American Goddess

If you are an American citizen take a look around. There are American Goddesses in your land. Do you see them? Do you recognize them? I’m not talking about movie stars. These are much older. Let me help you see them …
She has a record label named after her. She has a film studio named after her. Did you know media giant CBS stands for “Columbia Broadcast System” (as far back as 1929)? She has an Ivy League school named after her (Columbia University). She is the capital of South Carolina. She graces the name of one of the six USA space shuttles. She is the capital of the United States (District of Columbia)! She is ingrained into the very fabric of today’s American culture.
Who is Columbia?
If we trace her back to her origin we find Columbia mentioned in a poem by Phillis Wheatley addressed to George Washington himself in the late 1700s. We can tell right away she is a goddess. It says so in the poem! Hard to argue with that. But why the name “Columbia”?
Columbia is a New Latin toponym, in use since the 1730s, for the Thirteen Colonies. It originated from the name of Italian explorer Christopher Columbus and from the ending -ia, common in Latin names of countries (paralleling Britannia, Gallia etc.). –
Columbia is a super popular transgender Christopher Columbus goddess. Now you know.
You will find her on the The Great Seal of the State of California. She’s on the Congressional Medal of Honor in an inverted pentagram. This is the highest awarded medal in the military (specifically the Army and Navy versions).
Who is Minerva?
Minerva was the Roman goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare, although it is noted that the Romans did not stress her relation to battle and warfare as the Greeks would come to, and the sponsor of arts, trade, and strategy. From the second century BC onward, the Romans equated her with the Greek goddess Athena.
She was the virgin goddess of music, poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, weaving, and the crafts. She is often depicted with her sacred creature, an owl usually named as the “owl of Minerva”, which symbolised her association with wisdom and knowledge as well as, less frequently, the snake and the olive tree. –
She is the goddess of the Bohemian Grove for several reasons. The Bohemian Club’s seal features an owl surrounded by the slogan “Weaving spiders come not here”. Minerva has a pet owl. The “weaving spiders” slogan has double meaning. The obvious meaning is a reference to a line from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The second meaning is more hidden. Minerva is traditionally the Roman goddess of weaving. Familiarize yourself with the myth of Minerva and Arachne. Minerva turns Arachne into a spider during a weaving contest. Now you know.
Everyone knows her and no one knows her at the same time. That is how I would best describe Hecate. If you grew up in America you have seen her. She is likely the most worshiped statue in the land. Google “hecate statue”. Google “hekate statue”. Do you see any of her statues that knock you off your chair?
I have described her vividly in my post Is America Mystery Babylon – Part 2. One thing I did not mention. Hekate’s animal symbol is the dog. Quite fitting.
Who is Hecate / Hekate?
Hecate or Hekate is a goddess in ancient Greek religion and mythology, most often shown holding a pair of torches or a key and in later periods depicted in triple form. She was variously associated with crossroads, entrance-ways, light, magic, witchcraft, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, ghosts, necromancy, and sorcery. She appears in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter and in Hesiod’s Theogony, where she is promoted strongly as a great goddess. –
Is it by happy accident Wonder Woman’s “real name” is Diana Prince? If that wasn’t bad enough Hollywood is transforming her into Ishtar lately. I have written about that extensively in my Wonder Woman post.
Who is Diana the goddess?
Diana was the goddess of the hunt, the moon, and nature in Roman mythology, associated with wild animals and woodland, and having the power to talk to and control animals. She was equated with the Greek goddess Artemis,[1] though she had an independent origin in Italy. –
Your month of June is named after her. NASA named a space probe after her. Juno’s animal is the Peacock. Media giant NBC uses the peacock as their logo. CBS is Columbia Broadcasting System. Do you see a trend?
Who is Juno?
Juno is an ancient Roman goddess, the protector and special counselor of the state. A daughter of Saturn, she is the wife of Jupiter and the mother of Mars, Vulcan, Bellona and Juventas. She is the Roman equivalent of Hera, queen of the gods in Greek mythology; like Hera, her sacred animal was the peacock.[1] Her Etruscan counterpart was Uni, and she was said to also watch over the women of Rome.[2] As the patron goddess of Rome and the Roman Empire, Juno was called Regina (“Queen”) and was a member of the Capitoline Triad (Juno Capitolina), centered on the Capitoline Hill in Rome; it consisted of her, Jupiter, and Minerva, goddess of wisdom. –
Easter is named after Eoestre. Eoestre is the same goddess as Ostara. Set apart all preconceived notions for the next 30 seconds of your life. Think about this next sentence real hard …
Do you think Jesus approves of a holiday named after the ancient German goddess of spring?
Who is Ostara?
Eostre or Ostara is a Germanic goddess who, by way of the Germanic month bearing her name, is the namesake of the festival of Easter in some languages. Eostre is attested solely by Bede in his 8th-century work The Reckoning of Time, where Bede states that during Ēosturmōnaþ (the equivalent of April), pagan Anglo-Saxons had held feasts in Ēostre’s honour. –Ēostre
See my post about Constantine to understand how the modern day Easter holiday came to be.
We have now arrived at the ancient Babylonian witch queen. Read The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop to understand the concept of Semiramis. Ishtar is just another name for Semiramis.
Semiramis is built into the Statue of Liberty. How so?
By the Ishtar Gate being built into the foundation of the Statue of Liberty.
Semiramis is built into the Washington Monument. How so?
She quarried out a stone from the mountains of Armenia, which was forty meters long and seven meters wide and thick; and this she hauled by means of many multitudes of yokes of mules and oxen to the river and there loaded it on a raft, on which she brought it down the stream to Babylon; she then set it up beside the most famous street, an astonishing sight to all who passed by. And this stone is called by some an obelisk from its shape, and they number it among the seven wonders of the world. – Diodorus of Sicily (Bibliotheca Historica)
The Washington Monument is an obelisk on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. –
Some scholars will say Semiramis wasn’t a “real person”. Who cares? Columbia wasn’t a real person. She is a transgender Christopher Columbus whom never was a real woman! Somehow she got her name on a space shuttle.
You don’t have to be a real man or a woman to be worshiped. You can be a spirit. An idol. An abomination goddess in the land.