonder Woman title has been published by DC Comics almost continuously except for a brief hiatus in 1986.

Wonder Woman’s origin story relates that she was sculpted from clay by her mother Queen Hippolyta and given life by Athena, along with superhuman powers as gifts by the Greek Gods. However, in recent years artists updated her profile: she has been depicted as the daughter of Zeus, and jointly raised by her mother Hippolyta and her aunts Antiope and Menalippe; artists George Perez gave her a muscular look and emphasized her Amazonian heritage; artist Jim Lee redesigned Diana’s costume to include pants; she inherits Ares’s divine abilities, becoming the personified “God of War”; and most recently, writer Greg Rucka, clarified her sexuality, giving her a backstory that includes relationships with women. – Wonder Woman Wikipedia

I will translate this for you in Christian terms. Wonder Woman is a pagan goddess whom just so happens to be created in the same fashion as the creation of first man Adam (Genesis 2:7). Her “real name” is Diana which is also a goddess in the Roman pantheon. She was formed by Queen Hippolyta according to her “bio”. Queen Hippolyta is not made up. She is in the real ancient Greek pantheon as a goddess. You may think because she is goddess of the “Amazons” that this has to do with South America (the Amazon river). Not so. The Amazons are what Greeks called a clan of women warriors. You may recognize Queen Hippolyta from the Hercules quests. Hercules has to bring back the magical belt of Hippolyte (same goddess as Hippolyta) in Labor 9 of his 12 labors. So there you have it straight from her own Wikipedia page. Wonder Woman is a blasphemous pagan magical lesbian feminist.

Did you know that Wonder Woman’s “powers” are condemned in the Bible? How can I say such a thing? Let us go to scripture …

Woe to the women who sew magic charms on all their wrists and make veils of various lengths for their heads in order to ensnare people. Will you ensnare the lives of my people but preserve your own? – Ezekiel 13:18 NIV

Feel free to read this page about Wonder Woman’s magic bracelets which are called the bracelets of submission here and here. I took note of some fascinating things from that page. Do you see that “wearing the bracelets as a symbol of submission to their patron goddess Aphrodite”? Did you notice that the bracelets are “magically made by Aphrodite”? We are clearly talking about Greek and Roman god and goddess pantheons when discussing Wonder Woman. Let me be so very clear. Roman and Greek goddesses are NOT Christian. In fact this is basically the definition of paganism. It doesn’t get much more pagan than this. Most Christians do not understand these things.

It gets worse. I want you to look very closely at a peculiar change they made to Wonder Woman’s costume in Batman vs Superman …

Wonder Woman star

Can you tell me the difference between the traditional Wonder Woman comic book appearance and the “modernized” Wonder Woman? The star on her tiara has changed! Gone is the traditional red 5 pointed star which was likely pagan to begin with. The new replacement is none other than the occult star of Ishtar. Ishtar is just another name for Semiramis. This is so significant because I presented a lot of evidence in the Batman is a Freemason post that Hollywood / Christopher Nolan are transforming Batman into a Nimrod figure. Well, Nimrod’s wife was Ishtar and it just so happens the star of Ishtar is now found on Wonder Woman’s forehead. Do you see a pattern here? There is only one missing god that needs accounted for from the Babylonian Trinity. Tammuz! Can you guess which super hero from the Batman vs Superman movie represents Tammuz? Find out in my next post.