The Bell Has Been Rung

There was a man on the earth that cracked the code to the meaning of the virus named COVID-19. I wasn’t the one who cracked it – but I do know who did – and I’ll tell you all about it.
Before we get to cracking the secret meaning of the name COVID-19, I did find the following strange coincidence on my own. Have a look at this hip hop album cover from 1996 …

This is the artwork to the hip hop single “Woo-hah!! Got You All In Check” released in 1996 by rapper Busta Rhymes. Fast forward 24 years later. The year is 2020 and the world is being quarantined (got you all in check) by a virus supposedly originating from Wuhan, China (Woo-hah!!). How can that be explained?
I have said this before. Rappers get their lyrics from somewhere. Are these rappers getting their lyrics from the same source planning lethal viruses 24 years in advance? Have you seen some of Busta Rhymes other album titles? The Coming, When Disaster Strikes, Extinction Level Event, It Ain’t Safe No More, Anarchy, Year of the Dragon? I notice a theme here. Do you?
Back to COVID-19. There is a Preacher in Texas. There is a Prophet in San Antonio. He has taught me many things. His name is Jonathan Kleck. I am a big fan of his. He knows scripture well and he has an ability to find hidden meaning in many things to bring darkness to the light. He brings forth a theory that the mainstream media encodes secret messages via strong’s concordance in news stories.
The purpose of Strong’s Concordance is not to provide content or commentary about the Bible, but to provide an index to the Bible. This allows the reader to find words where they appear in the Bible. This index allows a student of the Bible to re-find a phrase or passage previously studied. It also lets the reader directly compare how the same word may be used elsewhere in the Bible. In this way Strong provides an independent check against translations, and offers an opportunity for greater, and more technically accurate understanding of text.’s_Concordance
Using Strong’s Concordance, each number from 1 to 8674 is assigned a different Hebrew word used in the King James Bible (Old Testament). Similarly, numbers 1 to 5624 also have a Greek word assigned (New Testament).
Jonathan Kleck teaches that these numbers are used by mainstream media to convey secret messages encrypted using Strong’s Concordance. He demonstrates this over and over in his YouTube Videos. His interpretation of COVID-19 is perhaps the crowning achievement.
C = 3rd letter of the Alphabet = 3 = Strong’s Greek for 3 = Abaddon, the angel of the abyss
OVID = Ovidius in Latin origin = ovis = sheep
19 = Strong’s Hebrew for 19 = ibchah = slaughter
One translation of COVID-19 = Abaddon sheep slaughter
There is only one mention of Abaddon in the Bible. It is Revelation 9:11 …
And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
Revelation 9:11 – King James Bible
To be clear, Abaddon is only mentioned once. He is King of the locusts from the pit in the Book of Revelation. This is end times prophecy. I suggest reading all of Revelation 9 to grasp the full story of Abaddon and the locusts from the pit. There are entire movies based around this concept. It is not obvious to those whom do not know scripture. It is blatantly obvious to those who do know scripture. Two vivid examples …
What do you see at the Finish Line of Wreck It Ralph? …
Is this “Steppenwolf” or Abaddon with his locusts in Justice League?
Read Revelation 9 in the King James Bible. Then look at this flying thing from Resident Evil: The Final Chapter …
I have made this point over and over again. Hollywood is relying heavily on the Bible for content. Yet very few of the American population reads their Bibles. So you may as well read the Bible to understand these movies!
We have covered a secret COVID-19 translation which is Abaddon slaughters the sheep based on Strong’s Concordance and “ovid” translating to “sheep”. This is credited to the Prophet Jonathan Kleck (whom would no doubt credit the LORD God for showing him this – as he always does). But there is one more thing I want to cover in this post. Mr. Kleck puts out volumes and volumes of data to share with all the believers, but there is one item in particular I still want to talk about. That is the meaning of his name.
You see, Jonathan Kleck’s birthday is March 16th. His name and birthday is literally John 3:16. His name translates into “Yahweh has given a bell ringer” from Hebrew and German. On his birthday, March 16th 2020, Jonathan Kleck rang the bell. This is the equivalence of sounding the alarm to the true church spread around the globe that the King of Kings is coming back. I am sharing with you this news to be prepared. We know not the day or hour of the exact return. However, you are to be prepared for the return. That is the message.
See the incredible artwork Jonathan Kleck created in his own back yard. It is essentially a small church with a bell tower …
See Jonathan ringing the bell on March 16th his birthday. This is a message for you, the reader, to prepare for the return of the King of Kings. We know not the exact time nor hour. We do know that a Prophet has rung the bell. We do know to be on high alert for the Son of Man to return …
The message is to prepare NOW. The same message is in front of your face in the movies if you know where to look …