I’m going to analyze X-Men Apocalypse for you like no one else can nor will. Before we start let me just tell you that I dreaded watching this movie. My life is at a point where I don’t even want to absorb this junk anymore. That is how I know I am deprogramming somewhat successfully. You can achieve deprogramming like this as well. It took me a few months and I still have a ways to go.
This movie does whatever it can to deride the Bible. I need to prove this before we even get started. Divination for example. Divination is forbidden in the Bible. Tarot cards are tools for divination. To “celebrate” this movie 20th Century Fox (the film corporation behind the movie) released these tarot cards to promote X-Men Apocalypse at the San Diego Comic Con. Clearly there is heavy occult imagery in those cards. This is just one example surrounding this movie.
The Four Horsemen are a critical concept to this movie’s plot. If you look at the credits on IMDB you will find actors who played the Horseman of Pestilence, the Horseman of Death, the Horseman of War, and the Horseman of Famine in the movie credits. The concept of the Four Horsemen is straight out of Revelation 6 and no where else. Another name for the Book of Revelation is The Apocalypse of John. None of this is accident. One more point to show these people know what they are doing. Look at the poster to the movie. Now google “skull scrying”. You probably didn’t even know what skull scrying was. Now you do. Skull scrying is something real witches and warlocks do.
I am familiar with the comic book history of this Apocalypse X-Men character found here. Louise Simonson created this comic book character in 1986. If you look at Louise’s Wikipedia page you will find her comic book writings promote warlocks and witches and magick. Louise enjoys promoting everything the Bible condemns. She has been for decades. In fact look at the characters these Marvel comic book writers surround Apocalypse with. You will see characters named Baal, Exodus, Moses, Genesis, etc. If you have read the Old Testament then you are well aware of what these things are. If you do not recognize this then its time to start reading your KJV Bible immediately (or listening to it on audio book).
Now this movie has screenplay writers. They are Simon Kinberg, Bryan Singer, Michael Dougherty and Dan Harris. These people pile abominations on top of abominations. This is serious stuff to Christians. Of all of the comic book characters available this is the character Marvel chooses to make a blockbuster film about!?
This movie opens up the scene in Ancient Egypt trying to establish ancient Egyptian gods as X-Men. See my other posts about Gods of Egypt and Katy Perry if you need to brush up on your Egyptian occult references. Check out these screenshots for proof …

From left to right we have Anubis (jackal helmet), Osiris (ostrich helmet), and Set / Seth (set animal helmet). Here is a better look at the ostrich helmet Apocalypse wears …

When these “Egyptian gods” remove their masks you will see they are X-Men. There you have it. Direct correlations between X-Men and Egyptian gods.
The New Age
Around the 7:20 frame begins an insightful scene. The film rushes through “ages of human history”. I can point them out to the best of my ability. The first is the Egyptian Age as you are shown the Eye of Horus. Then the Age of Christ. Then the star of Ishtar (however this confuses me because Ishtar was thousands of years before Christ so perhaps this is the Persian Empire?). Then the Roman Empire as symbolized by the eagle. Then the Third Reich as indicated by the swastika. Then the Soviet Union and then America (even showing the twin towers for the truthers out there!). Finally this scene presents a vault door and then we are taken in the vault. What was secret isn’t secret anymore. The New Age is here.
We jump right into the classroom scene around the 8:29 frame. “Peace Turned to Chaos – Pandemonium in Paris” is the newspaper highlighted. There is a ton of meaning here. Concerning chaos – do you know who Adam Weishaupt was? He is the founder of the modern day Illuminati created in 1776. He believed in the Law of Fives. Law One is Chaos. Law Five is Aftermath as in Apocalypse. Google it if you like. You may as well google “pandemonium origin of word” while you are at it. Pandemonium is the city of all demons. Right below the newspaper headline is the Beast and they mystic (Mystique). There is a whole lot of meaning in this one Newspaper headline.
The professor presents something to the class very interesting. The professor says of Mystique “she has become the symbol of a New Age” – but she never calls her by name. I have a theory on this. We know the actress who plays Mystique. Perhaps she doesn’t say the name because she is referring to the actress herself Jennifer Lawrence. How ironic this would be. Jennifer Lawrence stars in The Hunger Games movies as well as X-Men.
We should talk about The Hunger Games briefly. The Hunger Games is a book / movie series dedicated to the New World Order government of the future in a country called “Panem” composed of 12 districts where children fight each other to the death for District pride. I just pointed out the “Pandemonium in Paris” newspaper headline in X-Men Apocalypes. What is the common thread? Pan is the common thread of course. Pan is a pagan god of nature. The New Age worships nature. The New Age loves Pan.
Back to X-Men Apocalypse and the New Age. Here I will list some major concepts of the New Age. Keep these things in mind as I break down this movie further …
1) Pyramid Power
2) Raising your Consciousness
3) The Pineal Gland
4) Psychic Abilities
5) Astral Projection
6) The Demiurge
Do you recognize these things? I will explain them to you. If you want to find them in the movie before I tell you where to find them that is cool. Here is the explanation behind these things …
1) Pyramid Power is a real thing in the New Age. See an example of this at frame 3:58 of the movie. Also see frame 7:26 which is a view of the pyramid from directly above which shapes a large “X” for X-Men of course. I have never made the correlation between the X and a pyramid but I did just now. This explains an occult meaning for “XXX” to me – aka the three pyramids at giza.
2) Raising your consciousness is a key concept in the New Age. It has several meanings. I will highlight some of them for you. It can mean to “open your mind”. It can mean to meditate. It can mean to open up the third eye ajna chakra. It can mean to sharpen your “psychological gifts”. It can mean to channel energy through your spine up to your brain known as the serpent power which is also known as kundalini yoga. It means all of these things. Now I will tell you what few Christians will tell you. The real purpose of this garbage is to 1) call in demons into your body and b) get demon power. You are being programmed to accept yoga and Hinduism and Luciferianism with this New Age stuff. You have been warned.
3) The Pineal Gland is a representation of the human brain if you cut it in half. You can see this symbol in the movie on the 7:29 frame (it moves by quickly). Also referred to as the Eye of Horus. Also the Third Eye. Also the ajna chakra. Also the All Seeing Eye. Also the Eye of Ra. Also the Grand Architect of the Universe. It is a symbol of all of these things.
Before you go and open up your third eye know this. What you are doing when you open the third eye is you are connecting your brain directly to Lucifer’s internet. Opening the third eye is tapping into Lucifer’s consciousness. Once again reinforcing that the New Age is Luciferianism – but most of the world doesn’t even know what Luciferianism is. If you won’t listen to me then listen to Chris LaSala or Vigilant Christian or Steve Bancarz. These people have opened up the third eye. They regret it. They will tell you all about it. You have been warned.
4) Psychic abilities are one of the “benefits” of opening the third eye. Again you are tapping into demons for this power to do this stuff. Lucifer and the fallen angels have powers like clairvoyance and divination and channeling etc. They can share them with you in exchange for your worship.
I have good news for you. If you read your Bible and act as Christ instructed in the Bible there are powerful gifts to gain from the Holy Spirit that are not of the fallen angels. I have testimony to obtaining some of these powers. I have some discernment gift. How else would I tell you things about this movie in this way? This movie is a shrine to psychic abilities. You can find an example at the 17:40 frame and many other instances in this movie.
5) When Professor Xavier puts that helmet on his head for psychic powers that is called cerebrum in the X-Men world. When he does this he is participating in Astral Projection. In real life you don’t need a fancy helmet to do this. You can see this referenced in the movie at around the 1:07:30 frame. Chris LaSala is a Christian authority on this. Listen to what he has to say about Astral Projection because he has done it.
6) I still need to explain the demiurge to you which is an amazing concept. This is Luciferian stuff. Lucifer convinced 33% of the angels who were already in heaven to listen to him that they could be gods. He promised this to Eve in the garden. It is the same false promise over and over again. The New Age loves becoming your own god. That means the New Age loves Luciferianism. Make no mistake about it. Now you know.
It gets worse. People who are Luciferians think the Creator is some kind of idiot. They think that the “true god” is the god who convinced Eve to eat from the fruit of the tree of knowledge (which was Lucifer of course!). They view the Creator as the enemy because he told Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge. They have a word for the Creator. They call him “the demiurge”. This page explains the demiurge much better than I could.
The demiurge exactly describes this movie. X-Men Apocalypse paints Yahweh as a wicked god who needs to be corrected by New Agers like Professor X and Jean Grey and Mystique. This movie is a giant Luciferian New Age recruiting tool. Don’t let it work on you. Christianity and the New Age absolutely do not mix. There is more …
Mocking the Flood
Did you notice the mocking flood scene? When Apocalypse is recruiting Magneto to be one of his new Four Horsemen he tells Magneto to “feel deep into the earth to raise up the tiny metal particles out of the earth”. Metal will rain upwards creating a metal flood. This will destroy all of creation. This is a mocking flood story.
God sent the first flood in the days of Noah to destroy the wicked civilization (of which was almost everyone except 8 people on the ark). That was the “first apocalypse” by the way (by water). X-Men Apocalypse mocks the flood with a metal rain scene originating from the ground instead of rain water from the sky.
Yahweh promised Noah that he would never send a flood again to destroy all of civilization. What was his symbol for this promise? It is the rainbow. Look closely in the scene around frame 1:02:46. What do you see? Do you see metal rainbows?

Today’s Luciferian culture tries to mock the works of Yahweh and Christ as best they can. They call good evil and call evil good all the time (Isaiah 5:20). The are trying to hijack the rainbow for gay pride constantly. I wrote about this extensively in He Wants His Rainbow Back. Also read about Noah and the flood in Genesis 6 through Genesis 9. Do you want more?
Nuclear Apocalypse
Jean Grey (whom is an X-Men with powerful psychic gifts) sees judgement day as a Nuclear War in a nightmare around the 26:45 frame. Apocalypse takes control of all of the nuclear weapons of the world around the 1:11:00 frame. Notice how all of the humans are being “possessed” and their eyes turn black in this scene.
Mocking the Rapture
Not only does this movie have a flood mocking scene but it mocks the rapture as well. Here are Bible Verses about the Rapture. You will certainly notice a few verses from Revelation which is the Apocalypse of John. Now this relates to this movie by a character named Quicksilver. By the way quicksilver is another name for liquid mercury where mercury is one of the seven planetary metals in Alchemy. Think of Alchemy as the “official science of Lucifer”.
Anyways Quicksilver is on his way to meet Professor Xavier. Unfortunately Havoc blew up the mansion while he is on his way. Havoc had to destroy the cerebrum system because it got hacked by Apocalypse. Now there is tribulation at the mansion as it is blowing up and fire is everywhere. Not much different than a mini apocalypse by fire. But Quicksilver has super speed. He is “saving” all of the X-Men before the tribulation arrives. He is picking them up and carrying them out of the tribulation like angels would pick up the elect to save them from the end of days. This sounds a whole lot like the rapture. You can see this scene around the 1:15:00 frame.
Phoenix Rising
Now we have the crescendo of the movie. How is the New Age going to destroy the Creator? With the phoenix rising of course. The female rival. Let me explain.
And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. – Daniel 12:1 KJV
In this scripture the word trouble actually translates to “female rival”. When you hear mother earth, Isis, Ishtar, Semiramis, Inanna, Gaia, the Queen of Heaven, Virgin Mary worship etc. This is all candidates for the female rival. Combine the female rival with the phoenix rising and you get the X-Men comic book character Jean Grey in this movie.
The authors of authoritative Freemasonry texts adore the phoenix and the concept of the phoenix rising. Manly P Hall wrote a book entitled “The Phoenix” for example. Meanwhile the phoenix is analogous with Lucifer by their own writings. And so it goes that this movie concludes with New Age X-Men Jean Grey overcoming “wicked Yahweh” unleashing her Luciferian demon power as the phoenix rising.

It should come as no surprise then that Jean Grey is also called Phoenix in the comic book world. The Luciferians who created this movie consider it a Great Work. They are hellbent on promoting the New Age.
Understand the consequences. To be a New Ager is 1) to be a Luciferian 2) to be a traitor against your Creator and 2) to be a traitor against Christ. Pay attention to how Hollywood is turning many of these “super heroes” into ancient gods and goddesses that were worshipped in the ancient world as idols.