Gauging Genius

I heard some high school students from Florida are revolutionaries. But how smart can you be if you can’t even talk a classmate out of shooting up your own school?
I heard today’s women are brilliant. Brilliant at knowing vanity and makeup and dogs. So did Jezebel. The dogs ate her. So very few know what is actually going on.
Speaking of dogs – did no one tell you that all dogs are the descendants of wolves? Many women in this generation love wolves over men. I can testify of it many times over.
I heard no child gets left behind. But the public schooling system taught me to celebrate Christmas and Easter and Halloween without educating me on their origin. In the end it was the public school teachers who were left behind.
I heard the New Agers have the Christ Consciousness. But they don’t know half the words Christ spoke. They disregard most of scripture which is the documented consciousness of Christ. Strange doctrine.
I heard no one knows who Hecate / Hekate is. Or what she looks like. But Google images knows what she looks like. There is a 305 foot statue of her in New York City. Few know that witchcraft was packaged as patriotism to the American people. This is just one monumental example.
I heard people are furious with Starbucks for racial injustice. Or their Christmas cup designs. Yet no one seems too upset about Melusine.
I heard the colleges – even the “Christian” colleges – will teach you anything except how to get saved. Now pay them absorbent amounts of money to go into debt for common knowledge that anyone can find on the internet for next to near free.
I heard that Pope Francis is the Vicar of Christ. Yet this man now denies hell exists. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
I saw Kanye West is a philosopher now. But I have read Ezekiel 28. I know what happens to the prideful. Know them by their tweets.
I heard the late Stephen Hawking was brilliant. Then I read the Grand Design to take in the brilliance for myself. Now if you are blown away with “spontaneous creation” then brilliance is observed. Mind you that spontaneous creation essentially means everything came from nothing. I would argue if your definition of brilliance is everything came from nothing you have set the genius bar quite low.
I heard our universe started from a Big Bang. And I’m cool with that I suppose. But I am puzzled how that super hot, infinitely dense grapefruit got there in the first place.
I heard E=MC2. The conservation of mass and energy. Yet I can’t help but point out Einstein couldn’t control nor observe all the atoms nor joules in the universe to make sure none are missing on either side of the equation. Perhaps it is E~MC2. Even E=MC2 requires a leap of faith.
I heard everyone is woke. The vegans and the vegetarians, the Democrats, the Republicans, the Black Panthers, the White Supremacists, the Satanists, the New Agers, the Freemasons, the Luciferians, and the Thelemites. Everyone thinks they are woke.
In the end all that mattered is if your Creator knows you are woke. Also known as getting saved.
If you knew this then you were brilliant in your life and times.
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. – Matthew 16:25
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. – Matthew 7:21-23