17 Apr

I’m Back

George Costanza - I'm Back Baby

There is a lot of responsibility in running a website like this.  This website is like building a church to me.  I have yet to find a church in my town that gets things right (the dates of the holidays comes immediately to mind).  I use this website as an outlet to preach what I feel needs preaching – be it locally, nationally or globally.  But this is deep stuff.  I understand that.  I have a responsibility to deliver content above and beyond your expectations (and mine).  I take that responsibility seriously.  And so I took a break.  Quite frankly I felt I was missing crucial puzzle pieces – and I cringe at the thought of delivering disinformation.

Within the past few months I have found important puzzle pieces that I truly needed.  I have found new resources that reinforce what my intuition told me all along.  I want to take this opportunity to stress the importance of learning from defectors.  There is much to learn from a fanatic who reverses course 180 degrees.  Defectors are truth archaeologists.  They bring truth to the surface that would otherwise remain a buried truth fossil to the rest of the oblivious world.  That is a beautiful thing.

For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. – Luke 8:17 KJV

And so I will preach this message.  Never give up on anyone.  Today’s fanatic may be tomorrow’s defector.  And with them comes new truths that would have remained hidden otherwise.  It is a lesson in forgiveness.  Jesus (Yahusha) in all his magnificent brilliance knew this …

Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?

Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.

Matthew 18:21-22 KJV

And so I pick up where we left off.  I have some new resources and some exciting new topics.  I can’t promise I will never take time off again.  I openly admit that.  I am still relatively young and I have much to learn.  This is a large responsibility.  I owe accuracy to you the reader.  Thanks for understanding!

27 Dec

Is Yoga Evil?

Chakras and Christianity

Do you have friends who love yoga?  Or perhaps you practice yoga yourself?  Have you ever wondered if yoga is evil?  I wondered this for a while.  To answer the question I must provide a disclaimer about judging evil.  I judge evil by the scripture in the King James Bible. Perhaps you do not. You should ask yourself this question before you read on. Have you ever considered how you judge evil? Perhaps you decide good and evil on your own. After all you have the power to do so by inheritance of the choice made by Eve in the Garden of Eden. This is Luciferianism by the way. To judge good and evil – not by the God of Abraham or by Jesus in scripture – but by your own rules is a Luciferian core concept. Maybe you did not know that. Now you do. Anyways I choose to use the King James Bible for my authoritative reference on judging evil instead of the Luciferian alternative.  I suggest you do the same. That was a little heavy for the intro paragraph. I am sorry about that but I felt I needed to explain that. It is a message that you do not hear often in the mainstream.

I had a lot of reading to do to write this article.  Specifically I wanted to know more about yoga and in detail the chakras according to its own authoritative texts.  By the time I was done researching this topic I was able to answer the question is yoga evil for myself.  I will share that answer with you – but I stumbled upon much more than I bargained for.  This is an important topic for me.  I have many yoga friends.  I put the work in on this research.  This is what I found.

Let us start with popular opinion.  I have heard it said that Jesus justified the third eye and thus endorsed the chakras.  Many on the internet echo the same thing.  What does that mean?  They are referring to Matthew 6:22 – 23 of the King James Version of the bible which reads as follows …

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. – Matthew 6:22-23 KJV

Fine and dandy.  I see “thine eye be single”.  I understand why people infer the 3rd eye from that text.  The concept of the third eye comes from Hinduism.  This is important. Hinduism is a separate religion from Christianity.  They are not one in the same.  I find it fascinating that people are attempting to mix Hinduism and Christianity in our life and times.  This especially happens in Freemasonry.  They mix the two to create something that is neither.  Anyways the third eye is also called the ajna.  It is the 6th chakra (which essentially counts from the bottom of the spine up to the top of the head in 7 regions).  They are essentially represented as “wheels of light” with spokes.  Or the petals of a lotus flower.  Either way they are seven regions of light on the human spine respectively connected by a “web of ether”.  These are Hinduism concepts and I refer to The Serpent Power as my reference.

Here is the first problem.  The issue is I interpret the exact opposite meaning than the interpretation that Jesus approves the third eye.  Here is my logic as follows.  As soon as you apply the concept of the chakras you imply a system of divided light.  The divided light I am referring to is of course the 6 regions of the chakras (some recognize 6 chakras and some recognize 7 chakras).  The system of chakras by definition infers fragmenting “the light of the body”.  But Christ says the light of the body (single) is the eye (single).  He is telling us do NOT fragment the light of the body.  Do not separate and compartmentalize the light.  He is speaking against the chakras in Matthew 6:22-23.  If you do not agree that is fine.  If your interpretation is different I understand.  Just know that it can be interpreted the exact opposite way of endorsing the third eye and the chakras.

As I read The Serpent Power (which is truly a difficult and confusing read) I was astonished at other findings.  It is such a super complicated hierarchy to understand the chakras to the fullest.  I kept thinking about Matthew 11:30 KJV which says …

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. – Matthew 11:30 KJV

Basically there is no way the yoke is easy and the burden is light when learning and practicing the chakras.  Right out of The Serpent Power it says that it could take multiple reincarnations to master it.  By the way reincarnation is not compatible with Christianity.  Well actually for fallen angels who demon possess humans throughout the generations then reincarnation is a real Christian concept. Not the pleasant evolving kind though. The bottom line is Hinduism is complex. If I may quote Albert Einstein …

The definition of genius is taking the complex and making it simple. – Albert Einstein

Take note of Hinduism and how incredibly complicated the religion is (multiple “reincarnations” are often necessary just to “get it right”).  Take note of Freemasonry and the “secret degrees” and how incredibly complicated the system is.  Take note of the Kabbalah.  Take note how the Kabbalists pour over the Torah until they can “find hidden meaning” in the Torah (the original 5 books of the Old Testament).  Until black is white and white is black.  Until the exact meaning is not.  The occult and the esoteric are complex on purpose.  They must create confusion to justify lies.  The yoke is not easy.  The burden is not light.  It is not endorsed by Jesus in scripture of Matthew 11:30 KJV.

I now build my case further with stronger evidence.  I ask a simple question.  How does the God of Abraham wish to communicate with us?  Surely through the words written down of Jesus.  But what if he chooses to communicate with us in these life and times?  Are opening the chakras required for Godly communication / Godly union?  I am reminded of the God of Abraham’s brilliant words in Numbers 12:6 …

And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, [I] the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, [and] will speak unto him in a dream. – Numbers 12:6 KJV

The God of Abraham tells us in plain black and white how he communicates with “the prophets”. If anyone is to get a clear message from God then the prophets would be the people to get clear communication.  Numbers 12:6 does not say “Hear my words.  Open up your chakras if you wish to communicate with me.”  He absolutely does not say that.  No one ever leans on Numbers 12:6 when looking to justify the opening of the chakras.  This is because you need not tap into the astral plane for supernatural communication with the the God of Abraham.  He never instructed this is the way!

Let me make one thing clear before we move on.  I have zero doubts that the chakras have power.  I absolutely do not doubt supernatural powers and messages come through the chakra orbs / portals / channels / whatever.  I do not doubt it at all.  But if not from the God of Abraham then from what being does instruction via the chakras come?  What governing gods speak through the chakras?  Actually each chakra has a god associated with it.  They are Hindu gods.  I now refer to the text The Serpent Power …

Deities residing in each of the Cakras or centres without propitiating whom it is impossible for the practitioner to lead the Kundalini through these Cakras. – The Serpent Power

Ladies and gentlemen the chakras (which are in each and every form of yoga whether you know it or not) have non-Christian dieties associated with them by their own authoritative text. As a Christian I cannot endorse paganism and polytheism.  The chakras each have a Hindu god. This is SEVEN Hindu gods in your body if you maximize the chakras within you. I cannot say it any clearer.  These are idols.  How much clearer can this be?  Do I really need to reference all of the King James bible verses that oppose polytheism and paganism?  How about this one  …

He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the Lord only, he shall be utterly destroyed. – Exodus 22:20 KJV

We also have the first commandment in Exodus 20.  You get the point.  The God of Abraham is not a fan of competing gods and idols.  He absolutely is not. How can the chakras mix with Christianity when we know each chakra is regarded as its own god in the authoritative text on chakras?  The answer is simple.  It isn’t. And it can’t.

I could stop right here – but I can’t – because it gets much worse.  There are grander conspiracies surrounding all of this.  If you sift through the confusing platitudes that is The Serpent Powers you will stumble upon a concept which dominates the chakras.  That concept is the kundalini.  It appears 320 times in the book The Serpent Powers.  And the word “yoga” appears a staggering 615 times.  This is yoga at it’s maxim.  The kundalini is the goal!  But what is kundalini?  Let me now quote The Serpent Powers to describe the concept of the kundalini to you …

I have here called the Serpent Power.  Kundala means coiled. The power is the Goddess (Devi) Kundalini, or that which is coiled; for Her form is that of a coiled and sleeping serpent in the lowest bodily centre, at the base of the spinal column, until by the means described She is aroused in that Yoga which is named after Her.

What is the kundalini?  It is called goddess Devi (sure not Jesus).  It is called the serpent fire.  It is called the cosmic energy in the body.  It is called the static form of the creative energy.  It is called Prana Devata.  It is called Shshti-sthiti-layatmika.  There are many names.

Can you think of a few not-so-obvious names for the kundalini?  I will now illustrate the not-so-obvious for you if I may.

The first that comes to mind is Nehushtan.  Nehushtan is a fascinating idol.  In the Old Testament the God of Abraham instructs Moses to put a bronze fiery serpent on a pole to protect the Israelites from poisonous snake bites after they got a bit rebellious with the creator.  It is a common symbol on hospitals and ambulances to this day as a symbol of healing.  It is a biblical example of serpent worship. Notice that the God of Abraham never said to worship the serpent.  It was meant as a temporary fix.  The serpent wasn’t meant to be worshiped as a pagan god.  But serpent worshiping was (and still is) a problem.  In 2 Kings 18:4 KJV worshiping the brazen serpent is condemned.  Yet the practice of serpent worshiping is exactly what the kundalini concept is.  2 Kings 18:4 is yet another bible verse against chakras and the kundalini.

The kundalini is the journey of a cosmic serpent that according to Laya Yoga rests dormant in all of us.  As it is aroused it travels up the spine from chakra to chakra to the top of the head.  The kundalini energy serpent makes its way through the chakras through the spine like an organic serpent den.  I am not making this up.  That is what the kundalini is as described in depth in The Serpent Power.  More blountly the kundalini is the entire purpose of Laya Yoga and in truth other yoga styles as well (just not emphasized in all cases).  Just read The Serpent Power if you can stomach it.  You will see.  Next time you go to the YMCA to burn off a few calories in yoga class think about that.  The whole dichotomy of yoga – its very purpose – is to prepare the physical body for a serpent energy to pass up and down your spine from chakra to chakra.  They will sell you on the other “health benefits” but that is the goal.  What else need we say about serpent worship?  Are you familiar with Roger Morneau?  Are you familiar with his book “A Trip to the Supernatural” and his narratives of Nehushtan?  Please get familiar.

In which direction would you like me to continue?  I didn’t even mention the obvious serpent in the garden of eden which tempted Eve.  In Christianity serpent worship is condemned.  But not to a “Christian” man named Mahatma C.W. Leadbeater.  Mr. Leadbeater wrote an authoritative work called The Chakras.  He studied under an ascended master.  If anyone knows the chakras it is C.W. Leadbeater.  This is a man who clearly feels that Christianity and Hinduism can and do mix.  Are you prepared for this?  Enjoy Mr. Leadbeater’s explanation of why the two can mix …

The force of kundalini in our bodies comes from that laboratory of the Holy Ghost deep down in the earth. It belongs to that terrific glowing fire of the underworld. That fire is in striking contrast to the fire of vitality which comes from the sun, which will presently be explained. The latter belongs to air and light and the great open spaces; but the fire which comes from below is much more material, like the fire of red-hot iron, of glowing metal. There is a rather terrible side to this tremendous force; it gives the impression of descending deeper and deeper into matter, of moving slowly but irresistibly onwards, with relentless certainty. – C.W. Leadbeater – The Chakras

Let me just ask you a quick question.  If you are a Christian do you believe the Holy Spirit lives in the underworld?  Do you feel the Holy Spirit is a “terrible tremendous force”?  If so then maybe the chakras are for you.  If so then Hinduism is right up your alley. If not maybe read Matthew 12:40 …

For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. – Matthew 12:40 KJV

Turns out Jesus didn’t want to stay in the heart of the earth. Imagine that. Who knew but it turns out deep down in the earth is actually where hell is according to Matthew 12:40 KJV.  Turns out that hell is not the home of the Holy Spirit according to scripture.

Let me go one level deeper just in case you are not convinced. I now propose an actual conspiracy.  So many styles of yoga incorporate the kundalini. Kundalini is serpent worship. Those are easy associations.  But let me peel back the onion yet even a little further.  Actually I need to bring up Satanism at this point.  That’s right.  We have made a full leap from “is yoga evil?” to “here is a crash course in Satanism”.  This is how far removed we are from Christianity at this point.

Sooo in the Satanic Bible there are four crown princes of Hell.  They are Satan, Lucifer, Belial, and one other.  Do you know the 4th?  I know the fourth crown prince.  It is none other than Leviathan.  Leviathan is sometimes a sea monster.  Sometimes a serpent.  Always a powerful demon.  Ironically I found a Satanist website where the Leviathan is described as “an unstoppable force from within man”.  I care not to link to that page.  Geez that description sounds a lot like – the kundalini.

I have made the case for yoga and the chakras being in direct opposition to Christianity.  I go so far as to propose a conspiracy.  I compare the kundalini to the Fourth Crown Prince of Hell known as Leviathan.  I justify this from authoritative texts and persons on the chakras and Satanism as I have quoted above.  Check my sources.  I hope this is food for thought for you.  It sure was food for thought for me.

07 Jun

Snoop Dogg – California Roll – Canubis 420

California Roll
It was essential for me to break down Katy Perry – Dark Horse before we talk about Snoop Dogg -California Roll because the two are so intertwined.  I know Dark Horse has been out for a while but it takes time to figure out what is going on in these videos.  I put the research in.  If you read my post on Dark Horse you will A) quickly realize its the best breakdown of that music video on the internet and B) understand the concepts in Dark Horse apply to Snoop Dogg’s new music video California Roll.  Out of nowhere Snoop is promoting Egyptian culture all of the sudden.  We are going to examine why.  For a long time I considered Snoop one of those artists who possibly signed his soul over to the devil – but I appreciated that he really didn’t jam the occult down our throat.  The release of California Roll shows us that is no longer true …
Winged Disc California Roll
This is the “movie poster” for California Roll.  Notice right away we have the popular occult symbol of the winged disc surrounding the word “roll”.  This is the same logo seen on top of the boat in Katy Perry – Dark Horse.  Also on Katy’s decorative amulet around her neck in Dark Horse …Katy Perry Winged DiscYou see it in many logos in society.  You also see it on the cover of Crowley’s Liber Al Vel Legis.  Also known as The Book of the Law.  Also known as the foundation of the Thelema religion …The Book of the Law
Canubis 420
As people take a seat to get a glimpse into the future of Hollywood in a movie-like setting we have this animatronic jackal robot talking to the crowd (I am reminded of the animatronic lion used by Katy Perry in her Super Bowl Performance).  Snoop is the voice.  He introduces himself as “Canibus 420”.  Of course this is a tongue-in-cheek reference to cannabis which is the recreational drug marijuana (a reference to 420 being the same thing).  I don’t really care about that.  I care much more about Canubis being a sly reference to Anubis which is the Egyptian grim reaper god of the dead.

And God spake all these words, saying,

I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

Thou shalt have no other gods before me. – Exodus 20:1-3 (KJV)

Aeon of Horus
Here we have a glimpse into the future of Hollywood.  Who knew?  In the “future” (or likely already the present) Hollywood has been lead back into Egypt.  You will clearly notice the pyramids, the Eye of Horus which is discussed at length in my Dark Horse breakdown, the Hotel Sphinx, a mural of Egyptian goddess Isis that gets cut off by the bottom of the screen, and a golden idol of Anubis (in jackal form) near the bottom right.  Snoop has been making music videos for 20 years.  So the question is why is Snoop promoting Egyptian culture in year 20?  The answer is kind of deep but I will explain.  In short it is the renaissance of the Thelema religion.  I bring this up time and time again because it is being jammed down our throats every day.Now before we go on I must mention the Black Pharaohs and the ancient Kushite Kingdom.  For example the Black Pharaoh Piye overthrew Egypt for a significant time in the 700 BC era.  Piye was a powerful ancient Kushite Nubian King.  He was a Black Pharaoh.  Is Snoop simply paying homage to his ancestors?  Maybe – but here is my point.  The Kushites were pagan.  They worshiped pagan gods.  They even had a Cult of Anubis.  Anubis is not Christ.  Its not Christian and it’s not Christ.  That is my point.  The ancient Kushite religious beliefs jive with the modern Thelema religious beliefs.  It is that simple.  Exodus 20:1-3 (KJV) aka the First Commandment still very much applies (mentioned a few paragraphs ago).Moving on past the Kushites.  Things have changed for the worst after December 21st 2012.  That is known in the occult world as the end of the Age of Pisces / Aeon of Osiris and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius / Aeon of Horus.  Remember all the fuss about December 21st 2012 being the end of the world because the Mayan calendar quits counting after that day?  Well the world didn’t end but the occult world kicked it into high gear.  Basically Thelemites and many other sister occult religions look to Christ as a product of the Aeon of Osiris aka the dying god.  That aeon has passed.  It is a new aeon now.  Horus is to be ushered in.  Christ is to be ushered out.  Not just Christ but his teachings.  These are the beliefs of the Thelemites – not me.  I am explaining their mentality.  That is the reason you are seeing a rise in Egyptian propaganda especially after 2012.  Snoop has been making music videos since the early 1990’s.  I will double check but I cannot remember a Snoop Dogg music video with heavy Egyptian propaganda until California Roll.  Now Snoop’s Murder Was The Case music video from 1994 is very interesting but not for Egyptian culture reasons.  It deserves it’s own post but not today.

Back to the task at hand.  Concerning the Thelema.  The Thelema religion is an occult religion founded by Aleister Crowley in the early 1900s.  I would describe Thelema as a combination of Egyptian / Kabbalah / Alchemy / Black Magick / Freemasonry / Astrology / Pagan concepts.  It is all of these things.  Pretty much anything but Christianity.  If you are seeing praise of Egyptian gods in a music video you are likely seeing Thelema propaganda.  That is a great indicator.  Consider one of the essential books of the Thelema is The Book of Thoth where Thoth is an Egyptian god of magick.  The Book of Thoth is where we get the Thoth Tarot Cards from.  Crowley helped author those cards.  Now you know.

Isis Gold Idol
I dig the flying car Snoop.  I don’t dig the golden idol of Isis on the building in the top left of the scene.
Canubis on Buildings
We are still taking a tour of the new Hollywood.  Clear as day we have a large image of Anubis the Egyptian god of the dead in the top left.  He is depicted here with a jackal head and a human body.  On the opposite side of the street we clearly see “Canubis” in writing on the building.
Spirit Diagram California Roll
This is one of the most significant screens in the music video California roll.  The woman that Snoop is trying to initiate with an occult ritual is depicted “breathing in the spirit of Anubis”.  It is sketched out as pseudo-hieroglyphics right here in this screenshot above for all to see.  The lady is to inhale in the spirit of Anubis sent forth.  Breathe in the spirit of Anubis.  Become Isis incarnate.

And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. – Acts 2:4

Last time I checked the Egyptian god of the dead Anubis isn’t the Holy Spirit.  Far from it.

Isis Propaganda
I can’t really believe what I am seeing but this is clearly a propaganda poster for becoming Isis incarnate.  The mindset reminds me of the Nazi propaganda film Triumph of the Will.  California Roll is no different from Triumph of the Will.  The only difference is instead of Nazi propaganda it is Thelema propaganda.  The desire to be worshiped as a god is the very offence that got Lucifer banned from heaven when he challenged the throne of the Almighty.  Read Paradise Lost sometime.  Or just read the King James Bible …

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. – Isaiah 14:12-15

You cannot become a god by breathing in the spirits of Egyptian gods.  Or by taking in pagan gods.  Or by taking in demons or fallen angels or any of their legion.  You can only become essentially a pompous Luciferian standing in opposition to the teachings of Christ.  Now you may become a powerful pompous Luciferian for some time on this earth …

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? – Matthew 16:26 KJV

Selling your soul to the devil is sooo Aeon of Osiris.  Breathing in Egyptian gods is the new spin on selling your soul.  You can read the bible quotes.  I need say nothing more about it.

Snoop Dogg Sharing Canubis Spirit
Snoop Dogg breathing out the spirit of Anubis into the crowd for the woman to initiate the ritual of becoming Isis incarnate.  This is just like what was diagramed out in the hieroglyphics on the wall of the building a few screenshots ago.  In what other music video have I seen the invocation of the spirit of Anubis?  Ohhh yeah.  I saw it in Dark Horse when Juicy J emerged from an Anubis tomb …Invocation of Anubis
Becoming Isis
The woman breathing in the spirit of Anubis sent forth by Snoop Dogg in accordance with the heiroglyphic-style plan laid out earlier in the screenshots above.
Life as Isis
Isn’t life great when you breathe in the spirit of Anubis and become Isis incarnate?  You get to ride in the caddy in the sky.  Until the caddy in the sky runs out of gas and crashes back to earth.  They don’t get to that part.  There is always a catch in selling your soul.  There is always a tremendous price to pay.  Snoop obviously doesn’t have a problem with that – for now.
Stevie Wonder Snoop Dogg Pharrell
Here we have Stevie Wonder, Snoop Dogg and Pharrell taking their place atop the capstone on the pyramid.  This screenshot is capstone vs cornerstone dichotomy.  Start paying attention to whenever you see people hanging out on top of pyramids where the capstone traditionally belongs.  The capstone is the place of The Grand Architect of the Universe (TGAOTU) in European Masonry which is the key to understanding what the Illuminati is.  I talk about this at length in my Jay-Z post. Atop the European Masonic pyramid is the capstone.  The capstone is oppression.  It suppresses weight and it relieves no one under the pyramid of any weight.  It presses down on all underneath with relentless pressure.  The capstone is totally reliant on the compliance of the structure below to hold it up in its high place position.  For all these reasons it is a great symbol for the Illuminati and many people consider the Great Seal the symbol for the Illuminati.  Did you notice Katy Perry taking her place on the capstone in the music video Dark Horse?  Did you notice that she has the wings of Isis?  I did …The CapstoneNow there is a symbol that stands in direct opposition to the capstone and that is the cornerstone …

The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner. – Psalm 118:22

A cornerstone is a stone found at the base of a building where the foundation joins two walls.  It supports an entire building’s structure and it has weight but it bears the weight of many stones that are built on top of it.  The cornerstone is Christ.  He is not the capstone.  He is on the opposite side of the building …

 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. – Matthew 11:28-30 (KJV)

So take notice to cornerstone vs capstone dichotomy.  It has occult meaning that stands in opposition to Christ.  Hopefully now you are able to conclude some similarities between Katy Perry – Dark Horse and Snoop Dogg – California Roll.  I look forward to breaking down Snoop Dogg – Murder Is The Case.  There is much to learn when we re-visit that classic from 1994.  It sure does explain a lot.

31 May

Katy Perry – Dark Horse – Occult Overload

Katy Perry Dark Horse
There are so many occult references in the mega hit music video Katy Perry – Dark Horse.  I took on a personal challenge to explain them all to you.  You will not find a better breakdown of Dark Horse on the internet.  The Dark Horse music video is the definition of mainstream.  The true meaning of the symbolism is light years away from mainstream.  The video has been consumed more than 975,000,000+ times.  That is not an exaggeration.  Who amongst us can speak intelligently on the meaning of all this symbolism?  Can you?  In a few minutes you will be able to.  That is certain.
Winged Disc and Wadjet
In this scene we see Katy Perry on a boat.  Take note to the wadjet in the lower left corner of the screenshot.  It is the eye symbol.  The wadjet has many names including the Eye of Ra (sun god), the Eye of Horus, the All Seeing Eye,  the Great Seal, etc.  The reason the wadjet has occult meaning is because it is associated with magick.  It is also associated with The Grand Architect of the Universe in European Freemasonry (see my Jay-Z post) but the Freemasons adopted the symbol from the Egyptians.  Therefore we must examine the Egyptian origin first.  In Egyptian mythology the god Horus gets in a fight with the god Set.  Horus loses his eye in the battle while Set loses his testicles.  The Egyptian god Thoth repairs the damaged Eye of Horus with magick.  This is the wadjet.Now the design that composes the wadjet has mathematical meaning.  There are fractions and senses associated with the wadjet.  It is a complex symbol.  The interesting detail about the fractions is when added up the sum is 1/64th short.  This 1/64th has legend to represent the magick that Thoth used to restore the damaged Eye of Horus.  The meaning of the eye has magick as its foundation at every turn.  Aleister Crowley relies on the Eye of Horus in many aspects of the Thelema religion (especially the Great Seal).On top of the boat is another intriguing symbol.  It is the popular occult symbol of the winged disc.  You see it often in many logos.  Now you see it on the cover of Crowley’s Liber Al Vel Legis.  Also known as The Book of the Law.  Also known as the foundation of the Thelema religion …

The Book of the Law

Wadjet Hair
At 39 seconds we have the wadjet hairstyle.  Lets be thankful it never caught on.  I just explained the wadjet in detail above.
Giant Wadjet
I see the giant wadjet.  Who doesn’t see the giant wadjet?
Red Sulfur
This pile of red powder is very intriguing.  Katy Perry enjoys disintegrating all of her suitors into a big piles of red dust in Dark Horse.  Contemplating things like “what is the symbology of big piles of red dust” are the things that keep me up at night.  Something very similar happens in Rihanna music videos.  We will talk about that some other time (there is a direct relation).  It took me months and months to find any kind of relevant explanation to a pile of red powder.  It was only when I started reading more about alchemy that I stumbled across the concept of the Red King.  The Red King is an alchemy concept which is Luciferian.  It is the title of Mark Alan Smith’s witchraft book for summoning Lucifer (in a series of witchcraft books called the Trident).  Finally we have this Crowley excerpt about the philosopher’s stone …

And this is the stone of the philosophers that is set as a seal upon the Tomb of Tetragrammaton, and the elixir of life that is distilled from the blood of the saints, and the red powder that is the grinding up of the bones of Choronzon. – The Vision and The Voice – The Cry of the 4th Aeythr – Aleister Crowley

The Universe Thoth Tarot Card
This is the most occult scene in the entire video.  Hard to believe considering I have covered the wadjet three times, the winged disc and the Perfect Red King of Sulfur and I’m only 1 minute and 25 seconds in.  Believe me.  This is the gravest scene of them all.  I now refer to my previous Katy Perry post concerning her Super Bowl performance.  In that performance Katy Perry brought the Lust Thoth Tarot Card to life in her performance.  Oops she did it again.  This is The Universe Thoth Tarot Card brought to life.  Yet another Crowley design …The Universe Thoth Tarot CardWe have the Egyptian god all-star roster in this scene.  We have Horus the hawk-head god, Anubis (looks like a dog with long ears), Thoth (long nosed bird head), Maahes (the Egyptian god of war), and the cat headed god Bast.  These Egyptian gods are far from the God of Abraham.  Quite the opposite end of the spectrum.  An excerpt from Exodus 20 from the King James Version Bible …

And God spake all these words, saying, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.  Thou shalt have no other gods before me.  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.  Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;  And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. – Exodus 20 (KJV)

Serpent Anklet
Covering up one eye is a popular thing to do in Hollywood.  This is standard wadjet / All Seeing Eye / Eye of Ra / Eye of Horus symbolism.  Forgive these celebrities.  They know not what they do …Eye of Horus Celebrities
Holy Grail
The concept of the Holy Grail is not limited to the Arthurian legend.  Even beyond the sought after relic of the cup of the Last Supper.  The Holy Grail is an alchemy concept as well.  It is reserved for creating the philosopher’s stone which is a goal of turning base metals into gold.  Notice the bronze serpents intertwining the large chalice here by Katy Perry.  We will talk about those bronze serpents shortly.  This is not your average cup.  This is Holy Grail symbolism.  Also related to the Red King / red powder.  Once again we refer to Crowley text …

Beneath his feet is the Kingdom, and upon his head the Crown. He is spirit and matter; he is peace and power; in him is Chaos and Night and Pan; and upon BABALON his concubine, that hath made him drunk upon the blood of the saints that she hath gathered in her golden cup, hath he begotten the virgin that now he doth deflower. And this is that which is written: Malkuth shall be uplifted and set upon the throne of Binah. And this is the stone of the philosophers that is set as a seal upon the Tomb of Tetragrammaton, and the elixir of life that is distilled from the blood of the saints, and the red powder that is the grindingup of the bones of Choronzon. – The Vision and The Voice – The Cry of the 4th Aeythr – Aleister Crowley

Bull God Golden Calf
Do you see the pagan bull-god hood ornament?  I do.  There are several animal gods of the zodiac that have been worshiped as idols from ancient times to current day.  They are the bull, the lion, the goat, and the ram. See my explanation of bull-god symbolism in my car logos post.
Invocation of Anubis
Here we have two Bast cat-god servants worshiping Anubis.  He is the Egyptian guardian of the dead from the underworld associated with embalming and funeral rites.  In this scene we have an Anubis casket.  Juicy J is inside.  Soon he will emerge from the casket of Anubis.  You don’t just emerge from an Egyptian Anubis casket without having some kind of occult meaning behind this.  This is a full-blown Anubis incantation.  Likely a ritual to become possessed by the spirit of Anubis.  Do you doubt the ritual worked?  This music video has 975,000,000+ views.  Some force is behind that kind of promotion.  You may have just watched a demon summoning ritual.  That is the reality of the situation.  Think about that for a little while if you must.
Scorpions and Serpents
I draw your attention to two things in this screenshot.  First we have the golden scorpions (the dice are hanging from them).  The scorpion is of course the 11th sign of the zodiac.  Astrology is part of occult symbology for sure.  It is also fundamental to many occult religions (certainly not excluding Thelema).  It could certainly be a reference to Serket who is the Egyptian goddess of scorpions.  It could also refer to Belial who is coined the scorpion god by Trident author Mark Alan Smith.  Either way golden scorpions are certainly not praise to the God of Abraham.Do you notice anything else in this screenshot?  What about the serpent on the rod?  Very symbolic through the generations.   We may refer to the King James Bible for this excerpt …

And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. – Numbers 21:8 (KJV)

But it hardly applies here in context because no one is bitten by a poisonous snake in this video.  Maybe it applies on some other metaphysical level – but I don’t see it.  What applies more likely is the showdown with Moses and the Pharoah and the Egyptian sorcerers …

So Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh, and thus they did just as the LORD had commanded; and Aaron threw his staff down before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent. Then Pharaoh also called for the wise men and the sorcerers, and they also, the magicians of Egypt, did the same with their secret arts.  For each one threw down his staff and they turned into serpents. But Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs. – Exodus 10-12 (KJV)

There is a lot of serpent worshiping in this music video.  You will never catch me saying magick has no power.  You will not find me saying that sorcerers and wizards cannot use magick to accomplish powerful works.  I believe they can and do.  I point to this excerpt to humbly point out why you shouldn’t 

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. – Revelation 21:8

By the way, brimstone is another word for sulfur.  Maybe the Book of Revelation isn’t your thing.  Just in case you need to hear it from the almighty himself …

There shall not be found among you [any one] that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, [or] that useth divination, [or] an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.  For all that do these things [are] an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. – Deuteronomy 18:10-12 (KJV)

Phallus Worship
Did you notice the belts of the servants are indicative of phallus worshiping?  I did.
Sobek Egyptian Crocodile God
One of the suitors unmasks himself to reveal his identity.  His identity is yet another Egyptian god.  That Egyptian god is Sobek.  He is God of the Nile, the Army, military, fertility and of crocodiles.
Wadjets and Serpents
Wadjet on the dance floor.  Bronze serpents in the background.
Serpent Dog Collar
Did you pick up on the serpent dog collar?  I did.  There are pretty much golden serpents in every scene.  Or perhaps more like brasen (bronze) serpents.  The bronze serpent is the pagan god Nehushtan …

He removed the high places, and brake the images, and cut down the groves, and brake in pieces the brasen serpent that Moses had made: for unto those days the children of Israel did burn incense to it: and he called it Nehushtan. – 2 Kings 18:4 (KJV)

Author of Trip Into The Supernatural and Luciferian defector Roger Morneau saw Nehushtan worship with his own two eyes by the Luciferians when he was recruited to worship with them in Montreal.  You can learn a lot from him.  Pick up a copy of the Trip Into The Supernatural for a truly excellent read (I do not get paid for that link as this website is not monetized in any way).

TGAOTU Necklace
Here we have the suitor approaching with the wadjet necklace.  The notable part about this necklace is the wadjet’s place in the triangle.  Once the wadjet is in the triangle for me it takes on the symbol for The Grand Architect Of The Universe (TGAOTU).  This suitor comes offering a kingdom to Katy Perry.  She can then take her place on top the pyramid and she is thrilled to do so.  I will devote an entire blog post just to that concept.  It is that important.  When I do I will link it here.
The Capstone
Katy Perry takes her place on the capstone of the pyramid.  It is an important topic.  I will cover it in detail in its own blog post coming up soon.  When I do I will link it here.
Winged Disc Amulet
Notice the winged disc amulet (of which we have discussed the wing disc earlier).  Notice the “T” in the center.  Is it a stretch of imagination to imagine the “T” stand for the Thelema religion of which its texts feature the winged disc on top of most book covers including two Crowley works The Book of the Law and The Vision & The Voice?
Red Sulfur
I have never set red powder on fire but I imagine that if red powder were burning it would look a lot like this cloud.  Remember when we talked about the red powder earlier?  This is the red powder burning.  It is red steam.  We will talk about this in-depth in a future post.  I will link to it here when I do.  I will likely come back and add more details to this post.  Stay tuned.
28 Apr

The Baltimore Riots and The Purge

The Purge In Baltimore

The Baltimore Sun has reported that a horror movie called “The Purge” has inspired High School students to spark anarchy in the city of Baltimore.  The violent protesting is being referred to as The Baltimore Riots or The Baltimore Uprising.  In this article it is documented that an invitation flyer was circulated around social media to invite High School students to participate in a real-life purge.  The city could burn itself to the ground and it will be done at the hands of its own people.  I have some things to say about it.

I start from a point of reference.  I wasn’t there.  I wasn’t there last week when a man named Freddie Gray was mortally injured by six police officers.  Maybe he was the most innocent man in Baltimore.  Maybe he deserved what he had coming.  I wasn’t there.

Were you?  Can you bear witness?  Or can you only bear false witness?  “Demonstrators” have become judge jury and executioner on the streets of Baltimore.  This is more Judge Dredd than The Purge.  At least The Purge ends after only one night in fantasy land where it is government sanctioned policy of all things.  Let’s sail right past the MLK quotes.  I’m going biblical.  There are only two choices.  You are either bearing true witness or you are bearing false witness.  YHWH thought false witness was important enough to make it one of only Ten Commandments written on the tablets of stone …

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour – Exodus 20:16 KJV

It is a serious offense.  So before you take up your sword in false witness I have some very constructive alternatives.  It applies in Baltimore.  It applies in Ferguson.  It applies in the Rodney King LA riots.  It applies in all riot situations.  A rule to live by.  Never criticize unless you have a superior plan to put in place.  In America we have a national government, a state government, a local government, a trial system, a police force, judges, magistrates, all the like.  They all may be unfair, corrupt, and rotten to the core.  That very well may be true – and therein lies the opportunity.  That injustice is your calling to take up the cross – not take up a molotov cocktail.  You aren’t satisfied with the police?  Good.  Become a police officer.  Raise the bar.  You aren’t satisfied with the magistrate?  Become a magistrate.  You don’t like the President?  God help us all because I would never want that job but you can vote him out (in theory).  Or you can become President (clearly only a select few have the means).  This is the society I want.  Not what we have playing out in Baltimore.  Now with that said destruction is not always a bad thing.  It is often required.  But what is the accompanying constructive action?  What is the “win”?  We have none in Baltimore.  And that’s the problem with anarchy.  No one knows when the win happens.

The concepts of anarchy and chaos are not lost on the powers that be.  Far from it.  When you participate in chaos you are often a pawn in the game – especially when its funded on both sides.  Research the Hegel Dialectic.  Divide and Conquer.  Order out of chaos.  It doesn’t matter your class or race.  You too can educate yourself on chaos theory.

Back to The Purge.  I have seen the movie – but I generally don’t watch horror movies.  I have my reasons.  A long time ago I quit watching demon possession movies for example.  I quit watching vampire movies.  I quit watching werewolf movies.  I understand the entertainment value.  I also understand that by willfully observing that stuff I am endorsing it on some level.  A popular thing to say is “you are what you eat” – and there is truth to that.  You are what you let in (even if it is just a tiny spark).  It starts with the willingness to consume it.  Those sparks become an inferno when enough garbage is let in.  Music is not so different from the movies …

“If one listens to the wrong kind of music, he will become the wrong kind of person”. – Aristotle

Aristotle was a smart man.  Speaking of Aristotle let’s talk about another man from the old school named Dante Alighieri.  Dante wrote a well-known classical work called the Divine Comedy.  Within it we find a traditional interpretation of the layout of Hell.  This can be  found in Volume I called Dante’s Inferno.  I suggest picking up a copy where the cantos (chapters) are explained in plain English with cliff notes.

I’m not endorsing Dante’s Inferno as fact – but you can use Dante’s Inferno as a general guideline to establish “how damning are human actions on the hierarchy of evil?”.  Check out “Dante’s Inferno the 7th circle in the outer ring”.  Also check out “Dante’s Inferno the 8th circle Bolgia 9”.  Finally “Dante’s Inferno 9th circle Round 2”.  There are only 9 major circles of hell in Dante’s Inferno.  We have descended very deep within the pit.

I’m not going to tell you who goes to those circles of Hell and what happens in those circles.  I don’t want to ruin the surprise.  Google it and find out for yourself.