Katy Perry – Dark Horse – Occult Overload

There are so many occult references in the mega hit music video Katy Perry – Dark Horse. I took on a personal challenge to explain them all to you. You will not find a better breakdown of Dark Horse on the internet. The Dark Horse music video is the definition of mainstream. The true meaning of the symbolism is light years away from mainstream. The video has been consumed more than 975,000,000+ times. That is not an exaggeration. Who amongst us can speak intelligently on the meaning of all this symbolism? Can you? In a few minutes you will be able to. That is certain. |
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In this scene we see Katy Perry on a boat. Take note to the wadjet in the lower left corner of the screenshot. It is the eye symbol. The wadjet has many names including the Eye of Ra (sun god), the Eye of Horus, the All Seeing Eye, the Great Seal, etc. The reason the wadjet has occult meaning is because it is associated with magick. It is also associated with The Grand Architect of the Universe in European Freemasonry (see my Jay-Z post) but the Freemasons adopted the symbol from the Egyptians. Therefore we must examine the Egyptian origin first. In Egyptian mythology the god Horus gets in a fight with the god Set. Horus loses his eye in the battle while Set loses his testicles. The Egyptian god Thoth repairs the damaged Eye of Horus with magick. This is the wadjet.Now the design that composes the wadjet has mathematical meaning. There are fractions and senses associated with the wadjet. It is a complex symbol. The interesting detail about the fractions is when added up the sum is 1/64th short. This 1/64th has legend to represent the magick that Thoth used to restore the damaged Eye of Horus. The meaning of the eye has magick as its foundation at every turn. Aleister Crowley relies on the Eye of Horus in many aspects of the Thelema religion (especially the Great Seal).On top of the boat is another intriguing symbol. It is the popular occult symbol of the winged disc. You see it often in many logos. Now you see it on the cover of Crowley’s Liber Al Vel Legis. Also known as The Book of the Law. Also known as the foundation of the Thelema religion … |
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At 39 seconds we have the wadjet hairstyle. Lets be thankful it never caught on. I just explained the wadjet in detail above. |
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I see the giant wadjet. Who doesn’t see the giant wadjet? |
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This pile of red powder is very intriguing. Katy Perry enjoys disintegrating all of her suitors into a big piles of red dust in Dark Horse. Contemplating things like “what is the symbology of big piles of red dust” are the things that keep me up at night. Something very similar happens in Rihanna music videos. We will talk about that some other time (there is a direct relation). It took me months and months to find any kind of relevant explanation to a pile of red powder. It was only when I started reading more about alchemy that I stumbled across the concept of the Red King. The Red King is an alchemy concept which is Luciferian. It is the title of Mark Alan Smith’s witchraft book for summoning Lucifer (in a series of witchcraft books called the Trident). Finally we have this Crowley excerpt about the philosopher’s stone …
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This is the most occult scene in the entire video. Hard to believe considering I have covered the wadjet three times, the winged disc and the Perfect Red King of Sulfur and I’m only 1 minute and 25 seconds in. Believe me. This is the gravest scene of them all. I now refer to my previous Katy Perry post concerning her Super Bowl performance. In that performance Katy Perry brought the Lust Thoth Tarot Card to life in her performance. Oops she did it again. This is The Universe Thoth Tarot Card brought to life. Yet another Crowley design …![]()
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Covering up one eye is a popular thing to do in Hollywood. This is standard wadjet / All Seeing Eye / Eye of Ra / Eye of Horus symbolism. Forgive these celebrities. They know not what they do …![]() |
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The concept of the Holy Grail is not limited to the Arthurian legend. Even beyond the sought after relic of the cup of the Last Supper. The Holy Grail is an alchemy concept as well. It is reserved for creating the philosopher’s stone which is a goal of turning base metals into gold. Notice the bronze serpents intertwining the large chalice here by Katy Perry. We will talk about those bronze serpents shortly. This is not your average cup. This is Holy Grail symbolism. Also related to the Red King / red powder. Once again we refer to Crowley text …
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Do you see the pagan bull-god hood ornament? I do. There are several animal gods of the zodiac that have been worshiped as idols from ancient times to current day. They are the bull, the lion, the goat, and the ram. See my explanation of bull-god symbolism in my car logos post. |
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Here we have two Bast cat-god servants worshiping Anubis. He is the Egyptian guardian of the dead from the underworld associated with embalming and funeral rites. In this scene we have an Anubis casket. Juicy J is inside. Soon he will emerge from the casket of Anubis. You don’t just emerge from an Egyptian Anubis casket without having some kind of occult meaning behind this. This is a full-blown Anubis incantation. Likely a ritual to become possessed by the spirit of Anubis. Do you doubt the ritual worked? This music video has 975,000,000+ views. Some force is behind that kind of promotion. You may have just watched a demon summoning ritual. That is the reality of the situation. Think about that for a little while if you must. |
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I draw your attention to two things in this screenshot. First we have the golden scorpions (the dice are hanging from them). The scorpion is of course the 11th sign of the zodiac. Astrology is part of occult symbology for sure. It is also fundamental to many occult religions (certainly not excluding Thelema). It could certainly be a reference to Serket who is the Egyptian goddess of scorpions. It could also refer to Belial who is coined the scorpion god by Trident author Mark Alan Smith. Either way golden scorpions are certainly not praise to the God of Abraham.Do you notice anything else in this screenshot? What about the serpent on the rod? Very symbolic through the generations. We may refer to the King James Bible for this excerpt …
But it hardly applies here in context because no one is bitten by a poisonous snake in this video. Maybe it applies on some other metaphysical level – but I don’t see it. What applies more likely is the showdown with Moses and the Pharoah and the Egyptian sorcerers …
There is a lot of serpent worshiping in this music video. You will never catch me saying magick has no power. You will not find me saying that sorcerers and wizards cannot use magick to accomplish powerful works. I believe they can and do. I point to this excerpt to humbly point out why you shouldn’t …
By the way, brimstone is another word for sulfur. Maybe the Book of Revelation isn’t your thing. Just in case you need to hear it from the almighty himself …
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Did you notice the belts of the servants are indicative of phallus worshiping? I did. |
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One of the suitors unmasks himself to reveal his identity. His identity is yet another Egyptian god. That Egyptian god is Sobek. He is God of the Nile, the Army, military, fertility and of crocodiles. |
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Wadjet on the dance floor. Bronze serpents in the background. |
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Did you pick up on the serpent dog collar? I did. There are pretty much golden serpents in every scene. Or perhaps more like brasen (bronze) serpents. The bronze serpent is the pagan god Nehushtan …
Author of Trip Into The Supernatural and Luciferian defector Roger Morneau saw Nehushtan worship with his own two eyes by the Luciferians when he was recruited to worship with them in Montreal. You can learn a lot from him. Pick up a copy of the Trip Into The Supernatural for a truly excellent read (I do not get paid for that link as this website is not monetized in any way). |
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Here we have the suitor approaching with the wadjet necklace. The notable part about this necklace is the wadjet’s place in the triangle. Once the wadjet is in the triangle for me it takes on the symbol for The Grand Architect Of The Universe (TGAOTU). This suitor comes offering a kingdom to Katy Perry. She can then take her place on top the pyramid and she is thrilled to do so. I will devote an entire blog post just to that concept. It is that important. When I do I will link it here. |
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Katy Perry takes her place on the capstone of the pyramid. It is an important topic. I will cover it in detail in its own blog post coming up soon. When I do I will link it here. |
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Notice the winged disc amulet (of which we have discussed the wing disc earlier). Notice the “T” in the center. Is it a stretch of imagination to imagine the “T” stand for the Thelema religion of which its texts feature the winged disc on top of most book covers including two Crowley works The Book of the Law and The Vision & The Voice? |
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I have never set red powder on fire but I imagine that if red powder were burning it would look a lot like this cloud. Remember when we talked about the red powder earlier? This is the red powder burning. It is red steam. We will talk about this in-depth in a future post. I will link to it here when I do. I will likely come back and add more details to this post. Stay tuned. |