19 Jun

Kanye West – Devil Worship – Part 2

Kanye West - Devil Worship - Par

I wrote Kanye West Devil Worship Part 1 about a year ago. By the Grace of God I waited until I wrote Part 2 (even though I really wanted to write it much faster). I am glad I waited. I will be much more intriguing because of the delay. First and foremost I want people to pray for this man. Send forth your prayers to save this poor soul Kanye West from himself. As far as I know Kanye West is still human with a soul in there somewhere. Now he could be possessed by a fallen angel or a demon or reptilian or something like this. You and I must come to the aide of our fellow man. I have done many dumb things in my life. I have thought I was in the right when clearly deceived. The Most High will judge. Until then we can help our fellow man with sincere prayers. Until then we can know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:16-20 KJV). And now I will analyze further some of the fruits of Kanye West.

One of the most influential music videos I have ever seen in my life is Kanye West’s short film Runaway which is produced by none other than Roc-A-Fella Records LLC which is owned by Sean Carter (Jay-Z) whom quite obviously idolizes the Rockefeller family by his company’s name. Runaway is a half hour of intense religious and occult imagery which takes multiple sitting to catch all references. I will try to point out significant references to you. Surely I still miss some references to this day – but I have plenty to share right now.

The first meaning I want to point out is the title of the film. I only came to know its meaning recently because I have just read the Book of Enoch within the last year. Have you ever read the Book of Enoch? There are vehement defenders of the Book of Enoch to the point that some think it is a conspiracy that it was excluded from the Bible itself. There are those on the total opposite end of the spectrum who think it is a forgery and a demon doctrine. For our purposes it doesn’t much matter the validity of Enoch. What does matter is the story itself. There are heroes and villians in the Book of Enoch. The heroes are the Lord of the Spirits and the Son of Man. The villains are the fallen angels whom have conspired to descend to earth and mate with women. This opposes the will of the Lord of Spirits and they are eternally cast out of Heaven. And do you know the name given to those fallen angels whom made a pact to descend upon the earth and intimately know the women of earth in Enoch? They are called the Runaways. And so the most significant artistic work of Kanye West’s life and times is a tribute to the Runaways whom are fallen angels that corrupted the bloodlines. An intriguing thing to mention. In the Runaway short film the role is reversed. The woman angel descends to earth to mate with Kanye the man. Simply watch to know …

And for a long time I did not understand the introduction. Until I understood Luciferian doctrine better. Understand this concept. The Luciferians believe that the Most High is the villain. To the Luciferians the Creator is a mean God. This is because the Creator declared the Tree of Knowledge forbidden in the Garden of Eden. Knowledge of good and evil was denied to the first man and the first woman. And it was benevolent Lucifer who educated Eve that the mean creator was unjustly denying the knowledge. It was virtuous Lucifer who offered godhood to woman and in turn she offered godhood to man (the origin of the god and goddess dichotomy). Ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil – Genesis 3:5. And this is the mindset and root and the origin of Luciferianism (and Wicca and Paganism and Satanism) all in one act. It all traces back to Eden and the forbidden fruit and Genesis 3. And now we understand the words of Nicki Minaj as the fallen angel descends from the sky in the opening scene of Runaway …

You might think you’ve peeped the scene/
You haven’t/
The real one’s far to mean/
The watered down one/
The one you know/
Was made up centuries ago/

And this is the meaning of the intro to Runaway. It sets the tone for the whole film. It is a tribute to the origin of Luciferianism which transpired in the Garden of Eden. The Creator (the real one) is mean. The watered down one is the Son of God whom is kind not mean. Christ is denied as even existing by their own words which are Christ was made up centuries ago. Kanye West says the right things in radio interviews about Jesus. But you will know him by his fruits. Be it music videos or lyrical verses or album art or concert performances or the like – these are his fruits. You must become skilled at identifying blasphemy if you are to understand him. I devoted Kanye West Devil Worship Part 1 to that very topic!

And so you have the freedom to believe whatever “good” and “evil” your false self god can talk yourself into thanks to Lucifer tempting Eve in the Garden of Eden. Do not underestimate a major selling point of Luciferianism is the self god concept. Unfortunately because of Lucifer we were cast out of Eden to a prison of mortal flesh and we shall surely die. Lucifer blatantly lied to Eve in Genesis 3:4 when he tells Eve ye shall not surely die. IT WAS A LIE. Luciferianism was built on a lie. The flesh now faces death because of it.

I’m not even 1 minute into the video and we have discovered much. There is plenty more to say about Runaway that is not common knowledge. I can now clearly see I will need a Kanye West Devil Worship Part 3 (and maybe a Part 4!). Part 2 will become too long if I cover all of Runaway now. Kanye creates too much devil worship material to be covered in 2 posts (sigh). For now we have analyzed the title and the introduction of the Runaway music video. The conclusion is inspiration was taken from the villains of the Book of Enoch (the fallen angels who mated with humans) and fundamental Luciferianism.

Let us examine some more Kanye West rotten fruit. I want to discuss the Kanye West – Power music video. I have never come across someone cracking the true meaning of the Kanye West – Power music video online. To understand it you must first recognize the Thelema religion. This is the religion of the self-proclaimed “666 Beast” Aleister Crowley invented in the early 1900s. The Thelema religion is experiencing a significant renaissance in our life and times. The reason is because we have now lived past 2012 which is a key date in the Thelema and in the occult in general. This is because December 21st 2012 marks the ushering in of the Age of Aquarius and the Aeon of Horus. The Age of Pisces (Christ) is to be ushered out. These are both central concepts to the Thelema religion. Now another key to the Thelema religion is the Thoth Tarot Card deck. The Thoth Tarot Cards are for divination (which is seeking knowledge of the future). They can also be used for magick. These things are forbidden in the Bible as abominations in many scripture verses.

The significance of the Thoth Tarot Cards to Aleister Crowley is not hard to trace. Aleister Crowley invented the Thelema religion of which the Egyptian diety Thoth is a big deal. He also helped design the Thoth Tarot Cards. He also authored the Book of Thoth which explains the Thoth Tarot Cards!

Now let me show you the Thoth Tarot Card for Power. The card is the Four of Disks – Power. So we have a music video named “Power” and a Thoth Tarot Card named “Power”. It looks like this …

Power - Four of Disks - Thoth Tarot Card

And now here we have the Kanye West – Power music video …

It is not hard to see that the Kanye West Power music video is filmed in a scene that looks like an artistic representation standing at the gates of the fortress displayed on the Four of Disks Thoth Tarot Card. And we are to know that this card displays a fortress because Aleister Crowley tells us this in the Book of Thoth (which describes the tarot cards). The color scheme is the same. Clearly the pillars in the music video have meaning. I would argue there is multiple meanings. Pillars can clearly be found on the Power Tarot Card. Also in Freemasonry pillars are built into every masonic temple. These are called Boaz and Jachin. When I Googled Boaz and Jachin I found the following image near the top of the results. Does this image not resemble the very fortress drawn on the Four of Disks Power card?

Boaz Jachin Pillars

Perhaps not. Perhaps the pillars and the color scheme are not enough coincidence to the Power Tarot Card. Then consider the following. Above Kanye’s head is a sword piercing a crown. A sword piercing a crown can also be found predominantly on a different Thoth Tarot Card.

Have a look at the Ace of Swords …

Ace of Swords - Thoth Tarot Card

And consider the following. I can draw imagery from not 1 not 2 but THREE Thoth Tarot Cards. Check out the Thoth Tarot Card known as The Moon …

Thoth Tarot Card - The Moon

For this reason the Power music video is heavy Thelema. There are other obvious Thelema references. Horus is the giant head on the Kanye necklace. The Thelema religion intertwines occult and Egyptian concepts heavily. Horus is a major Thelema diety (so is Thoth clearly). The Aeon of Horus is to usher out the Aeon of Pisces which is essentially the astrological Age of Christ. Christ is to be ushered out. Egyptian gods are to be ushered in. I write about this all the time. Notice the men dumping water on their heads upside down in the Power music video. Ever examined the Aquarius zodiac sign? It is commonly represented like this …

Aquarius Zodiac

In conclusion to this post I will summarize. Kanye West has combined Book of Enoch fallen angel concepts with Luciferian concepts in the Runaway short film – and I’m not even 1 minute into the analysis of his 30 minute Runaway short film (spoiler alert I have watched the whole thing and there are incredible dark concepts ahead in a future post). Kanye promotes heavy Thelema and Freemasonry symbolism in the Power music video which people have been trying to crack for years. I have identified at least three strong Thoth Tarot Card references. I will need to compose a Kanye West Devil Worship Part 3 and probably a Part 4. These are the fruits of Kanye West. May he change his ways. May you pray for him to change his ways.

11 Jun

Light Worship – The Emerald Tablets of Thoth

Thoth the Atlantean

Recently when searching for references to the “Age of Aquarius” I accidentally stumbled across a fascinating ancient text called “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean”. I read the text in its entirety. I knew almost immediately that these Emerald Tablets answered a lot of questions I had about the origin of many occult beliefs (and conspiracies in general). After reading the Emerald Tablets one thing became blatantly clear. Thoth endorses light worship.

If you browse the Emerald Tablets you will quickly determine that the central theme of the Emerald Tablets is light worship. The pdf version I read was only 48 pages long. You will find the word “light” an astounding 353 times! Self admittedly I have read a lot of occult texts in my life and times. I do this not because I want to enroll in the occult. I do this to learn what people of power believe in this world. Learn from opposites is an effective tool.

I have reason to believe that the Emerald Tablets are authoritative texts to the occult. Actually it could be the authoritative text. The themes people associate with Freemasonry and “The Illuminati” are all here in this book. Egyptian gods and symbols are here. The great pyramids and the sphinx are here. So is magick and astral projection. So is the underworld, reptilians, spaceships and the dark side (although you will be shocked what Thoth thinks about the dark side). I am very much reminded of Star Wars when I read the Emerald Tablets. I think I should do a separate post on lessons learned from reading the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean. Until then let us discuss the theme of the text. Let us discuss light worship.

To study light worship I want to propose a simple question to the reader. Is light always “good”? That is what I want to examine in this post. I have proposed a few allegories for the reader to to consider when judging if light is always good. The allegories are as follows …

1) Have you ever seen a movie on your television that you feel was “evil”? If you have then this is fascinating. Here is the technology behind cable television …

Cable television is a system of delivering television programming to paying subscribers via radio frequency (RF) signals transmitted through coaxial cables or light pulses through fiber-optic cables. This contrasts with broadcast television, in which the television signal is transmitted over the air by radio waves and received by a television antenna attached to the television. – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cable_television

Did you see the keyword light pulses in the definition of the technology involved in cable television? It is worth repeating this point. In your life you may have seen a movie that you consider “evil”. Movies on cable tv are composed of light pulses. Fascinating.

2) Have you ever seen a music video that you might consider “evil”? Music videos are light pulses at the coaxial cable level which deliver the video file to your internet browsing device. See example 1.

3) Have you ever read a sentence on a web page that you might consider “evil”? Text files and web pages are light pulses at the coaxial cable level which deliver the text to your internet browsing device. See example 1 and example 2.

4) Have you ever been driving down the road and the sun is in your eyes? Have you ever been “high beamed” by another car on the road? Are these things ideal for getting you safely from point A to point B in your motor vehicle of choice? Or are there some negative consequences when a car is driving towards you with the high beams on?

5) How do you feel about inviting the light of a powerful lightning bolt striking you during a bad thunderstorm when you are outside holding a golf club or a steel baseball bat?

6) Have you ever stood in front of the Japanese LFEX laser when it is turned on shooting a 2 petawatt laser beam? A friendly suggestion. Don’t stand in front of the LFEX. Because it would melt a giant hole through your chest.

7) How do you feel about a ghost haunting in your house? Ghosts sure do look like light beings. Does a ghost haunting sound A) disturbing / threatening / terrifying or B) it sounds like a wonderful experience?

8) It is not uncommon for alien abduction victims to report an alien abduction light beam. Is this something you would want happening to you?

Here is the main point I am trying to make. In this world you will find light that surely can be good. You may also very well find light that can promote evil things. Light can also terrify you, blind you, burn you, or just straight up kill you. I simply wanted to point that out.

I leave you with one final allegory to make my case …

9) What if there existed a legion of fallen angels in this world. Is it such a crazy stretch of imagination that perhaps fallen angels could be composed of light? Is it so ridiculous to consider fallen angel light beings may endorse light worship as “the way”? Is it beyond the rational to contemplate light is not always inherently “good”? With these thoughts in mind go forth and read The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean. Consider the true nature of Thoth.

03 Jun

Elon Musk – We Live In A Computer Simulation

Elon Musk

Elon Musk is considered by many to be one of the smartest humans walking around on the planet. He has a very impressive resume. He is one of the founders of PayPal which is the super successful online platform for sending money to other people by email address. He is also CEO of SpaceX where the mission is to reinvent space travel by lowering the costs and commercializing the process (including colonizing Mars). Finally he is the CEO of Tesla Motors which is in business to advance the electric car (and has done so quite successfully). Elon Musk is an intelligent man.

Which is why I was so intrigued by his recent answer to a philosophical question proposed at a conference questioning whether our existence is essentially “The Matrix”. Also I am very intrigued by his shocking answer that indeed we are living in a Matrix and the odds that we are not living in a Matrix is so concrete that it is “1 in billions” that we are not in a video game.

First and foremost I actually appreciate the fact that Elon Musk thinks about philosophy and metaphysics (where metaphysics is the the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space). I am not too impressed with his “1 in billions” conclusion though.

Here is the interview …


Here is the transcript from the interview …

“The strongest argument for us being in a simulation – probably, being in a simulation, is the following. Forty years ago we had pong. Two rectangles and a dot. That was what games were. Now forty years later we have photo realistic, 3D simulations with millions of people playing simultaneously and its getting better every year. Soon we will have virtual reality, augmented reality, etc. If you assume any rate of improvement at all then the games will become indistinguishable from reality. Just instinctual. Even if that rate of advancement drops by 1000 from what it is right now. Then you just say ok lets imagine what it is 10000 years into the future – which is nothing on the evolutionary scale. So clearly we are on a trajectory to have games that are indistinguishable from reality and those games could be played on any set top box or a PC or whatever and they would probably be billions of such computers or set top boxes it would seem to follow that the odds that we are in base reality is 1 in billions”. – Elon Musk

He then asks “tell me what is wrong with that argument”. I respect Elon for asking what is wrong with his argument. I will now attempt to answer in better fashion than the man put on the spot at the conference who was clearly in over his head.

The first problem with the computer simulation argument is just assuming evolution is unequivocally factual. The media would have us believe you are amongst the craziest of the crazy if you believe the universe is not billions and billions of years old. I am reminded of Stephen Hawking’s goldfish bowl allegory. Stephen Hawking argues that a genius goldfish could tell us some things about the world outside the fish bowl – even though it lives in the fish bowl. Wishful thinking. Even a goldfish in a bowl on the summit of a grandiose mountain could only deduce the physical world for a few visible miles on the horizon and a few visible miles into the sky. A speck of the earth and a speck of the sky would be the observable world of the most privileged goldfish.

So how did the brilliant humans deduce that the universe is billions of years old? Mostly reliance on carbon dating. Let us examine carbon dating briefly just to hammer home a point. Did you know carbon dating relies on an assumption?

A critical assumption used in carbon-14 dating has to do with this ratio. It is assumed that the ratio of 14C to 12C in the atmosphere has always been the same as it is today (1 to 1 trillion). If this assumption is true, then the AMS 14C dating method is valid up to about 80,000 years. Beyond this number, the instruments scientists use would not be able to detect enough remaining 14C to be useful in age estimates. This is a critical assumption in the dating process. If this assumption is not true, then the method will give incorrect dates. – Mike Riddle – https://answersingenesis.org/geology/carbon-14/doesnt-carbon-14-dating-disprove-the-bible/

Scientifically we are no better at understanding our entire universe than the most genius goldfish understanding the entire earth. Would you entertain a brilliant goldfish whom has never left its bowl to tell you about the jungles of Brazil? Would you entertain the wise goldfish on escaping natural predators in the saltwater Pacific Ocean if he has never left its humble 1 gallon of fresh water? Of course not. In another galaxy beyond the Milky Way carbon may decay in 2 minutes compared to 80000 years. Who knows? The Creator knows. We do not. And so this is my first point in weakening the case that there are 1 in billion odds we are not living in a computer simulation. Our understanding of evolution itself relies on assumption.

My second rebuttal is essentially the existence of errors in our world. As one of the original Founders of PayPal Mr. Musk knows a thing or two about artificial intelligence and coding itself. He knows the preciseness of executed code. There are no “errors” in a computer’s decision making. There are errors introduced by humans into code. It is not rare for a human programmer to get an error message when executing code. But it is not the code’s fault. Humans introduce errors into the code. How could that be if we are nothing but code on our own?

Here are some common coding errors a human programmer might run into …

1) Divide by 0 error
2) Array index out of bounds error
3) Variable not defined error
4) Missing an opening / closing bracket
5) Missing a semicolon closing statement

So very simply I ask why are any of us making any errors if our reality is a computer simulation? How do any humans around us make any “mistakes” or “regret” anything in their life? The human condition is full of experiences like “mistakes”, “forgetting”, “regret”, “misinterpretations”, “misunderstandings”, “miscommunications”, “miseducation”, “confusion”, etc. This is a tremendous thing for our computer simulation to be so full of error.

I have one final question. Is the “I” and the “we” and the “you” and the “us” computer simulations as well? Am I to understand that humans are nothing more than soulless lines of the code? Or are we “plugged in” more like the traditional Matrix indicates? Elon did not make that clear to me as a viewer. I would like to hear more about that before I comment further. I just wanted to explain indeed there are a few things that drastically reduce odds from 1 to a billion that we are not living in a video game.

I wrote this post because it is diametrically opposed to my God Math post. And I feel the God Math post has more substance for odds of God existing than a computer simulated video game reality. But I will let the reader decide.

31 May

Snoop Dogg Sold His Soul In A Short Film

Murder Was The Case

In a previous post I analyzed the Snoop Dogg music video California Roll. Now I do not have a vendetta against the man but I was shocked by Snoop’s endorsement of the Thelema religion in California Roll. Something prodded me to go back and look at some of Snoop Dogg’s old school music videos. And when I did I found something startling. I came across the “Murder Was The Case” short film / music video made way back in 1995. Now as I have stated before I do have hip hop knowledge. With that said I have never seen the Murder Was The Case short film before. And if I did I was very young when I saw it. I could have watched this as recently as 7 years ago and still been clueless. This is how naive and brainwashed I was. You shouldn’t make the same mistake.

The “fictional” Murder Was The Case short film starts out in JC’s apartment (JC is Eddie Murphy’s older brother and now famous comedian Charlie Murphy of all people!). JC overhears his girlfriend conversing with Calvin Broadus (Snoop Dogg) on their affair behind JC’s back. JC listens in on the phone call. Now he wants revenge. He wants to kill Snoop Dogg in a shootout – and he does. It is not lost on me that the person who wants to kill Snoop Dogg is nicknamed “JC” (pretty obvious Jesus Christ reference and pretty obvious blasphemy constructed by Snoop Dogg and / or Dr. Dre). Here is the youtube video …

Here are the lyrics …

As I look up at the sky/
My mind starts trippin, a tear drops my eye/
My body temperature falls/
I’m shakin and they breakin tryin to save the Dogg/
Pumpin on my chest and I’m screamin/
I stop breathin, damn I see demons/
Dear God, I wonder can ya save me/
I can’t die Boo-Boo’s bout to have my baby/
I think it’s too late for prayin, hold up/
A voice spoke to me and it slowly started sayin/
“Bring your lifestyle to me I’ll make it better”/
How long will I live?/
“Eternal life and forever”/
And will I be, the G that I was?/
“I’ll make your life better than you can imagine or even dreamed of/
So relax your soul, let me take control/
Close your eyes my son”/
My eyes are closed/

I’m fresh up out my coma/
I got my momma and my daddy and my homies in my corner/
It’s gonna take a miracle they say/
For me to walk again and talk again but anyway/
I get, fronted some keys, to get, back on my feet/
And everything that nigga said, came to reality/

Murder Was The Case Lyrics – Snoop Dogg

No one ever talks about a short film / music video where Calvin Broadus sold his soul to the devil to become the famous Snoop Dogg. You would think it would come up in conversation on conspiracy websites – but I have never heard anyone mention it or write about it. The opening credits tell us a lot. They say “Gregory S. Cummins as The Devil”. There is no mistake this is meant to be the devil. Also super important. This short film was produced AND directed by Dr. Dre. He strikes the piano key at 12:51 of the short film. He is in it. He wanted to produce it. He wanted to direct it. He wanted to be in it. I can only deduce that he loves everything about it. Shortly after thinking about this I connected some unfortunate dots. I thought of Dr. Dre’s son Andre Young. I couldn’t help make the connection. Andre Young is no longer with us (deceased at age 20 in 2008). Are you jumping to conclusions like I am? I won’t say with conviction that the death of Andre Young is the price Satan demands. I will say it isn’t crazy.

My point is Murder Was The Case contains truth in the fiction. Truth that Calvin Broadus had no problem with a short film depicting himself selling his soul to the devil. Truth that Dr. Dre has no problem with it as well. Truth that this short film contains real life blasphemy (as a society we are not used to recognizing blasphemy and I will point it out below). Truth that Andre Young is deceased. Truth that Calvin Broadus really is dead to the public (we all know him as Snoop Dogg). Truth that Snoop Dogg is alive and Tupac Shakur is dead. Is there a connection between Snoop Dogg’s life and Tupac’s death? I have an interesting theory about that which I will post in the future.

Beyond these things I think there is more truth to find. Consider the following …

1) At 13:10 of the Murder Was The Case short film Snoop Dogg breathes in the spirit of Satan like smoke …

Snoop Breathing in Satan

Now follow me because this is astonishing. Fast forward 20 years later to the music video California Roll which I wrote about in-depth. Snoop Dogg repeats the exact same ritual when he shows a “hieroglyphic” diagram showing a young woman how to breathe in the Egyptian god Anubis and then he performs the ritual to the young woman in the crowd. This is not by accident

Spirit Diagram California Roll

Isn’t it a little bit coincidental that in 2 separate music videos Calvin Broadus breathes in Satan and 20 years later he teaches a young woman how to breathe in Anubis? Not to those of us familiar with the Thelema religion and the Torah (and by all means you should be). Let me explain. The Age of Horus (which is the same thing as the Age of Aquarius) began on December 21st 2012. The Thelema religion wants to usher in a New Age – the Age of Horus (where Horus is an ancient Egyptian god). Snoop is showing us the old dog has learned new tricks. Today he worships Egyptian gods in the same fashion he worshiped Satan 20 years ago. He breathes them in (possession). Once you understand the Thelema religion you will come to know it is one in the same with devil worship. They are simply two different styles. How do we know that Egyptian gods are devil worship? How do I make that leap? The God of Abraham told us himself in the Torah …

And God spake all these words, saying,

I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

Thou shalt have no other gods before me. – Leviticus 20:1-3 – KJV Bible

Do you really think it is just coincidence that right before the God of Abraham says “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” there is a mention of Egypt? At the very least this coincidence reminds us not to worship the Egyptian gods (as if you really need reminded of that).

2) This is another significant screenshot from this short film. Look closely at this screenshot of Snoop Dogg praying. This is unbelievable. They actually put an upside-down cross on the wall. If you do not know an upside-down cross is a satanic symbol to represent the rejection of Jesus as defined on the Church of Satan website itself (I do not care to link to it) …

Snoop Praying

3) There are scenes in this short film where the devil and Jesus are combined to be the same lord. To declare that Satan and Jesus are the same is brazen blasphemy. This is what blasphemy looks like! In artistic and blasphemous fashion Calvin Broadus chose Satan to be his savior. Dr. Dre produced it and directed it and participated in it. One has to seriously wonder who he worships too. And I sincerely hope comedian Charlie Murphy was just too young and naive to realize what grave transgressions were happening around him – but I doubt it.

17 Apr

God Math

God Math

It is certainly not breaking news that we live in a digital age.  Our cell phones, our cars, our economy, our government, and many other things rely heavily on computers.  Have you ever considered truly why?

What is it about computer processing that aides us so much as a civilization? Is it the tremendous speed of computationally processing solutions vs a manual process?  Indeed speed is a huge benefit.  Is it the massive volume of data?  Certainly a computer database “remembers” many more things than the common man.  Is it for efficiency?  Certainly.  An ipad takes up much less space than thousands of boxes of paper records.  But the most significant advantage to choosing a digital solution I would argue is accuracy.

The reason there is accuracy is because all vague things in the world must be forced into a 0 or 1 state to convert to digital.  This rule forces accuracy.  Every digital solution and every digital file is essentially a giant collection of 0 and 1.  In modern computer science the 0 indicates false and the 1 indicates true.  That is a crucial detail.  This is called a binary decision.  You make thousands of binary decisions every day in your life.

But what are the odds on a non-biased binary decision? Well that is not hard to calculate. Let us use an example from normal life.  Here is your non-biased binary decision to make.  You have to get up early for school tomorrow.  But your favorite TV show will keep you up late!!  What do you do?  When purely indecisive on an imminent binary decision your odds of choosing 0 or 1 is (of course) 50%.  There is a 50% chance to stay up late and be miserable in the morning.  There is a 50% chance of going to bed early and feeling fresh as a daisy in the morning while people spoil the plot at the water cooler throughout the next day.

Let us now apply binary decisions to scripture to see if we can calculate a proof of God. We have all we need!  All we need are binary decisions and a copy of the King James Version Bible.  Now we calculate the God math.  I have chosen direct actions of God written in the King James Bible to lay out a theorem of existence.  Remember, IF only 1 of the following scenarios is true THEN God exists.  You need ENTIRELY ALL FALSE results in EVERY BINARY DECISION to get a confirmed non-existence  …

God Creates Earth

Genesis 1:1 – In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

God either created the earth or he did not.  If God did this he exists.  Binary decision time.

Mathematical odds of God not existing based on 1 binary decision: 50%

God Creates Man

Genesis 2:7 – And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

God either created man or he did not.  If God did this he exists.

Mathematical odds of God not existing based on 2 binary decisions: 25%

God Commands Noah to Build an Ark

Genesis 6:14 Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.

God either commanded Noah to build an ark or he did not.  If God did this he exists.

Mathematical odds of God not existing based on 3 binary decisions: 12.5%

God Appears To Abraham

Genesis 12:7 And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the Lord, who appeared unto him.

God either appeared to Abraham or he did not.  If God did this he exists.

Mathematical odds of God not existing based on 4 binary decisions: 6.25%

God Appears To Abraham Again

Genesis 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.

God either appeared to Abraham a second time or he did not.  If God did this he exists.

Mathematical odds of God not existing based on 5 binary decisions: 3.125%

God Gives Abraham and Sarah A Child

Genesis 17:19 And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.

God gives previously barren Sarah a child at age 90 or he did not.  If God did this he exists.

Mathematical odds of God not existing based on 6 binary decisions: 1.562%

God Destroys Sodom and Gomorrah

Genesis 18:32 And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten’s sake.

God either destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah or he did not.  If God did this he exists.

Mathematical odds of God not existing based on 7 binary decisions: 0.781%


I am about 10 pages into the book of Genesis.  We are 7 binary decisions in. With binary decision making we have set probability less than 1% of God not existing. Yes I hand-picked examples – but a binary decision MUST be made on them regardless so who cares.  I have about 1190 pages left in the King James Bible to mathematically solidify a very reasonable and rational theorem for the existence of the God of Abraham.

If I can find 3 (whoa don’t find too many!) more binary decisions for a total of 10 (.5 ^ 10 on a calculator) in the entire Bible concerning biblically documented actions of God (where just 1 action actually happening proves existence) then the odds go to about 1 in 1,000 for God not existing.

And if I can find a total of 20 binary decisions (.5 ^ 20 on a calculator) in the entire Bible concerning biblically documented actions of God (where just 1 action actually happening proves existence) then the odds go to about 1 in 1,000,000 for God not existing.

And if I can find a total of 30 binary decisions (.5 ^ 30 on a calculator) in the entire Bible concerning biblically documented actions of God (where just 1 action actually happening proves existence) then the odds go to about 1 in 1,000,000,000 for God not existing.

Do you really think we can only find 30 examples?  There were probably 30 perfectly valid binary decisions that I passed over in the first 10 pages! You can easily find 100+ binary decisions in the KJV concerning direct actions of I AM WHO AM. And if you did find those 100 binary decisions the probability of God not existing would be this number …


Isn’t that amazing! I hope you enjoyed the math.  I know I did.  I think it is very useful crunching the actual numbers utilizing unbiased binary decision making.