The Red Dragon of Old

I haven’t been writing much. For the most part I have just been living out my Christian walk, minding my own business, not fearing a virus, living in a general state of shalom (the Hebrew word that translates into “peace”). The Lord will convey any message that I need to receive in it’s due season. The due season must be here to discuss The Fiery Red Dragon of Old.
My cousin sent this theory to me. The thought of it never crossed my mind in my adult life. When I was a child I had dreams of the End of Days. One of them was as follows. May this be a testimony of it. I had a dream that I was standing outside in the front yard. It was dark outside. In the sky was a planet approaching earth getting larger and larger as if a collision was possible. It woke me up in fear. It’s not a dream I think about often. I don’t claim to be a prophet – but I can testify I did have this dream.
I also had a dream that it was midnight and the sun was still bright in the sky as if it were daytime. I definitely had these two dreams when I was younger. These two dreams now apply to the theory of The Fiery Red Dragon of Old.
This is not my theory. As far as I can tell, this is the theory of astronomer Gil Broussard. It is called the Planet 7x theory. You can see all of his work at . I’m going to highlight some of the theory in this post for those that are new to this. I find it extremely fascinating.
When we talk about the Planet 7x theory we are talking about a red metallic planet (possibly composed of iron) which comes in close proximity with Earth every few hundred years to wreak havoc. Not every close encounter of Earth and Planet 7x results in annihilation – although some events could possibly fit into this narrative. I suppose it depends how close the encounter comes in that particular year. Even more fascinating is Gil Broussard’s proposition that certain Biblical Events fit this Planet 7x narrative – not only in the past – but of things to come.
You may be asking yourself “what kind of havoc can an iron planet 7 times bigger the size of earth cause in close proximity”? Good question. Some examples include meteor showers, hurricane winds, earthquakes, tsunamis, lightning strikes that wipe out miles of land, and large asteroid strikes to name a few. This Planet 7x is capable of massive destruction on Earth.
I think it’s important to mention why this planet is considered 7 times the size of earth. A 3 hour window is key, and I will explain this below, but let’s crunch other numbers first. Let’s start with the moon. Because the moon is only capable of a total solar eclipse for 7 minutes 31 seconds at a diameter of 2,158 miles, then a solar eclipse of 3 hours would equal a mysterious planet of 51,792 miles in diameter causing such a 3 hour solar eclipse. Now because Earth’s diameter is 7,917 miles then 51,792 divided by 7,917 is equal to about 6.54x the size of Earth in approximation.
Now where did this 3 hour solar eclipse window come from? From the Bible …
Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour.
Matthew 27:45
This 3 hour solar eclipse mentioned in scripture is something I have never contemplated. Matthew 27:45 needed pointed out to me specifically to force me to question what phenomenon could have caused a 3 hour solar eclipse? Well, the answer is a 50,000 mile planet could explain this. A planet 7x the size of Earth could explain this.
A reliance on Biblical Events separates Gil Broussard from other Nibiru / Planet X / Nemesis / The Destroyer / Wormwood / Hercolubus / Comet Typhon theorists. Gil uses Biblical text to support this theory in many instances. Personally I find the Planet 7x intriguing – and quite possibly the truth!
I want to encourage you to explore this theory for yourself – as Gil indicates that these times are candidate years for the return of Planet 7x according to scripture. This is a particular hint worth noting from The Book of Revelation …
And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars
Revelation 12:1
In this case the astrological sign Virgo (the woman) will have the moon under her feet in the spring (writing this in the year 2021). The crown of 12 stars can be explained as the constellation Leo above Virgo. Therefore these times are a candidate for a Planet 7x arrival. Beyond that, these times are a candidate for the Book of Revelation to be fulfilled – if Revelation 12:1 is read as an astrological event. Are the scriptures an allegory to a star chart? It needs to be considered.
There is a tremendous amount of free resources available at . Also a paid digital download is available on that website. Virtuous Dreams is not compensated in any way for any products ever (just fyi). But specifically worth examining are the images in his Planet 7x Shared Google Drives which are just spectacular in visuals and detail.
Gil explains dozens of Biblical Events in terms of Planet 7x encounters. From Noah’s Flood to Sodom & Gomorrah to the Exodus of Egypt to Hezekiah’s Sun Dial to the very hour of the Son of Man’s crucifixion. Gil has insight into 20+ events with this theory. This is worth your time exploring.
Can you imagine the people looking up in the sky while Christ happens to be on the cross and a giant red planet shows up for 3 hours to block out the sun?