07 Oct

Venom Predicted This

Venom Predicted This

Recently someone sent me a clip of the interview between Stew Peters and Dr. Carrie Madej. Dr. Madej examined multiple Moderna and Johnson & Johnson covid “vaccine” vials under the microscope. What she saw with her own two eyes is mortifying. Here is the transcript if you want to see the words being spoken in this interview …

[Dr. Carrie Madej] There was self assembling going on. Things were growing. You know, they looked synthetic. And then there was one particular, I would say object, or organism, I’m not sure what to call it, that had tentacles coming from it. It was able to lift itself off of the cover of the glass slide.

[Stew Peters] It was alive!? The thing was alive!?

[Dr. Carrie Madej] It appeared – yeah – it appeared to be self aware, or be able to grow or move in space. I mean, all I can tell you is this is not something they taught us in medical school, nothing of my laboratories, nothing that I have seen before. I showed this to other people in the field and they don’t know what it is either, and I thought, when I first saw this, and I kept looking at it over and over again with a colleague with me, we both thought wow this almost appears as though it’s self aware. It knows we’re watching it. It’s just an intuition, a feeling of mine, but very upsetting.

[Dr. Carrie Madej] After 2 to 2.5 hours everything was destroyed of course. Then I thought maybe that was a fluke. Maybe it was just the one vial, and so just recently the lab was able to get more vials. Same manufacturer (Moderna) but a different batch of course. Looking at it the same way under the compound microscope and another one of those tentacle like structures appeared, this is now completely under the cover slip, there was no movement because it wasn’t on the edge. I just couldn’t believe I saw another one.

[Dr. Carrie Madej] I started crying when I saw these the second time under the microscope because it was confirmation of everything I saw the first time.

[Stew Peters] If I were looking into the microscope of something I was told was a vaccine to promote health and safety, and some self-aware tentacle equipped creature started moving, I would probably run out of the laboratory, that’s just me, I’m not scared of a lot, but that is scary that this is going into the blood of global citizens, and you’re right, they want to push this into our children.

It was literally during watching this clip I said to myself “that looks like a symbiote from the movie Venom (2018). And then I almost fell out of my office chair.


I now ask you this question dear reader. Was the movie Venom, a huge marvel blockbuster action movie released in 2018, a premonition of things to come just one year later? Are there parallels between the movie Venom and the COVID-19 “Pandemic”?

Here is the plot summary to Venom (2018) along with my color commentary.

My commentary is highlighted in blue …

The movie Venom begins with a ship owned by the Life Foundation flying around in outer space. It crashes in East Malaysia. Alien symbiotes are on board. They are blob beings the size of a pet cat with stretchy tentacles.

Eddie Brock is an investigative reporter in San Francisco. Unlike today’s mainstream media, Eddie is trying to report on the truth. He is kind of an Info Wars style reporter. Eddie finds a secret legal memo for a wrongful death claim against Life Foundation. The Life Foundation legal issue is about a “trial for gene therapy”. Eddie gets access to this secret legal memo via his girlfriend’s emails. She works at the same place Eddie does.

Gene therapy!! You know, like what the COVID-19 injections are. They are gene therapy injections.

Eddie now goes to interview the Life Foundation’s Founder. His name is Carlton Drake. At first Eddie is respectful with Carlton, but soon Eddie pushes the envelope. “You’re entire foundation has been built on dead bodies. You recruit the most vulnerable of us to volunteer for tests that more often than not end up killing people”. That comment triggers Mr. Drake.

How ironic that just 2 years later, the world’s most vulnerable would volunteer, and now be forced, into experimental gene therapy injections that are supposed to combat COVID-19 but are instead killing people.

Eddie gets fired for his hard hitting interview with Dr. Drake. His fiance gets fired too. She was his source for the truthful but dangerous accusations against the powerful doctor.

Meanwhile the Life Foundation is obsessed with merging the alien tentacle symbiotes they found on a comet in outer space with living creatures here on Earth. As Dr. Drake’s assistant Dora explains, “these creatures need to bond with the respiratory host in order to survive for any amount of time in an oxygen rich environment”.

Respiratory host you say? You mean like a being that catches COVID and needs “vaccinated”?

The Life Foundation combines an alien symbiote with a rabbit. The rabbit survives. Carlton wants to begin human trials right away. His assistant Dora warns Carlton that it’s way too early for that. He subtly threatens her kids.

Sound familiar as our children are currently being threatened over COVID-19 injections?

Isaac is the first human trial. Carlton knows it’s a Biblical name. He references Abraham’s sacrifice testing of Isaac. He takes a jab at the God of Abraham with this comment …

[Dr. Carlton Drake] “I don’t know what kind of God would ask that of someone, but it doesn’t change anything from me, Isaac is still the hero of this story. Look around you. Look at the world. What do you see? War, poverty, a planet on the brink of collapse! I would argue that God HAS abandoned us. He didn’t keep his end of the bargain Isaac so now it’s down to you and me to put this right.”

Dr. Carlton Drake doesn’t like the God of Abraham. He wants to play god instead. This sounds just like Fauci, Daszak, Gates, all of their kind.

The symbiote absorbs into Isaac via the skin. The symbiote kills Isaac and exits him. Carl’s reaction is an unphased with his callous comment of “bring in the next volunteer”.

Again this sounds just like Fauci and his diabolical crew. They don’t care about the side effects and deaths of experimental injections. They only care about their sinister agenda to inject every human with an experiment. By the way, the DARPA leaked 25 page PDF report “Project DEFUSE” tells us that the COVID-19 virus spreads via nano-particles that get absorbed through the skin, just like in this movie.

Dora hunts down Eddie as she feels terribly guilty. “Everything you accused him of, you were right. It’s all true. He’s got a lab filled with poor people and they’re all signing waivers that they don’t understand, and he’s using them like guinea pigs and they are dying”.

Very similar to today where we have whistleblowers coming forward to tell the truth about this COVID-19 gene therapy injections and the nightmares and death they are causing.

Dora and Eddie then have this incredible conversation in the movie …

[Dora] “overpopulation and climate change are two things that Drake cannot control. We are literally a generation away from a non-inhabitable Earth. Drake is using his personal rockets to scout real estate. Drake sent his ship on a mission. On the way back, they found a comet. On-board computers indicated the presence of life. Millions of organisms. We brought back some specimens”.

[Eddie] “You brought back aliens”?

[Dora] “Yes. But we don’t call them that. We call them symbiotes, and they cannot survive in our environment without help. Drake believes that the union between human and symbiote is the key to our survival – but not here on Earth.

[Eddie] “Drake is trying to put aliens and human beings together just so we can live in space”?

[Dora] “We call them hosts”.

[Eddie] “That’s nuts. That’s completely insane”.

[Dora] “Yes, there’s no protocol for this thing”.

How much of this conversation is playing out right now in the COVID-19 world? Bill Gates is on record from his 2010 TED Talk Innovating to Zero prioritizing depopulation. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gave this speech declaring ‘we have to take on the climate crisis with the same strength and determination we took on the pandemic crisis with’. These are the priorities of the Elite, from the mouths of the Elite.

Eddie then goes undercover in the Life Foundation’s lab when Dora sneaks him in. A homeless woman named Maria that Eddie knows from the streets of San Francisco is being detained there. She has had a symbiote in her for 7 days. Eddie breaks her out by shattering the glass. Maria attacks Eddie. The symbiote transfers to Eddie absorbed through the skin. Eddie now has the Venom symbiote in him.

A foreign woman arrives from Hong Kong to San Francisco with another of the symbiote in her. This is Riot.

Is it just ironic to me that the symbiote comes to the USA from China? Is it just ironic to me the giant RIOTS of 2020 around George Floyd?

Eddie busts into a San Francisco restaurant acting like a hungry lunatic because he has the Venom symbiote in him.

Sound familiar to the situation in San Francisco where theft is legal and break-ins are so rampant people are fleeing the city for refuge?

This movie Venom (2018) was predicting all of this just 3 years ago. Maybe you can find even more disturbing similarities between the COVID-19 plan and this movie Venom. This specific quote from Dr. Drake stands out to me.

[Dr. Carlton Drake] “What I have initiated is a whole new world. A whole new species! Man and symbiote combined.”

You mean like the New World Order !?!

08 Sep

COVID-19 Nasal Swab Tests Religious Exemption Letter

Religious Exemption Nasal Swab Test

I have several friends and family members that are being forced to take COVID-19 nasal swab tests. This is the ridiculous and painful procedure of jamming a long q-tip up your nose to scrape your brain. Anyone who wishes to activate their aforementioned brain realizes that this test is insane, dangerous, and not even accurate. For those who don’t want to be subjected to this medieval torture procedure, I have promising news for you.

I was in my bed getting ready to fall asleep last night when I was spurred in the spirit to look up the word “nose” in the King James Version Bible. Was it the Holy Ghost? Was it a guardian angel? Was it Jesus? I do not know – but what I found is pure gold. I consider finding this highly relevant scripture a miracle …

Then he said unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? Is it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here? for they have filled the land with violence, and have returned to provoke me to anger: and, lo, they put the branch to their nose.

Ezekiel 8:17 KJV

It looks to me like Ezekiel predicted the COVID-19 nasal swab test thousands of years ago. The scripture is so accurate that I am curious if these global tyrants got their inspiration for this nightmare nasal swab test from this exact scripture? They may have. I believe this scripture is your religious exemption freedom ticket out of this test.

Here is a sample COVID-19 Nasal Swab Test Religious Exemption Letter. Please tweak this sample letter for your own needs …

To whom it may concern

It has been brought to my attention that a COVID-19 nasal swab test is being enforced upon me. On religious grounds I must opt out of this test. My religious grounds are as follows …

The gospel of my religion is the Bible, ideally the King James Version (KJV). Scripture directs a lot of my decision making. The words of the Prophets are important to me. There are not many Prophets more respected than Ezekiel. I now quote the prophet Ezekiel …

Then he said unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? Is it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here? for they have filled the land with violence, and have returned to provoke me to anger: and, lo, they put the branch to their nose. – Ezekiel 8:17 KJV Bible

Per my religion and per a major Prophet, the branch will not be put to my nose for this strange test. According to Ezekiel 8:17 KJV, sticking branches up your nose appears to be some kind of ancient and forbidden occult ritual.

As a Bible believing Christian, I cannot, in good faith, participate in this abomination practice as defined very clearly in the scriptures. Please work with me on alternative options that are not forbidden in scripture.

Thank you

Arm yourself with the Word of God against nasal swab tests.

01 Sep

The Candle is Burning from Both Ends

Batman Villians Covid

Ladies and gentlemen, the candle is burning from both ends. On one end of the candle you have mad scientists across the world cooking up super viruses in their laboratories meant to injure, harm and kill. On the other end of the candle you have mad scientists creating injections that are killing many more than is being reported. This is what I mean by the candle is burning from both ends.

You may as well be brave. You can be killed from a super virus. You can be killed from an injection that you trusted – but trust can be violated – and we are witnessing significant injuries and even death when testimonies of taking these shots escape the iron bars of censorship. The world more than ever before reflects to me Batman’s super villains colluding to kill you with a poison virus or a poison shot. They are the author of both. This is the ultimate hegelian dialectic on display. Death is in the air and death is in the needle.

Now you are starting to see why Christ has to come back. He wasn’t coming back because everything is sunshine and lollipops my dear reader. He’s coming back because there is horror on the earth. I find myself looking to the sky more often than I used to. He sees all this. He knows.

So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.

Matthew 24:33 KJV

There is an artistic work of many of the popular Batman villains playing cards. I photoshopped it to make this art work more appropriate for 2021 …

The candle is burning from both ends. What a time to be alive. What an opportunity to show faith and courage for Christ. Be brave my brothers and sisters. This is all I wanted to say today.

21 Aug

COVID-19 Red Pill Sheet

Covid-19 Red Pill Sheet Feature Image

Sometimes I am chatting with my parents, brothers, sisters, or even a stranger, and they ask me to justify my position on the COVID-19 vaccine. I try to make various points in an effort to be convincing. Sometimes I do a good job of it with impromptu speech. Sometimes I’m emotional and I don’t say the right words. Then I’ll think about this and it haunts me. I try to tap into the Lord to deliver any important message with perfection, but executing perfection can be really difficult.

A local reporter keeps pushing vaccine mandates in their articles and on social media. I want to red pill the local reporter in a respectful way, but I could not find the right words. I could feel the Holy Ghost pushing me to try the other day, and in my spirit I was defeated – I didn’t have the right words to go about it. That’s when I got this idea. I need to create a red pill sheet, a thorough and detailed one pager, where I can print it out or post it on social media, and my thoughts are collected on this one page. It’s not perfect, it’s only one page, and people could write books on this topic. But if I can break through the spell of lies, if I can crack the spell long enough for a person to reconsider, I have accomplished something.

I only care about the truth. If I am wrong I am willing to be taught my error and change course. But I will not bow down to lies and censorship. The Lord demanded me to take some action. I have created this one pager for you. It is made to fit on an 8.5″ by 11″ standard sheet of paper. Share it. Print it. Make your own version. Here is my COVID-19 Red Pill Sheet (version 1.1) …

19 Aug

COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Religious Exemption Letter

COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Religious Exemption Letter

If you are looking for a COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Religious Exemption letter, I have written this one. Originally I wrote this just for me but I have decided to share it with you. This is a Bible oriented religious exemption letter. Not only is it a strong letter, I give you insight into this topic that you probably won’t see elsewhere. Arm yourself against mandates with the Word of God. Amen.

To whom it may concern

It has been brought to my attention that a COVID-19 vaccine mandate will be enforced upon me. On religious grounds I must opt out. My religious grounds are as follows …

The gospel of my religion is the Bible, ideally the King James Version (KJV). Scripture dictates my decision making in many aspects of my health. The KJV provides dietary rules in Leviticus for example. It also provides guidance on handling plagues and pestilences. Pestilences have been around for thousands of years. This concept is nothing new.

My religion provides guidance unto a nation that falls under pestilence …

2 Chronicles 7:13 KJV – If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; 
2 Chronicles 7:14 – If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

But if a nation will not accept this guidance, my religion provides guidance unto the individual regarding pestilence …

Psalms 91:5  Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; 
Psalms 91:6  Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. 
Psalms 91:7  A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

My religion instructs me to not fear the pestilence. In fact, it is perfectly reasonable in my religion to conclude that those who fear the pestilence are in much more danger than those whom are brave by 1000x. Taking an experimental vaccine is subservient to fear and I will not partake in that. The Lord decides my destiny …

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? – [Matthew 6:27 NIV]

Moreover, I believe that COVID-19 “vaccines” are the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by the Prophet Daniel in verse 12:11. Consider the abomination of scientists working on super viruses in laboratories around the world for at least the last 20+ years as documented in NIH grant GM63228 (2002), NIH grant A123946-08 (2002), and others. Consider the desolation per the study “Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons” where 82% (104 of 127 women) experienced a miscarriage in the first 20 weeks of their pregnancy. Is that not the definition of making desolate?

I will not partake in the Abomination of Desolation. I recommend you don’t either. I leave you with this final scripture …

Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? – [Luke 18:8 KJV]

I could go on with many more scriptures, but for brevity, I end this letter now. Please see to it that I retain my employment while opting out based on religious grounds which I have established above.

Thank you