07 Aug

Witness the Tyrants

Denver Airport Soldier Painting

The year is 2021 and freedom is under attack. In America, it would be too easy to blame the Democrats for this assault on freedom. If it were only that simple. Many Republicans are just as guilty if not more. They have blood dripping from their hands too. Let’s analyze this current insane world. I’ll try to provide some insight you won’t find elsewhere.

I already had a clue what would be happening from my news sources. I have been tuned into Mike Adams at the Health Ranger Report blog for about 6 months now. Also Info Wars at banned.video has been extremely insightful as well. Surely there are many other quality alternative media news sources. These two just happen to be my current favorites. For example, have a look at this specific blog post from the Health Ranger entitled the five phases of vaccine coercion. That’s the one that tipped me off as to what is here and what is coming. In one sentence, the unvaxxed are being hunted.

But why?

If the vaccinated have the strong will to defend their vaccine, shouldn’t we infer that their vaccine honestly protects them, to earn their endorsement? But if their vaccine cannot protect them, then by definition, their vaccine isn’t very good, and shouldn’t be strongly endorsed? Can’t it just be that simple? Fine by me if there are folks whom want to participate in experimental health procedures. I’m all about medical freedom.

But that’s not the narrative. The narrative is some kind of strange thing where the vaccine is being forced, but does not protect from contracting, nor prevent spreading, nor kill the virus. It only “prevents terrible symptoms and death”, so we are told by the mainstream media and big tech. But if you take the vaccine and experience terrible symptoms, you are told “that means the vaccine is working”. It is laughable, the “logic” that is being pushed. You are to take the vaccine so you do not have terrible symptoms, but many whom take the vaccine experience terrible symptoms from the vaccine itself, including death. That is the narrative being pushed by mainstream media. It’s a terrible joke, but you are to buy into this without questioning. In one sentence, this is all a lie.

And that’s where things get dangerous. People with discernment, people with the Holy Ghost, people with a relationship with Christ, people whom experience dreams and visions from the most high God, and people whom love the truth see through all this censorship and all these lies. If you love truth ladies and gentlemen, it is a dangerous thing for you in the flesh. That makes you a key witness against the liars and a prime witness against tyrants. That’s a problem for you in this life. I’ll show you why with some reference to scriptures …

And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

Luke 4:5-6 KJV

Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

John 18:36 KJV

Jesus himself tells you that this world is not his Kingdom in the scriptures. The Devil himself tells you this world is his Kingdom in the scriptures. These two verses tell you whom is the boss of this world. Many are just learning this for the first time, as they have come to realize tyrants are attacking their freedoms from all directions and all kingdoms upon the earth. This is going to be a very hard lesson for many. We move on …

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

John 8:44 KJV

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 14:6 KJV

Here we have two direct quotes from scripture. Jesus is telling you directly and plainly that the Christ literally is the truth and the Devil is literally the father of lies. He goes so far as to say there absolutely is no truth in the Devil. So now we can conclude the following directly from scripture. The Devil is the boss of the kingdoms on the Earth and he’s running around telling everybody lies. Is the COVID-19 narrative starting to make more sense to you now?

Let’s shift gears to current times. What happens in the real world when an innocent bystander comes forward and identifies a drive-by shooter? What happens to whistleblowers in big companies when they come forward with testimony against corruption? What happens to Jeffrey Epstein in a prison cell? All three are in danger. Some will survive. Some will not. But all three are in danger, and the reason they are in danger is because they are witnesses to the truth.

It is no different when we are witnesses against tyrants. You are witnessing against the Devil and his minions. I have established this directly and plainly from scripture. The Devil is boss on the Earth. Your flesh is in danger on the Earth when you witness to the truth against the lies. Especially against BIG LIES, kind of like the ones being pushed by mainstream media right now.

Lies are rarely sensored.

For quite a few years now my passion has been seeking and finding truth. When I find something juicy that is not being written elsewhere, I write it and post it for you. At the same time, posting truth puts me in danger. My policy has always been to treat the enemy with respect, but to still report the truth anyways. We’ll see where that gets me in these dangerous times. Matthew 10 definitely applies. Yet knowing all this, I say this to you …

Be bold witnesses.

Download YouTube videos before they are deleted (aTube Catcher is a good software for this). Save web pages as PDF before they are deleted (search for browser extensions to do this, but also this way works for Firefox and this way works for Chrome). Save all evidence against tyrants and devils to external hard drives. Store your hard drives in strong and secure places (i suggest an aluminum poker chip case).

Be bold witnesses unto the end.

07 May

GetVaccineAnswers.org is Blatant Propaganda


I keep hearing radio commercials for GetVaccineAnswers.org. So I stopped by the Get Vaccine Answers Org website to see what they had to say. These clowns at GetVaccineAnswers.org are pushing a narrative of heavy biased propaganda in favor of vaccines. So I fixed their “Vaccine Safety” page for the average reader. I now present to you an unbiased version that people can make an unbiased decision based on reality. My own commentary can be found within the inserted brackets …

Vaccines are approved or authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [the current authorization is “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) only because alternate treatments like hydroxychloroquine, zinc, chlorine dioxide, ivermectin, and Vitamin D were suppressed and slandered by mainstream media and big tech so that emergency use only approval would go through], which sets strict standards for clinical trials [a typical vaccine development timeline takes 5 to 10 years to assess whether the vaccine is safe and efficacious in clinical trials according to Johns Hopkins University and the current batch of COVID-19 vaccines have not been tested for even a year] and rigorously evaluates scientific data submitted by vaccine developers [vaccines are killing people at +4,000% in 2021 according to VAERS data]. Once vaccines are made available to the public, the FDA continues to monitor vaccines very closely for safety [COVID-19 vaccines are only approved under emergency use only by the FDA – use at your own risk – a tremendous risk with possible irreversable side effects].

Researchers began developing vaccines for COVID-19 more than a year ago in January 2020 [not even close to the standard 5 to 10 year vaccine development / clinical trial window], based on decades of understanding immune response and how vaccines work [in those decades, the FDA has never approved an mRNA vaccine due to disastrous results in animal trials]. Thousands of volunteers participated in clinical trials that started that spring [hereby known as “the guinea pigs”], making sure we can trust the vaccines to be safe and effective [honorable doctors have zero clue what the medium to long term health effects are of mRNA vaccines].

Based on the results [due to the insane supression of alternative treatments that actually worked], the FDA has authorized multiple vaccines for public use [emergency use only]. In December 2020, the FDA authorized two versions of COVID-19 vaccines (Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech) for the American public. A third (Johnson & Johnson) was added in February 2021 and is currently available for use in the United States after a pause in April 2021 [due to coagulation in the blood – also known as blood clots]. Doctors and medical experts with many years of experience regulating vaccines evaluated information about the safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality of the vaccines prior to making their decision [and also 100,000+ doctors and health professionals known as “Doctors for Truth” oppose the COVID-19 vaccines].

After a vaccine is authorized [emergency use authorization only – take at your own risk] by the FDA and made available to the public, experts continue to closely monitor the vaccines for ongoing safety [Facebook and Twitter will delete your posts if you have something negative to say about vaccines] and to help us learn more about questions like how long vaccines will provide protection [people who are vaccinated are still catching COVID-19 and also the cycles on a PCR test can be adjusted easily to make it look like someone has / doesn’t have COVID-19].

Here is the original biased propaganda article for your viewing pleasure …


You will find this fascinating disclaimer on the GetVaccineAnswers.org website “the answers on this site were developed with and vetted by the CDC”. Their blatant propaganda tells you everything you need to know about the CDC.

24 Jan

Survivor Mentality

Alone TV Show

The harshness of winter has set in. Bitter cold has arrived in the region I live. The mainstream media won’t let COVID-19 hysteria die, and so Americans continue to be essentially prisoners in our own houses. I haven’t feared any virus for well over 6+ months. I don’t fear a virus that kills 1%. I don’t fear a virus that kills 99%. Bravery is directly linked to freedom. A nation of faithless cowards has forfeited freedom. When the LORD comes back, will he find any faith on the Earth? Not at CNN Studios, that’s for sure.

I have been enthralled by a television show called Alone. Most television makes me cringe, but I can appreciate this specific show. The premise is as follows. Ten people are dropped off on Vancouver Island with bears, cougars, and wolves in a survival contest. The last man standing (or woman) wins $500,000. Contestants are allowed to bring 10 approved items with them. Most bring a hatchet, a saw, fishing line, a sleeping bag, and a cooking pot, and a fire starting device. Some bring archery bows and arrows. Firearms must not be allowed, because no one brings those.

This Alone show is a crash course in the prepping lifestyle and survival tactics in general. It may be the most useful television show on cable in my opinion. It is fascinating to see their daily struggles in the wild. This show got me to thinking at the macro level. I came to the following realization. Americans are essentially all contestants in a survival game show. We have 300,000,000+ contestants right now. Most just don’t know it though. I will explain further.

Malicious Mainstream Media Machine

Consider the situation an American now finds themselves in. You have a weaponized mainstream media actively trying to program you to hate innocent people and innocent things without a cause. Trump is the prime example. But also any COVID natural remedies are hated in this backwards and upside down America. Other nations are declaring Vitamin D to be effective for example. The United States will do no such thing. Other countries embrace trying well established treatments like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin to treat COVID-19. Why is our country not allowed to embrace these things? Because we have rushed vaccines to push. We have a mainstream media that loves the coronavirus. They never want it to go away. They want this curse on you for life.

Who can honestly say what the long term effects of a rushed vaccine are? Part of my survival strategy is to observe volunteering guinea pigs to see what this injected cocktail does to them. Famous baseball player Hank Aaron took the vaccine. He’s dead now. Was his death not related to the vaccine at all? Who knows, but it’s not helping boost confidence.

I have a question. Does anyone honestly think that the LORD released a pestilence on the Earth and then demands the people solve this issue by injecting a cauldron of aborted babies that fundamentally modifies the way our cells function at producing proteins? Does that sound like a decision based on strong faith to you? It doesn’t sound like a decision based on strong faith to me. It sounds like massive deception to me.

A Book for the Brave

So why do people want this vaccine? Fear. What does the Bible teach us about fear? There are dozens of scriptures addressing this. Let’s have a look …


The Bible is a book for the brave. Dozens of scriptures encourage living without fear. There is to be a fear of the LORD, and that’s about it. Even so, with a plague or a pestilence, the LORD will remove this curse from the land. A cauldron from a science lab with aborted male baby ingredients is an abomination. Perhaps even the Abomination of Desolation? In the Old Testament it is the rival god Moloch who demands child sacrifice. Do not be fooled by Moloch worshipers.

Abomination of Desolation

Let’s talk about the Abomination of Desolation briefly as spoken by the Prophet Daniel in the Old Testament. Some insight into this …


It is insightful to me that there was an Abomination of Desolation event in 167 B.C. where a Greek ruler by the name of Antiochus Epiphanies constructed an altar to Zeus on the altar of burnt offerings within the Jewish temple located in Jerusalem. Antiochus then sacrificed a pig on the altar. This event is referred as the abomination of desolation. Fast forward to today. The Christmas Ham and the Easter Ham anyone? It looks like a strong correlation.

Lately I have been pondering this. If the COVID virus was manufactured by men, is that an abomination which causes desolation? Or is the vaccine response, if a poison, an abomination which causes desolation? Yet more things we have to survive.

Fake Votes

There are much more obstacles to survive than just a virus and a vaccine. If only that were the end of it. Your elections have been weaponized against you as well. It appears your vote has been watered down to less value than a discarded bubble gum wrapper. The American People – by the tens of millions – wanted their day in court to see the evidence presented. There were thousands of affidavits witnessing voter fraud across the USA. Thousands of documents were collected. See the Select Evidence of Election Fraud, Case for Michigan Decertification, Election Fraud Facts and Details, and the Critical Issues with the 2020 Election. Here is Mike Lindell’s Absolute Proof Video. The American people deserve their day in court – to prove or disprove high crimes. Now we must survive an America with highly suspect voting systems.

Traitors in Congress

But if only our problems ended with fake votes. Congress has surely been weaponized against you. Did you see the contents of the COVID Relief Bill? $600 to Americans. Billions are to be sent to other countries. Congress tries to distract us with staged events and treacherous plots. There is no fooling the millions of Americans whom have observed the facts contained in that COVID Relief Bill. To summarize, the truth is this …

Congress has stolen from the American people in our time of need.

Not every member of Congress is a traitor – but many. The law making body is now predominantly traitors regardless of political party. The bottom line is we now have to survive the traitors in Congress.

Weaponized Government Branches

If only our problems ended within the walls of Congress. It is likely that entire branches of the American government have been weaponized against you. The Supreme Court is too cowardly to judge when dozens of STATES bring a case to be judged. Lower courts are the same level of corrupt along political lines. The land is deprived of justice from top to bottom. Consider this about the FBI , the CIA , the IRS , the NSA , and the FDA. A shout out to Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com for providing this food for thought. It is possible that entire branches of the US Government have been weaponized against it’s own people? These are more obstacles you will have to survive.

Who Runs the World Anyways?

Why is the governing body and the courts being infiltrated with devils?

And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.  And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

Luke 4:5-6 KJV

Because from Satan’s own words, this world has been given to the Devil. These are his kingdoms to rule. This is the nature of our fallen world. This message is further confirmed by Christ …

My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

John 18:36 KJV


It wasn’t wolves and cougars and bears that you needed to worry about in America. It was the wolves in our government. They are doing the bidding of their god Satan whom is the ruler of this world. They will come for you. They came for all the apostles. They came for Christ himself. All were hunted down for free speech essentially. They’ll hunt you down too if you are doing this right.

There is a reward at the end of this game show. All you need to do to win here is get saved. Eternal winners.

Do the LORD’s work in the mean time. When your options run out, smile when the enemy arrives at your door.

29 Nov

Recognize, Resist and Repent

Recognize Resist and Repent

I want to talk about what I would describe as outward manifestations. As I walk around in my community, or observe friends and family online, there is a lacking of discernment on this topic – which I would call outward manifestations – and I will do my best to describe it in this post.

Halloween was last month. Have you ever truly asked yourself why some people choose the costumes they do? You can pick almost any costume in the world in most cases. Yet some people literally choose to dress up as devils with horns on their heads. Or vampires or witches or werewolves or anything else in between. Sharpen your discernment. What has influenced these people to dress up like devils and witches etc? It is an outward manifestation of what is within. Like a mirror reflecting the spirit within. That is what some of these horrific costumes are. These costumes are an accurate portrayal of what is inside a man / woman.

The same for the music we choose to listen to. When you are choosing to listen to excessive violent and vulgar lyrics, that is telling of what is within. When you are choosing to watch horror movies filled with blood and gore, that is telling of what is inside of you. What about video games people choose to play? Some people’s cup of tea is Grand Theft Auto, The Witcher, World of Warcraft, Diablo, and Call of Duty. What does that choice actually say about a person? Personal preference, or something a bit more sinister to those with the discernment to recognize?

Here is yet another example. When you participate in violent riots against your neighbors whom are innocent, that is indicative of what is living under your skin. You whom are so concerned about the color of skin, what color is the spirit fueling your heinous actions against your innocent neighbors underneath your skin as you burn down their livelihoods? These are yet more examples of outward manifestations.

It is the same for anyone endorsing election fraud, it is the same for the mainstream media willing the American people to believe lies, it is the same for social media / search engines banning those whom tell the truth when big tech doesn’t like the truth. This concept lead me to scripture that I needed to see. Now you can see it too …

Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

John 14:17 KJV

But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me.

John 15:26 KJV

Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

John 16:13 KJV

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

John 8:44 KJV

Notice that another alias for the Holy Ghost is “Spirit of Truth”. That’s a direct quote from Christ himself according to scripture. And what of the Spirit of Lies? People who lie belong to their Father of Lies. That is their allegiance. Again, direct quoting Jesus here.

Did you know that Jesus cast out demons on 10+ occasions in the New Testament? Tell me, when so many want a vaccine for a virus with a +99% survival rate in today’s world, which scientist invented the vaccine for demon possession? Point me to the exact day in history that wicked spirits living in people was “cured”? You will never find any scientist having cured this. They never have – of course. The point is this is is still a huge problem today and so very few realize it. This is a much larger of a problem than COVID-19 in my opinion. The Lord of Lords decides if and when a virus takes me out. That’s called Faith.

Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

Luke 18:8 KJV

Back to the topic of wicked spirits. Some say that a Christian can’t have a demon in them. It doesn’t work that way from my experience. I find instead the following to be the case. Many wicked spirits were in you, and once you recognized they are indeed inside, whether Christian or not, some will come out as you get victory over sins. The further refined towards righteousness you gravitate, the more wickedness comes out, because you are starving the sin to death. Recognize, Resist, and Repent is an excellent formula to live by. Self deliverance using these techniques can be achieved on many fronts.

Yet perhaps in some cases you cannot achieve self deliverance, then one more powerful than you at overcoming the iniquity should be able to drive that thing out of you. It is written …

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

Matthew 7:3-5 KJV

That is an advantage of a true Deliverance Ministry – but these are rare and hard to find. I suggest the teachings of Chris Lasala on such things.

I wanted to share a short testimony that happened to me just recently. I have written before that I beat the sugar demon – and I did. But sometimes I let my guard down. Far from me to declare myself as a perfect finished product. Far from it.

A few weeks ago, my nephews and nieces got a ton of candy trick or treating. I am no fan of Halloween the pagan holiday. Unfortunately I do have human weakness for Twix Bars and Reeses Cups on occasions. So I ate some of their Halloween candy. After that regretful indulgence, for the next week or so, every day it was like something in my mind trying to get me to eat donuts and soda pop and candy etc. I then realized that Halloween candy probably came with more than I bargained for. There was probably a wicked spirit attached to the consuming of that candy. I told my girlfriend about this. She is learning about being a Christian, and her reaction was “it is parasites”. Now there is probably wisdom in what she said, that not only can there be a wicked spirit but also a physical issue such as worms, or a virus, or a cancer etc. But in my specific case, I told her “I will resist all sugar and I’ll literally cough this thing out in a few days”. This statement was a bit too shocking for her. She should trust me on such things. As sure as the sun is in the sky today, I denied sugar for a few days, and then I was laying on my couch and had a strong coughing spell out of nowhere. After that scenario played out, the “sugar withdrawal headache” was suddenly gone and I was back on track. Self deliverance. I literally coughed out an annoying sugar demon.

Recognize, Resist, Repent. Try that powerful combination for yourself and see if you don’t get results.

27 Sep

Mainstream Media Hypocrisy


I was doing a little research in the last week or two with the goal to answer a random question. My goal was to find out “who owns the NBA”? I started digging into that question and it lead me down quite a rabbit hole. Keep this thought in mind as we go through this blog post – it’s called television programming for a reason.

I began to research the question “who owns the NBA”. Sometimes the fine print is useful. If you visit NBA.com and scroll to the bottom of the website, you will see this notable disclaimer …

Pay close attention to this part …

NBA.com is part of Turner Sports Digital, part of the Turner Sports & Entertainment Digital Network.


Turner Sports is named after the Southern Gentleman Ted Turner of course. Here is some key due diligence on Turner Sports. Most people do not know this …

Following AT&T’s acquisition of Time Warner in 2018, it was announced in March 2019 that the Turner Broadcasting System would be dissolved, and its assets dispersed into Warner Bros. and two new units. Turner Sports will be combined with CNN and AT&T SportsNet into a new division known as WarnerMedia News & Sports, led by CNN president Jeff Zucker.


There you have it. CNN is part owner of the NBA because CNN owns a lot of the broadcasting rights and the NBA.com website. Now of course Adam Silver is the NBA Commissioner. Digging into Adam Silver I found something astonishing. Apparently others noticed this “trend” as well. Here are two incredible photos I found analyzing the religions of recent mainstream media executives. This is remarkable …

Now here at Virtuous Dreams I’m for people being hired on their own merit regardless of ther race / religious affiliation. If these employees are the most qualified for these positions then so be it. But I personally find it shocking that the mainstream media – whom love to accuse people of being racists – have organizational charts that look like this. The hypocrisy is nothing short of laughable when pointed out!

This trend of major media companies only hiring a specific type of person got me thinking about a topic. I want to talk about the modern day Pharisee. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees sharply and often in his day. How would we recognize a modern day Pharisee in our times? I want to have a look at some of the talking points to identifying a modern day Pharisee …

A Pharisee denies Christ is the Messiah

That’s an obvious conclusion. A Pharisee is not a Christian … yet. These are people whom do not accept the Christ as the Messiah. The Pharisees consider themselves experts in the law. Therefore I present these 44 prophecies of the Christ found in the Old Testament for their own benefit.

Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him.

Matthew 12:14 KJV

Pharisees are Hypocrites

Have you ever seen a company accuse their enemies of being racist, then you look at their company organization chart and see that their employees are overwhelmingly the same race and religion? That’s what a hypocrite does.

Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.

Luke 12:1 KJV

The Pharisees are Accusers

Ask America’s 45th President Donald J. Trump if the mainstream media has ever accused him of anything. The modern day mainstream media makes accusations all day every day.

Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk.

Matthew 22:15 KJV

The Pharisees are Blind Guides

Would the mainstream media ever try to guide us? Remember my point at the start of this blog post, it is called television programming for a reason. Programming is meant to guide your thought.

Here is mainstream media programming personified. Promote every pagan holiday. Hide the real holidays. Endorse bacon on everything. Celebrate LGBTQ Pride. Confuse the genders. Glorify feminism. Accuse their enemies of being racist. Hire everyone in the high ranks as the same race and religion. Hate true Christians. This is their ways.

Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.

Matthew 23:24 KJV

Outward appearance means a lot to the Pharisee

The Mainstream Media wears lovely suits and ties on TV.

Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

Matthew 23:28

Pharisees lock people out of heaven

Their ways are not Christian and they teach others to not be Christian.

But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in. 

Matthew 23:13

And then it was clear to me …

The mainstream media are modern day Pharisees.